Selymbria guianensis Sanborn 2019, n. sp

Main Author: Sanborn, Allen F.
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2019
Online Access:
ctrlnum 4333511
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><coverage>name=Montagne des Chevaux; east=-52.34536; north=4.4961915</coverage><creator>Sanborn, Allen F.</creator><date>2019-06-11</date><description>Selymbria guianensis n. sp. (Fig. 6) TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype. &#x201C; FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne des Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 03&#x2013;VIII&#x2013; 2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.&#x201D; male (FSCA). Paratypes. &#x201C; FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne des Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 17&#x2013;VIII&#x2013;2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.&#x201D; one female (AFSC); &#x201C; FRENCH GUIANA / Orapu, RN 2 pk 65, Commune de / R&#xE9;gina, Abattis de 7 ha en pente, / 4&#xBA;29&#x2019;46.29&#x201D;N 52&#xBA;20&#x2019;43.30&#x201D;W / Manual Light Trap, 05&#x2013;X&#x2013;2016 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.&#x201D; one female (AFSC). ETYMOLOGY. The name is a combination of guiana&#x2014; for the country of origin and&#x2014; ensis (L. suffix denoting place). DESCRIPTION. Ground color of head and thorax tawny marked with piceous in male, paratypes are greenish marked with piceous and greenish tawny marked with fuscous, abdomen castaneous marked with piceous, one female abdomen greenish castaneous marked with fuscous. Color may be chemically altered from collection in traps. Pubescence absent in male probably due to chemicals in traps as well. Live or fresh specimens are probably green marked with piceous. Ground color will be used to describe structures below as it differs in the three specimens. Head. Head wider than pronotal collar lateral angles and mesonotum, dorsal head piceous except spot surrounding median ocellus extending to frontoclypeal suture, small spot lateral to lateral ocelli, small spot on posterior epicranial suture, supra-antennal plates and small triangular mark on anterolateral vertex posterior to supra-antennal plate that are ground color, piceous posterior to eye. Long silvery pile posterior to eye, white pubescent spot posterior to eye near lateral margin in paratypes. Ocelli greenish, rosaceous in one paratype, eyes testaceous. Ventral head piceous except transverse fascia ventral to supra-antennal plate continuous with dorsal mark, posterior margin of gena, anterior and lateral margin of lorum ground color, long silvery pile ventral to eye, on medial gena and on lorum, paratypes covered with white pubescence on ventral head. Postclypeus with nine transverse grooves, central sulcus narrow at apex expanding laterally on posteroventral surface, ground color with dorsal surface posterior to transverse grooves, central sulcus except small triangular mark at anterior expansion and linear region crossing apex, posteroventral region posterior to transverse groove, first four dorsal transverse groove piceous, first three connected along medially by fascia lateral to central sulcus, middle of fifth and sixth transverse grooves, medial portion of seventh transverse groove, and all but the lateral end of the eighth and ninth transverse grooves piceous, white pubescence laterally and posteroventrally in paratypes. Anteclypeus piceous except ground color spot on anteromedial margin and short longitudinal fascia on either side of posterior carina, covered with white pubescence in paratypes. Mentum ground color, medial labium castaneous proximally, fuscous and extending almost to tip in one paratype, lateral and distal labium piceous, tip not reaching to posterior of middle leg coxae, with sparse short silvery pile, denser near tip. Scape and annular mark on proximal pedicel ground color, majority of pedicel and flagellar segments piceous, fuscous in one paratype. Thorax. Dorsal thorax ground color. Pronotum with triangular piceous marks on either side of anterior and posterior midline, posterior mark continues anteriorly as small fascia lateral to midline almost connecting to anterior spot, ambient fissure piceous from anterior lateral fissure to posterior triangular mark. Pronotal collar ground color, paratypes with white pubescence on lateral part of pronotal collar that radiates short pile from the margin. Mesonotum