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  • In the culture of society, the mythical mantra is found mainly on the song. This study compares some Western popular songs with some Indonesian traditional songs. The songs which are became the comparison of this study are Hotel California with Rumekso Ing Wengi, Umbrella with Pawang Hujan, Gloomy Sunday with Bangbung Hideung, and Bring Me to Life with Lir ilir. This study also employs the Four-Level Myth framework by Levi Strauss to know the similarities and the differences between those comparison songs. The finding shows that the first comparison has Geographical level, Techno-Economic level, Sociological level and Cosmological level. Whereas, from the second, third and fourth comparison can be found that they have Geographical level, Sociological level and Cosmological level. Those conclude whether the similarities or differences level in each songs of those comparison, are depended on the culture where the songs were made.