Figure 8 from: Hatch AS, Liew H, Hourdez S, Rouse GW (2020) Hungry scale worms: Phylogenetics of Peinaleopolynoe (Polynoidae, Annelida), with four new species. ZooKeys 932: 27-74.

Main Authors: Hatch, Avery S., Liew, Haebin, Hourdez, Stéphane, Rouse, Greg W.
Format: info Image Journal
Terbitan: , 2020
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Figure 8 Macro photos and micrographs of P. orphanae sp. nov. holotype SIO-BIC A6151 and paratype SIO-BIC A9996 A dorsal view, holotype B ventral view, holotype. Segments 12–15 are marked to indicate the presence of four pairs of papillae C frontal view of proboscis showing papillae, paratype. Numbers mark the papillae on the dorsal (seven papillae) and ventral (six papillae) surfaces D right elytron from segment 5, holotype E dorsal view of anterior, holotype F ventral view of anterior, holotype G right side branchiae on segments 8–11, holotype H ventral papillae on segments 12–15 (four pairs) indicated by arrows, holotype I dorsal view of posterior, holotype J ventral view of posterior, holotype. Abbreviations: XII, segment 12; XIII, segment 13; XIV, segment 14; XV, segment 15; ma, median antenna; la, lateral antenna; pa, palp; dac, dorsal anterior cirrus; vac, ventral anterior cirrus; el, elytrophore; br, single large group of branchiae on elytrigerous segment; noc, notochaetae; dc, dorsal cirrus; vc, ventral cirrus; bc, buccal cirrus; br1, branchiae small group 1 attached to dorsal tubercle on cirrigerous segment; br2, branchiae large group 2 attached near base of notopodium on cirrigerous segment; no, notopodium; ne, neuropodium; nec, neurochaetae; dt, dorsal tubercle; anc, anal cirrus. Scale bars: 4 mm (A, B); 2 mm (C–J).