Daftar Isi:
  • FAIR Data 101 v3.0 is a self-guided course covering the FAIR Data principles The FAIR Data 101 virtual course was designed and delivered by the ARDC Skilled Workforce Program twice in 2020 and has now been reworked as a self-guided course. The course structure was based on 'FAIR Data in the Scholarly Communications Lifecycle', run by Natasha Simons at the FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute. These training materials are hosted on GitHub.
  • This version adds instructor guidelines and extra resources. The ARDC is a transformational initiative that enables Australian research community and industry access to nationally significant, leading edge data intensive eInfrastructure, platforms, skills and collections of high-quality data. The purpose of the ARDC is to provide Australian researchers with competitive advantage through data, providing access to leading edge eResearch collections, tools, infrastructure and services. Its mission is to accelerate research and innovation by driving excellence in the creation, analysis and retention of high-quality data assets.