Figure 20 from: Zamani A, Marusik YM (2021) Revision of the spider family Zodariidae (Arachnida, Araneae) in Iran and Turkmenistan, with seventeen new species. ZooKeys 1035: 145-193.

Main Authors: Zamani, Alireza, Marusik, Yuri M.
Format: info Image Journal
Terbitan: , 2021
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Figure 20 Male palps of Acanthinozodium armita sp. nov. (A–C), A. diara sp. nov. (D–F), A. kiana sp. nov. (G, H) and A. masa sp. nov. (I–K) A, D, G, J ventral B, E, H, I retrolateral C, F, K dorsal. Scale bars: 0.2 mm, unless stated otherwise.