ground color, piceous on disk lateral to lateral sigillae, lateral margin in one paratype, medioanterior and the middle of the lateral margin of the lateral sigillae, between lateral and submedian sigillae, diverging curved marks along medial submedian sigillae margins, between posterior submedian sigillae and scutal depressions, between anterior arms of cruciform elevation extending anteriorly along midline as triangular mark terminating near posterior of submedian sigillae, and posterior mesothorax, posterior mark with central ground color spot in one paratype, marks castaneous in one paratype. Cruciform elevation ground color, wing groove ground color with piceous spot on anterolateral margin. Metanotum ground color with piceous spot at hind wing base. White pubescence and silvery pile on area lateral to lateral sigillae, on lateral cruciform elevation, anteriorly between the arms of the cruciform elevation, dorsally posterior to submedian sigillae, and in posterior wing groove in paratypes. Ventral thoracic segments light ground color except piceous basisterna 2 and 3, katepisternum 2 medial katepimeron 2, and medial episternum 3, covered with white pubescence in paratypes. Wings. Fore wings hyaline with eight apical cells, hind wings hyaline with six apical cells. Cubitus anterior 1 of the fore wing straight between the split with cubitus anterior 2 and the mediocubital crossvein. Venation tawny becoming piceous between apical cells, except piceous proximal half of anal vein 2 + 3 and along distal ulnar cells 1 and 2, tawny replaced with green in one paratype, all veins tawny in the other paratype. Basal cell longer than broad, slightly clouded at base. Pterostigma present. Infuscation on distal wing veins and ambient veins of apical cells 1&#x2013;2 and anterior of apical cell 3, infuscation expanding on wing margin from anterior to middle of apical cell 3. Basal membrane of fore wing gray with dark gray posterior margin. Venation of hind wing tawny proximally, becoming piceous in apical cells, all tawny in one paratype, cubitus posterior piceous in one paratype, proximal anal veins 2 and 3 piceous in holotype. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal vein 3 gray, anal cell 2 along anal vein 2 gray. Light infuscation along outer edge of wing margins. Legs. Legs ground color, distal tibiae and distal tarsi castaneous, proximal majority of tarsi dark castaneous, tarsal claws castaneous at base with piceous tips, tibial spurs and comb castaneous with piceous tips. Fore femora proximal spine ground color with castaneous tip, thin, elongate and acutely angled to long axis of femur, secondary spine castaneous with ground color base, elongated, upright, with slightly curved tip, and very small, upright, ground color apical spine. Legs covered with long and short silvery pile and white pubescence in paratypes. Operculum. Male operculum ground color with piceous spot on lateral base, lateral margin parallel to body axis joining to smoothly rounded posterolateral and posterior margins, posterior medial margin straight, angled slightly towards midline, curved to connect to straight anteromedial margin to base, not reaching posterior sternite II but covering tympanal cavity. Medial margin extending to middle of hind coxa. Meracanthus ground color, elongated with tip curving mediad, reaching to middle of sternite I. Female operculum ground color with piceous spot on lateral base, lateral margin straight, curved posterolateral and posterior margins, terminating medially at middle of meracanthus, reaching to middle of sternite II. Female meracanthus ground color, pointed with tip curving mediad, as long as or slightly longer than operculum. Opercula radiate silvery pile and covered with white pubescence in paratypes. Abdomen. Abdominal tergites castaneous except piceous tergite 1, dorsum of tergite 2, dorsum of tergite 3 not reaching posterior margin and extending transversely on anterior margin, and spot on anterior midline of tergite 4, dorsolateral tergites 6 and 7 with piceous anterior and anterolateral tergite 8 with piceous spot with silvery pile medial to piceous spot on tergite 8 in one paratype, piceous spot in middle of auditory capsule in male holotype, auditory capsule completely piceous in one paratype, ground color in other paratype, tergites with short silvery pile extending from posterior of tergites, silvery pile on dorsal tergite 1, anterior and on either side of midline