ctrlnum 36319
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><relation>http://repository.upi.edu/36319/</relation><title>EVALUASI PROGRAM SMILE (SMART WAY IN LEARNING) DI PUSAT PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA APARATUR BANDUNG</title><creator>Dewi Magfirah S, -</creator><subject>L Education (General)</subject><description>Penelitian ini berjudul &#x201C;Evaluasi Program SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung&#x201D;. Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh gambaran terhadap evaluasi program SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian evaluasi dengan pendekatan penelitian kombinasi. Model evaluasi yang digunakan adalah model CIPP (context, input, process, product) karena peneliti ingin mengevaluasi program SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) dari sudut konteks, input, proses, dan produk/hasilnya. Penelitian dilakukan di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung dengan 66 responden yang terdiri dari 2 administrator, 14 widyaiswara, dan 50 peserta magang dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, angket, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam pengelolaan SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) yang dilakukan oleh administrator sudah cukup baik namun masih terdapat kendala yang dialami yaitu terbatasnya anggaran untuk mengembangkan aplikasi versi mobile phone, revitalisasi infrastruktur WIFI, dan tidak ada legalitas yang mengatur pengelolaan SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung. Penggunaan SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) dalam pembelajaran oleh widyaiswara termasuk dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase sebesar 60,37%, dengan perincian masing-masing aspek yaitu: (1) aspek context 59,38% (2) aspek input 66,07% (3) aspek process 57,69% dan (4) aspek product 58,33%. Adapun penggunaan SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) dalam pembelajaran oleh peserta magang termasuk dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase sebesar 70,28%, dengan perincian masing-masing aspek yaitu: (1) aspek context 68,75% (2) aspek input 73,21 % (3) aspek process 66,67% dan (4) aspek product 72,50%. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan solusi bagi evaluator SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas program SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung.&#xD; &#xD; Kata Kunci: SMILE (Smart Way in Learning), Evaluasi, Model CIPP.&#xD; &#xD; This research is entitled "SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) program evaluation at The Apparatus Human Resources Development Center Bandung". In general, the purpose of this study are to find out and obtain an overview on the SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) program evaluation at The Apparatus Human Resources Development Center Bandung. This study uses an evaluation research design with a mix research approach. The evaluation model of this research is the CIPP model (context, input, process, product) because the researcher want to evaluate the SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) program from the perspective of the context, input, process, and product. The research involves 66 respondents consisting of 2 administrators, 14 widyaiswaras, and 50 interns using purposive sampling. The technique of collecting data are by observation, using questionnaire, interview, and documentation study. The result of this research indicates that the management of SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) conducted by administrators is good enough but there are still obstacles like limited funds for developing mobile phone applications, revitalizing WIFI infrastructure, and no legality governing the management of SMILE ( Smart Way in Learning) at The Apparatus Human Resources Development Center Bandung. The utilization of SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) in learning process by Widyaiswaras is classify in the medium category with a 60.37% percentage, with the details of each aspects are: (1) context aspect 59.38% (2) input aspect 66, 07% (3) process aspect 57.69% and (4) product aspect 58.33%. and the utilization of SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) in learning process by interns is classify in the medium category with a 70.28% percentage, with the details of each aspects are: (1) context aspect 68.75% (2) input aspect 73.21% (3) process aspect 66.67% and (4) product aspect 72.50%. The result of this study can be used as a solution to improve the quality for SMILE&#x2019;s (Smart Way in Learning) program evaluators at The Apparatus Human Resources Development Center Bandung.&#xD; &#xD; Keywords: SMILE (Smart Way in Learning), Evaluation, CIPP Model.</description><date>2019-07-16</date><type>Thesis:Bachelors</type><type>PeerReview:NonPeerReviewed</type><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/36319/9/S_ADP_1506942_Title.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/36319/2/S_ADP_1506942_Chapter1.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/36319/3/S_ADP_1506942_Chapter2.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/36319/4/S_ADP_1506942_Chapter3.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/36319/5/S_ADP_1506942_Chapter4.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/36319/6/S_ADP_1506942_Chapter5.pdf</identifier><type>Book:Book</type><language>eng</language><identifier>http://repository.upi.edu/36319/8/S_ADP_1506942_Appendix.pdf</identifier><identifier> Dewi Magfirah S, - (2019) EVALUASI PROGRAM SMILE (SMART WAY IN LEARNING) DI PUSAT PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA APARATUR BANDUNG. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. </identifier><relation>http://repository.upi.edu</relation><recordID>36319</recordID></dc>
