Analisis Strategi Pemasaran dan Marketing Mix Pasien Poli Spesialis RSU Haji Surabaya

Main Author: Muhadi
Format: Article info application/pdf Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: LLDIKTI Wilayah VII , 2020
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Patient visits are part of a strategic indicator that indirectly demonstrates organizational performance. Patient-oriented services will have an impact on the trend of new patient visits. There has been a decline in the trend of new patient visits over the last 3 years. RSU Haji establishes a minimum number of new patient visits with a minimum annual standard of 10% of total visits. The purpose of this research is to analyze marketing strategy and marketing mix of new patient visit RSU Haji Surabaya. This research type is quantitative descriptive research with observational study approach, that is researcher do research on new customer RSU Haji Surabaya. The design of this research using cross sectional study model. New patient samples were 68 people using inclusion criteria. The results of this study first, segmentation aspect that is dominated by the group BPJS Health kebani from entrepreneurial employees with income below the regional minimum wage. Second, the positioning aspect of RSU Haji is identical with the hospital strategic location, friendly service, comfortable and quality“. Third, the target market (targeting) found two main groups of general patients and patients BPJS health. Fourth, the marketing mix at RSU Haji obtained the product and promotion aspect is considered good enough while the price and place aspect is quite good. General patients become the hospital’s top priority to increase the number of new outpatient visits.