Daftar Isi:
  • Making CMC with the reaction media of propanol and ethanol solution mixture from water hyacinth have to find out processing water hyacinthmake into CMC, influence reagent of sodium chloroaceticin making CMC process, and optimun condition as degree of substitution (DS), percentage of purity, viscosity, acidity, and percentage of NaCl to have CMC with the high quality.In this process starting with the pretreatment process/cellulose isolation. Cellulose that obtained was alkalized with 30 % (v/v) NaOH solution. This alkalization process using propanol-ethanol solution mixture as a reaction media. The next process is carboxymethylization process, that happened the reaction between alkali cellulose and sodium chloroacetic with variations of mass 16 gram, 17 gram, 18 gram, 19 gram, 20 gram, 21 gram, and22 gram. From this experiment, obtained influence reagent of sodium chloroacetic sizable in making CMC process. More using sodium chloroacetic make parameter result of CMC analysis advance, among them value of degree of substitution (DS) increase from 0.69 to 0.88, percentage of purity increase from 66.50 % to 86.17 %, viscosity increase from 4.20 cP to 10.20 cP, except acidity of CMC indicated trendentionincrease and decrease that is acidity increase from 7.00 to 10.00 and then acidity decrease to 7.00, while percentage of NaCl that obtained decrease from 33.50 % to 13.83 %. Optimum condition of CMC that obtained at the addition of sodium chloroacetic mass as much as 22 gram. The maximum value of degree of substitution (DS) obtained at0.88, percentage of purity at 86.17 %, viscosity at 10.20 cP, acidity at 7.00, and percentage of NaCl at 13.83 %.