of tergite 2, and anterior of tergite 3, short piceous pile on tergites of male. Timbal cover only slightly recurved, timbal completely exposed, lighter than remaining tergite. Timbal with ten long and nine intercalary ribs. Female abdominal segment 9 castaneous with piceous dorsal beak, mediad angled dark castaneous fascia extending across anterior half of dorsolateral surface, dark castaneous stigma, and medioventral margin, covered with short silvery pile, long golden pile radiating from ventral surface. Posterior margin of female abdominal segment 9 slightly sinuate. Sternites light castaneous with ochraceous posterior margin, sternite I castaneous, sternite II with piceous midline except anterior margin, sternite VIII a flattened U-shape, radiating long golden pile. Female sternites with similar piceous marks on sternite I, mark on sternite II extends laterally, castaneous becoming darker in posterior sternites. Epipleurites castaneous. Female sternite VII with a deep medial notch, V-shaped anteriorly not as wide as gonapophysis VIII at terminus, forming an obtuse angle and becoming almost transverse to lateral anterior gonocoxite IX, then curving and widening for more than half the length to anteromedial abdominal segment 9 where it curves to transverse posterior margin, dark castaneous spot on either side of notch. Long silvery pile radiating from sternites, sternite I, anterior sternite II, and lateral sternites II&#x2013;VII with white pubescence in one paratype. Genitalia. Male pygofer castaneous, piceous on tip of dorsal beak, with long golden pile on base of basal lobes and short silvery pile on lateroposterior surface, distal shoulder with obtuse angle, dorsal beak elongated, pointed, straight when viewed from the side. Pygofer basal lobe extended to about half pygofer length, flattened laterally reducing to a triangular tip and adpressed to pygofer, pygofer upper lobes absent. Anal styles piceous, extending beyond dorsal beak, anal tube ground color. Uncus lobe castaneous at base and medially, lateral margin dark castaneous at base becoming piceous for most of its length, arched dorsally, ventral margin with medial carina, lateral margin angled laterad from base, curving to straight extension angled mediad to transverse terminus. Lateral dorsal and ventral surfaces radiating long golden pile, extremely dense from ventral base to lateral curve. Aedeagus dark castaneous, theca short with barb-like terminus, long, flattened extensions forming a V-shape above aedeagus. Female gonocoxite IX castaneous with piceous lateral margin, gonapophyses castaneous, lighter at proximal base. Gonocoxite X piceous extending to length of dorsal beak but not as far as anal styles, with radiating golden pile. Anal styles piceous. Piceous fuscous in one paratype. Anal tube ground color. MEASUREMENTS (MM). N = one male or two females, mean (range). Length of body: male 23.2, female 19.35 (18.0&#x2013;20.7); length of fore wing: male 27.1, female 25.40 (24.5&#x2013;26.3); width of fore wing: male 9.2, female 8.50 (8.1&#x2013;8.9); length of head: male 3.7, female 3.53 (3.45&#x2013;3.6); width of head including eyes: male 8.5, female 7.95 (7.6&#x2013;8.3); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 7.75, female 7.10 (6.7&#x2013;7.5); width of mesonotum: male 6.4, female 5.83 (5.6&#x2013;6.05). DIAGNOSIS. Selymbria ahyetios, S. pandora and S. subolivacea can be distinguished from this species by the lack of infuscation on the apex of their fore wing. The infuscation of the fore wing is found on the apex of the fore wing and on basal apical cells 1&#x2013;3 and/or on the radiomedial cross vein in S. boliviaensis n. sp., S. danieleae, S. ecuadorensis n. sp., S. iguazuensis n. sp., S. loretoensis n. sp., S. madredediosensis n. sp., S. puntarenasensis n. sp., and S. stigmatica but is restricted to the apex of the fore wing in S. guianensis n. sp. This species can be distinguished from S. chevauxensis by the fore femur primary spine being adpressed to the femur rather than being angled above it, cubitus anterior 1 of the fore wing is curved rather than being straight between the split with cubitus anterior 2 and the mediocubital crossvein, and the male operculum does not cover the tympanal cavity in that species. Selymbria ahyetios can be distinguished by the diamond shaped widening of the postclypeus central sulcus near the postclypeus ventral apex, female operculum extending to sternite II with a