Figure 7 in On a new species of Spirobranchus Blainville, 1818 (Annelida: Serpulidae) and considerations on the genus along the Brazilian coast

Main Authors: Brandão, Ivison Cordeiro, Brasil, Ana Claudia dos Santos
Format: info Image Journal
Terbitan: , 2020
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Figure 7. Spirobranchus tetraceros. (A, D-E, J) MNRJP-002788; (B-C, F-I) MNRJP-002789. (A) anterior end of tube with exposed operculum, (B) anterior end through anterior abdomen of specimen with 'tetraceros' condition, ventral view, (C) radioles and interradiolar membrane, (D) conical 'tricornis' operculum, (E) 'tricornis' opercular condition, (F, G) peduncular wings, in a 'tetraceros' operculum, (F) dorsal view, (G) ventral view, (H) anterior end, from base of crown through anterior abdomen, lateral view, (I) inner side of crown and dorsal lip, (J) thorax (except collar), ventral view, stained with methylene blue, (K) same, lateral view. Scale bars = 1 mm (A, B), 0,4 mm (D, E), 0,5 mm (F, G, H, I, J, K), 0,2 mm (C). d = dorsal lip; ip = inter-radiolar processes; o = operculum; t = tonguelets; w = wing.
  • Published as part of Brandão, Ivison Cordeiro & Brasil, Ana Claudia dos Santos, 2020, On a new species of Spirobranchus Blainville, 1818 (Annelida: Serpulidae) and considerations on the genus along the Brazilian coast, pp. 1-17 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 60 on page 12, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2020.60.51,