language eng
format Thesis:Bachelors
author Dewi Magfirah S, -
publishDate 2019
topic L Education (General)
url http://repository.upi.edu/36319/9/S_ADP_1506942_Title.pdf
contents Penelitian ini berjudul “Evaluasi Program SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung”. Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh gambaran terhadap evaluasi program SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian evaluasi dengan pendekatan penelitian kombinasi. Model evaluasi yang digunakan adalah model CIPP (context, input, process, product) karena peneliti ingin mengevaluasi program SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) dari sudut konteks, input, proses, dan produk/hasilnya. Penelitian dilakukan di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung dengan 66 responden yang terdiri dari 2 administrator, 14 widyaiswara, dan 50 peserta magang dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, angket, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam pengelolaan SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) yang dilakukan oleh administrator sudah cukup baik namun masih terdapat kendala yang dialami yaitu terbatasnya anggaran untuk mengembangkan aplikasi versi mobile phone, revitalisasi infrastruktur WIFI, dan tidak ada legalitas yang mengatur pengelolaan SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung. Penggunaan SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) dalam pembelajaran oleh widyaiswara termasuk dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase sebesar 60,37%, dengan perincian masing-masing aspek yaitu: (1) aspek context 59,38% (2) aspek input 66,07% (3) aspek process 57,69% dan (4) aspek product 58,33%. Adapun penggunaan SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) dalam pembelajaran oleh peserta magang termasuk dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase sebesar 70,28%, dengan perincian masing-masing aspek yaitu: (1) aspek context 68,75% (2) aspek input 73,21 % (3) aspek process 66,67% dan (4) aspek product 72,50%. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan solusi bagi evaluator SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas program SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) di Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur Bandung. Kata Kunci: SMILE (Smart Way in Learning), Evaluasi, Model CIPP. This research is entitled "SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) program evaluation at The Apparatus Human Resources Development Center Bandung". In general, the purpose of this study are to find out and obtain an overview on the SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) program evaluation at The Apparatus Human Resources Development Center Bandung. This study uses an evaluation research design with a mix research approach. The evaluation model of this research is the CIPP model (context, input, process, product) because the researcher want to evaluate the SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) program from the perspective of the context, input, process, and product. The research involves 66 respondents consisting of 2 administrators, 14 widyaiswaras, and 50 interns using purposive sampling. The technique of collecting data are by observation, using questionnaire, interview, and documentation study. The result of this research indicates that the management of SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) conducted by administrators is good enough but there are still obstacles like limited funds for developing mobile phone applications, revitalizing WIFI infrastructure, and no legality governing the management of SMILE ( Smart Way in Learning) at The Apparatus Human Resources Development Center Bandung. The utilization of SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) in learning process by Widyaiswaras is classify in the medium category with a 60.37% percentage, with the details of each aspects are: (1) context aspect 59.38% (2) input aspect 66, 07% (3) process aspect 57.69% and (4) product aspect 58.33%. and the utilization of SMILE (Smart Way in Learning) in learning process by interns is classify in the medium category with a 70.28% percentage, with the details of each aspects are: (1) context aspect 68.75% (2) input aspect 73.21% (3) process aspect 66.67% and (4) product aspect 72.50%. The result of this study can be used as a solution to improve the quality for SMILE’s (Smart Way in Learning) program evaluators at The Apparatus Human Resources Development Center Bandung. Keywords: SMILE (Smart Way in Learning), Evaluation, CIPP Model.
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