posteromedial notch, an uncus with a curved posterior margin that is wider than the anal styles with recurved spines on either side, the wide notch in the posterior of male sternite VIII, and aedeagus with two short spines medially with larger extensions forming lateral wings. The piceous rather than castaneous abdomen, the lateral uncus margins that reduce near the apex rather than being straight, and the curved rather than angled medioposterior of the female sternite VII distinguishes S. cinctifera n. sp. The male uncus is about as long as the anal styles, the piceous abdomen and the curved posterior margin of female sternite VII distinguish S. guatemalensis n. sp. from this new species. The piceous abdomen, uncus with narrowed and rectangular terminus, and the sinusoidal lateral margin of female sternite VII producing an indentation in the lateral margin distinguishes S. pluvialis from this new species. The shape of the meracanthus can distinguish the three species found in French Guiana. The meracanthus is broadly triangular in S. danieleae, the extended tip is straight in S. chevauxensis n. sp. and the extended tip is curved mediad in S. guianensis n. sp. DISTRIBUTION. The species is known only from the type series collected in French Guiana. Selymbria danieleae has also been collected on Montagne de Chevaux in May.</description><description>Published as part of Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicada genus Selymbria St&#xE5; 1, 1861 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Tibicininae: Selymbrini): redescription including ten new species and a key to the genus, pp. 401-448 in Zootaxa 4614 (3) on pages 425-429, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4614.3.1,</description><identifier></identifier><identifier>10.5281/zenodo.4333511</identifier><identifier></identifier><relation>info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/url/</relation><relation>doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4614.3.1</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.3995214</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.4333510</relation><relation>url:</relation><rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</rights><source>The cicada genus Selymbria St&#xE5; 1, 1861 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Tibicininae: Selymbrini): redescription including ten new species and a key to the genus, pp. 401-448 in Zootaxa 4614(3) 425-429</source><subject>Biodiversity</subject><subject>Taxonomy</subject><subject>Animalia</subject><subject>Arthropoda</subject><subject>Insecta</subject><subject>Hemiptera</subject><subject>Cicadidae</subject><subject>Selymbria</subject><subject>Selymbria guianensis</subject><title>Selymbria guianensis Sanborn 2019, n. sp.</title><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other</type><type>Other:publication-taxonomictreatment</type><recordID>4333511</recordID></dc>
format Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other
author Sanborn, Allen F.
title Selymbria guianensis Sanborn 2019, n. sp
publishDate 2019
topic Biodiversity
Selymbria guianensis
contents Selymbria guianensis n. sp. (Fig. 6) TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype. “ FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne des Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 03–VIII– 2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” male (FSCA). Paratypes. “ FRENCH GUIANA / Montagne des Chevaux / Automatic Light Trap / Polyvie 17–VIII–2013 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one female (AFSC); “ FRENCH GUIANA / Orapu, RN 2 pk 65, Commune de / Régina, Abattis de 7 ha en pente, / 4o29’46.29”N 52o20’43.30”W / Manual Light Trap, 05–X–2016 / Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane coll.” one female (AFSC). ETYMOLOGY. The name is a combination of guiana— for the country of origin and— ensis (L. suffix denoting place). DESCRIPTION. Ground color of head and thorax tawny marked with piceous in male, paratypes are greenish marked with piceous and greenish tawny marked with fuscous, abdomen castaneous marked with piceous, one female abdomen greenish castaneous marked with fuscous. Color may be chemically altered from collection in traps. Pubescence absent in male probably due to chemicals in traps as well. Live or fresh specimens are probably green marked with piceous. Ground color will be used to describe structures below as it differs in the three