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  • Ivrea Geophysical Body (IGB) model geometry Original publication: Scarponi et al. (2020), Geophys J Int, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa263 We here provide our reference density model for the Ivrea Geophysical Body (IGB), developed by means of 3D gravity data modelling. The IGB model is defined by a single crustal interface, extending across the study area. The density contrast associated with the interface is +400 kg/m3. Study area (latitude, longitude in degrees): - min longitude: 7.5 E - max longitude: 9.0 E - min latitude: 45.4 N - max latitude: 46.3 N Study area lower left corner in latitude, longitude: - 45.4 N, 7.5 E This point is marked as a red circle in the presented figures, and it is used as the origin for the Cartesian reference frame in kilometres (x[km],y[km]). Files' content: - 3D_IGB_Model_Geometry.txt: ASCII text file containing the model geometry in the format: x[km], y[km], lon[deg], lat[deg], depth[km] The Cartesian reference frame (x[km],y[km]) has its origin in the lower left corner of the study area and extends up to 800 km distance from the origin (the study area is extended on purpose during gravity modelling, to avoid edge effects). Here we report the complete model geometry as extracted from the modelling software (IGMAS+). * The reader should focus only on the study area domain, where gravity data has been measured and modelled! * - 3D_IGB_Reference_Model.fig: MATLAB .fig format file showing a rotatable 3D view of the interface defining the IGB model geometry. - 2D_IGB_CrossSections.png: .png format picture showing East-West oriented vertical cross sections of the IGB model. The view is towards the South across the cross-sections. For any question and/or discussion please contact the authors via email at: matteo.scarponi@unil.ch Best regards, Matteo Scarponi and co-authors