004 - "Christopher Clarkson: Legacy and Influence of a Conservator": Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič

Main Author: Vodopivec Tomažič, Jedert
Format: info Video Journal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: , 2021
Online Access: https://zenodo.org/record/4593382
ctrlnum 4593382
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><creator>Vodopivec Toma&#x17E;i&#x10D;, Jedert</creator><date>2021-03-10</date><description>Jedert Vodopivec Toma&#x17E;i&#x10D; is a retired professor from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, she taught preservation of the written heritage and also taught at the Alma Mater Europaea ECM in Slovenia. She was Head of the Book and Paper Conservation Department at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia from 1990 until recently. She obtained her Bachelors and Masters degree in Chemistry Science and PhD in Conservation Science at the University of Ljubljana. She has authored national and international papers, organized conferences, seminars and workshops on conservation of the written and graphic cultural heritage and is collaborating in research projects on book and paper conservation. Toma&#x17E;i&#x10D;, Jedert Vodopivec. &#x2018;Christopher Clarkson and Teaching: Book Conservation Staff Training in Ljubljana&#x2019;. Journal of Paper Conservation 20, no. 1&#x2013;4 (2 October 2019): 36&#x2013;46. https://doi.org/10.1080/18680860.2019.1747833. Christopher Clarkson's teachings, innovations and numerous publications had a profound effect on understanding book structures. However, his main contribution was undoubtedly that of abandoning the rebinding practice based on bookbinding traditions until the twentieth century, in favour of expertise and scientifically grounded principles of modern book conservation. Clarkson trained and mentored many conservators worldwide, including some from Slovenia. He was engaged by the Book and Paper Conservation Centre of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana eight times to teach book conservation. The participants not only began to understand Clarkson's conservation theories and principles, they also began to fully adopt his book conservation methods.</description><description>This is part 5 of a series of 14 videos. The whole series is also available on YouTube on the IADA channel as a playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6AzuQU54OVwQgOGGV6vrJPbt_NpgqZ1F</description><identifier>https://zenodo.org/record/4593382</identifier><identifier>10.5281/zenodo.4593382</identifier><identifier>oai:zenodo.org:4593382</identifier><language>eng</language><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.4593381</relation><relation>url:https://zenodo.org/communities/iada</relation><rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</rights><rights>https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode</rights><source>Journal of Paper Conservation 20(1-4) 36-46</source><subject>Book conservation</subject><subject>training</subject><subject>Bookbinding</subject><subject>Ljubljana</subject><subject>Clarkson</subject><title>004 - "Christopher Clarkson: Legacy and Influence of a Conservator": Jedert Vodopivec Toma&#x17E;i&#x10D;</title><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other</type><type>Video:Video</type><recordID>4593382</recordID></dc>
language eng
format Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other
author Vodopivec Tomažič, Jedert
title 004 - "Christopher Clarkson: Legacy and Influence of a Conservator": Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič
publishDate 2021
topic Book conservation
url https://zenodo.org/record/4593382
contents Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič is a retired professor from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, she taught preservation of the written heritage and also taught at the Alma Mater Europaea ECM in Slovenia. She was Head of the Book and Paper Conservation Department at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia from 1990 until recently. She obtained her Bachelors and Masters degree in Chemistry Science and PhD in Conservation Science at the University of Ljubljana. She has authored national and international papers, organized conferences, seminars and workshops on conservation of the written and graphic cultural heritage and is collaborating in research projects on book and paper conservation. Tomažič, Jedert Vodopivec. ‘Christopher Clarkson and Teaching: Book Conservation Staff Training in Ljubljana’. Journal of Paper Conservation 20, no. 1–4 (2 October 2019): 36–46. https://doi.org/10.1080/18680860.2019.1747833. Christopher Clarkson's teachings, innovations and numerous publications had a profound effect on understanding book structures. However, his main contribution was undoubtedly that of abandoning the rebinding practice based on bookbinding traditions until the twentieth century, in favour of expertise and scientifically grounded principles of modern book conservation. Clarkson trained and mentored many conservators worldwide, including some from Slovenia. He was engaged by the Book and Paper Conservation Centre of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana eight times to teach book conservation. The participants not only began to understand Clarkson's conservation theories and principles, they also began to fully adopt his book conservation methods.
This is part 5 of a series of 14 videos. The whole series is also available on YouTube on the IADA channel as a playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6AzuQU54OVwQgOGGV6vrJPbt_NpgqZ1F
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institution_type library:special
library Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
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collection Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
repository_id 16997
subject_area Multidisciplinary
city Stockholm
shared_to_ipusnas_str 1
repoId IOS16997
first_indexed 2022-06-06T05:51:16Z
last_indexed 2022-06-06T05:51:16Z
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