specimens. Head. Head wider than pronotal collar lateral angles and mesonotum, dorsal head piceous except spot surrounding median ocellus extending to frontoclypeal suture, small spot lateral to lateral ocelli, small spot on posterior epicranial suture, supra-antennal plates and small triangular mark on anterolateral vertex posterior to supra-antennal plate that are ground color, piceous posterior to eye. Long silvery pile posterior to eye, white pubescent spot posterior to eye near lateral margin in paratypes. Ocelli greenish, rosaceous in one paratype, eyes testaceous. Ventral head piceous except transverse fascia ventral to supra-antennal plate continuous with dorsal mark, posterior margin of gena, anterior and lateral margin of lorum ground color, long silvery pile ventral to eye, on medial gena and on lorum, paratypes covered with white pubescence on ventral head. Postclypeus with nine transverse grooves, central sulcus narrow at apex expanding laterally on posteroventral surface, ground color with dorsal surface posterior to transverse grooves, central sulcus except small triangular mark at anterior expansion and linear region crossing apex, posteroventral region posterior to transverse groove, first four dorsal transverse groove piceous, first three connected along medially by fascia lateral to central sulcus, middle of fifth and sixth transverse grooves, medial portion of seventh transverse groove, and all but the lateral end of the eighth and ninth transverse grooves piceous, white pubescence laterally and posteroventrally in paratypes. Anteclypeus piceous except ground color spot on anteromedial margin and short longitudinal fascia on either side of posterior carina, covered with white pubescence in paratypes. Mentum ground color, medial labium castaneous proximally, fuscous and extending almost to tip in one paratype, lateral and distal labium piceous, tip not reaching to posterior of middle leg coxae, with sparse short silvery pile, denser near tip. Scape and annular mark on proximal pedicel ground color, majority of pedicel and flagellar segments piceous, fuscous in one paratype. Thorax. Dorsal thorax ground color. Pronotum with triangular piceous marks on either side of anterior and posterior midline, posterior mark continues anteriorly as small fascia lateral to midline almost connecting to anterior spot, ambient fissure piceous from anterior lateral fissure to posterior triangular mark. Pronotal collar ground color, paratypes with white pubescence on lateral part of pronotal collar that radiates short pile from the margin. Mesonotum ground color, piceous on disk lateral to lateral sigillae, lateral margin in one paratype, medioanterior and the middle of the lateral margin of the lateral sigillae, between lateral and submedian sigillae, diverging curved marks along medial submedian sigillae margins, between posterior submedian sigillae and scutal depressions, between anterior arms of cruciform elevation extending anteriorly along midline as triangular mark terminating near posterior of submedian sigillae, and posterior mesothorax, posterior mark with central ground color spot in one paratype, marks castaneous in one paratype. Cruciform elevation ground color, wing groove ground color with piceous spot on anterolateral margin. Metanotum ground color with piceous spot at hind wing base. White pubescence and silvery pile on area lateral to lateral sigillae, on lateral cruciform elevation, anteriorly between the arms of the cruciform elevation, dorsally posterior to submedian sigillae, and in posterior wing groove in paratypes. Ventral thoracic segments light ground color except piceous basisterna 2 and 3, katepisternum 2 medial katepimeron 2, and medial episternum 3, covered with white pubescence in paratypes. Wings. Fore wings hyaline with eight apical cells, hind wings hyaline with six apical cells. Cubitus anterior 1 of the fore wing straight between the split with cubitus anterior 2 and the mediocubital crossvein. Venation tawny becoming piceous between apical cells, except piceous proximal half of anal vein 2 + 3 and along distal ulnar cells 1 and 2, tawny replaced with green in one paratype, all veins tawny in the other paratype. Basal cell longer than broad, slightly clouded at base. Pterostigma present. Infuscation on distal wing veins and ambient veins of apical cells 1–2 and anterior of apical cell 3, infuscation expanding on wing margin from anterior to middle of apical cell 3. Basal membrane of fore wing gray with dark gray posterior margin. Venation of hind wing tawny proximally, becoming piceous in apical cells, all tawny in one paratype, cubitus posterior piceous in one paratype, proximal anal veins 2 and 3 piceous in holotype. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal vein 3 gray, anal cell 2 along anal vein 2 gray. Light infuscation along outer edge of wing margins. Legs. Legs ground color, distal tibiae and distal tarsi castaneous, proximal majority of tarsi dark castaneous, tarsal claws castaneous at base with piceous tips, tibial spurs and comb castaneous with piceous tips. Fore femora proximal spine ground color with castaneous tip, thin, elongate and acutely angled to long axis of femur, secondary spine castaneous with ground color base, elongated, upright, with slightly curved tip, and very small, upright, ground color apical spine. Legs covered with long and short silvery pile and white pubescence in paratypes. Operculum. Male operculum ground color with piceous spot on lateral base, lateral margin parallel to body axis joining to smoothly rounded posterolateral and posterior margins, posterior medial margin straight, angled slightly towards midline, curved to connect to straight anteromedial margin to base, not reaching posterior sternite II but covering tympanal cavity. Medial margin extending to middle of hind coxa. Meracanthus ground color, elongated with tip curving mediad, reaching to middle of sternite I. Female operculum ground color with piceous spot on lateral base, lateral margin straight, curved posterolateral and posterior margins, terminating medially at middle of meracanthus, reaching to middle of sternite II. Female meracanthus ground color, pointed with tip curving mediad, as long as or slightly longer than operculum. Opercula radiate silvery pile and covered with white pubescence in paratypes. Abdomen. Abdominal tergites castaneous except piceous tergite 1, dorsum of tergite 2, dorsum of tergite 3 not reaching posterior margin and extending transversely on anterior margin, and spot on anterior midline of tergite 4, dorsolateral tergites 6 and 7 with piceous anterior and anterolateral tergite 8 with piceous spot with silvery pile medial to piceous spot on tergite 8 in one paratype, piceous spot in middle of auditory capsule in male holotype, auditory capsule completely piceous in one paratype, ground color in other paratype, tergites with short silvery pile extending from posterior of tergites, silvery pile on dorsal tergite 1, anterior and on either side of midline of tergite 2, and anterior of tergite 3, short piceous pile on tergites of male. Timbal cover only slightly recurved, timbal completely exposed, lighter than remaining tergite. Timbal with ten long and nine intercalary ribs. Female abdominal segment 9 castaneous with piceous dorsal beak, mediad angled dark castaneous fascia extending across anterior half of dorsolateral surface, dark castaneous stigma, and medioventral margin, covered with short silvery pile, long golden pile radiating from ventral surface. Posterior margin of female abdominal segment 9 slightly sinuate. Sternites light castaneous with ochraceous posterior margin, sternite I castaneous, sternite II with piceous midline except anterior margin, sternite VIII a flattened U-shape, radiating long golden pile. Female sternites with similar piceous marks on sternite I, mark on sternite II extends laterally, castaneous becoming darker in posterior sternites. Epipleurites castaneous. Female sternite VII with a deep medial notch, V-shaped anteriorly not as wide as gonapophysis VIII at terminus, forming an obtuse angle and becoming almost transverse to lateral anterior gonocoxite IX, then curving and widening for more than half the length to anteromedial abdominal segment 9 where it curves to transverse posterior margin, dark castaneous spot on either side of notch. Long silvery pile radiating from sternites, sternite I, anterior sternite II, and lateral sternites II–VII with white pubescence in one paratype. Genitalia. Male pygofer castaneous, piceous on tip of dorsal beak, with long golden pile on base of basal lobes and short silvery pile on lateroposterior surface, distal shoulder with obtuse angle, dorsal beak elongated, pointed, straight when viewed from the side. Pygofer basal lobe extended to about half pygofer length, flattened laterally reducing to a triangular tip and adpressed to pygofer, pygofer upper lobes absent. Anal styles piceous, extending beyond dorsal beak, anal tube ground color. Uncus lobe castaneous at base and medially, lateral margin dark castaneous at base becoming piceous for most of its length, arched dorsally, ventral margin with medial carina, lateral margin angled laterad from base, curving to straight extension angled mediad to transverse terminus. Lateral dorsal and ventral surfaces radiating long golden pile, extremely dense from ventral base to lateral curve. Aedeagus dark castaneous, theca short with barb-like terminus, long, flattened extensions forming a V-shape above aedeagus. Female gonocoxite IX castaneous with piceous lateral margin, gonapophyses castaneous, lighter at proximal base. Gonocoxite X piceous extending to length of dorsal beak but not as far as anal styles, with radiating golden pile. Anal styles piceous. Piceous fuscous in one paratype. Anal tube ground color. MEASUREMENTS (MM). N = one male or two females, mean (range). Length of body: male 23.2, female 19.35 (18.0–20.7); length of fore wing: male 27.1, female 25.40 (24.5–26.3); width of fore wing: male 9.2, female 8.50 (8.1–8.9); length of head: male 3.7, female 3.53 (3.45–3.6); width of head including eyes: male 8.5, female 7.95 (7.6–8.3); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 7.75, female 7.10 (6.7–7.5); width of mesonotum: male 6.4, female 5.83 (5.6–6.05). DIAGNOSIS. Selymbria ahyetios, S. pandora and S. subolivacea can be distinguished from this species by the lack of infuscation on the apex of their fore wing. The infuscation of the fore wing is found on the apex of the fore wing and on basal apical cells 1–3 and/or on the radiomedial cross vein in S. boliviaensis n. sp., S. danieleae, S. ecuadorensis n. sp., S. iguazuensis n. sp., S. loretoensis n. sp., S. madredediosensis n. sp., S. puntarenasensis n. sp., and S. stigmatica but is restricted to the apex of the fore wing in S. guianensis n. sp. This species can be distinguished from S. chevauxensis by the fore femur primary spine being adpressed to the femur rather than being angled above it, cubitus anterior 1 of the fore wing is curved rather than being straight between the split with cubitus anterior 2 and the mediocubital crossvein, and the male operculum does not cover the tympanal cavity in that species. Selymbria ahyetios can be distinguished by the diamond shaped widening of the postclypeus central sulcus near the postclypeus ventral apex, female operculum extending to sternite II with a posteromedial notch, an uncus with a curved posterior margin that is wider than the anal styles with recurved spines on either side, the wide notch in the posterior of male sternite VIII, and aedeagus with two short spines medially with larger extensions forming lateral wings. The piceous rather than castaneous abdomen, the lateral uncus margins that reduce near the apex rather than being straight, and the curved rather than angled medioposterior of the female sternite VII distinguishes S. cinctifera n. sp. The male uncus is about as long as the anal styles, the piceous abdomen and the curved posterior margin of female sternite VII distinguish S. guatemalensis n. sp. from this new species. The piceous abdomen, uncus with narrowed and rectangular terminus, and the sinusoidal lateral margin of female sternite VII producing an indentation in the lateral margin distinguishes S. pluvialis from this new species. The shape of the meracanthus can distinguish the three species found in French Guiana. The meracanthus is broadly triangular in S. danieleae, the extended tip is straight in S. chevauxensis n. sp. and the extended tip is curved mediad in S. guianensis n. sp. DISTRIBUTION. The species is known only from the type series collected in French Guiana. Selymbria danieleae has also been collected on Montagne de Chevaux in May.
Published as part of Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicada genus Selymbria Stå 1, 1861 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Tibicininae: Selymbrini): redescription including ten new species and a key to the genus, pp. 401-448 in Zootaxa 4614 (3) on pages 425-429, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4614.3.1,
id IOS16997.4333511
institution ZAIN Publications
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repoId IOS16997
first_indexed 2022-06-06T06:44:33Z
last_indexed 2022-06-06T06:44:33Z
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