Lasioglossum (Dialictus) genaroi Gibbs 2018, sp. nov

Main Author: Gibbs, Jason
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2018
Online Access:
ctrlnum 5184983
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><coverage>name=Villa Cecilia; east=-66.8205; north=18.139517</coverage><coverage>name=Vasquez; east=-66.63773; north=18.12436</coverage><coverage>name=Yauco; east=-66.8205; north=18.139517</coverage><creator>Gibbs, Jason</creator><date>2018-02-01</date><description>Lasioglossum (Dialictus) genaroi sp. nov. Figs 4E, 18&#x2013;20 Diagnosis Both sexes of L. genaroi sp. nov. can be recognized by the combination of head wide (length/width ratio= 0.89&#x2013;0.94), mesoscutum with coarse, relatively sparse punctation (i=1&#x2013;3 pd), tegula ovoid, mesepisternum rugose to reticulate rugose and metasoma dark brown, nearly entirely lacking in appressed tomentum. Lasioglossum genaroi sp. nov. is a quite large L. (Dialictus), being similar in size to L. ferrerii. In direct comparison, size alone is often enough to distinguish L. genaroi sp. nov. at a glance from L. gundlachii, L. dispersum sp. nov. and L. enatum sp. nov. Etymology The specific epithet is a noun in the genitive case in honour of Julio Genaro for his contributions to the study of bees and other insects in the Greater Antilles. Material examined Holotype PUERTO RICO: &amp;female;, Yauco, Villa Cecilia, 18&#xB0;08.371&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;49.230&#x2032; W, elevated bee bowl, 20 Jun.&#x2013;18 Jul. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU). [Original label: USA; PR; N18 0 8.371 W66 49.230 Villa Cecilia; elev. bee bowl, 20 Jun. &#x2013; 18 Jul. 2014; S.G. Prado #8 // HOLOTYPE Lasioglossum (Dialictus) genaroi Gibbs.] Paratypes PUERTO RICO: Ponce: 5 &amp;female;&amp;female;, Toro Negro Forest, 2 Nov. 1992, Snelling and Torres leg. (LACM); 5 &amp;female;&amp;female;, Vasquez, sun, 18&#xB0;07.4616&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;38.2638&#x2032; W, elevated bee bowl, 13 Jan.&#x2013;10 Feb. 2015, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 10 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 10 Feb.&#x2013;10 Mar. 2015 (NCSU); 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 10 Mar.&#x2013;7 Apr. 2015 (NCSU); 17 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 17 Jun.&#x2013;15 Jul. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 15 Jul.&#x2013;12 Aug. 2014 (NCSU); 7 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 9 Sep.&#x2013;7 Oct. 2014 (NCSU); 4 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 2 Dec. 2014 &#x2013; 13 Jan. 2015 (NCSU); 3 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same locality as preceding, Malaise trap, 10 Feb.&#x2013;10 Mar. 2015, S. G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 3 &amp;female;&amp;female;, 1 &amp;male;, same collection data as preceding, 17 Jun.&#x2013;15Jul. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &amp;male;&amp;male;,same collection data as preceding, 15 Jul.&#x2013;12Aug.2014 (NCSU); 1&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 12 Aug.&#x2013;9 Sep. 2014 (NCSU); 1 &amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 9 Sep.&#x2013;7 Oct. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 7 Oct.&#x2013;4 Nov. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same locality as preceding, ground bee bowl, 17 Jun.&#x2013;15 Jul. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 12 Aug.&#x2013;9 Sep. 2014 (NCSU); 14 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 7 Oct.&#x2013;4 Nov. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, Vasquez, shade, 18&#xB0;07.4628&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;38.1882&#x2032; W, elevated bee bowl, 10 Feb.&#x2013;Mar. 10 2015, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 7 Apr.&#x2013;7 May 2014 (NCSU); 3 &amp;female;&amp;female;, Vasquez, shade, 18&#xB0;07.447&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;38.230&#x2032; W, elevated bee bowl, 17 Jun.&#x2013;16 Jul. 2014, S. G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, Vasquez, shade, 18&#xB0;07.4628&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;38.1882&#x2032; W, elevated bee bowl, 17 Jun.&#x2013;16 Jul. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 2 Dec. 2014 &#x2013; 13 Jan. 2015 (NCSU). &#x2013; Yauco: 2 &amp;female;&amp;female;, Montana SH1, 18&#xB0;08.371&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;49.230&#x2032; W, net (9:30&#x2013;10:50), 10 Jun. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &amp;female;, Montana, sun, 18&#xB0;07.996&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;49.002&#x2032; W, ground bee bowl, 15 Aug.&#x2013;12 Sep. 2014, S. G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &amp;female;, Vega, 18&#xB0;07.724&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;53.386&#x2032; W, elevated bee bowl, 20 Jun.&#x2013;18 Jul. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &amp;female;, Villa Cecilia, 18&#xB0;08.371&#x2032; N, 66&#xB0;49.230&#x2032; W, elevated bee bowl, 15 Jan.&#x2013;12 Feb. 2015, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &amp;female;, same collection data as preceding, 12 Feb.&#x2013;12 Mar. 2015 (NCSU). Description Female MEASUREMENTS. Head length: 1.39&#x2013;1.58 mm (x= 1.51 mm, n=10); head width: 1.53&#x2013;1.75 mm (x= 1.67 mm, n =10); intertegular distance: 1.06&#x2013;1.36 mm (x= 1.25 mm, n =10). COLOURATION. Head and mesosoma dull metallic golden green to blue, except as follows. Labrum brown. Mandible brown with red apex. Clypeus distal half dark brown. Antenna dark brown, F9&#x2013;F10 with ventral surface dark reddish brown. Tegula dark reddish brown. Wing membrane hyaline with dark setae, venation and pterostigma brown. Legs dark brown, except medio- and distitarsi reddish brown. Metasomal terga dark brown. PUBESCENCE. Dull white. Relatively sparse erect setae throughout, without tomentum, except very narrow basolateral patches of T2&#x2013;T4 immediately posterior to graduli. T1 with complete fan of appressed setae on anterior surface. T2 without apical fimbriae, T3&#x2013;T4 with only sparse fine setae on apical impressed areas. Metasomal tomentum limited to narrow band posterior to graduli, usually obscured by preceding segment. Scopa well developed on hind leg and metasomal sterna. SURFACE SCULPTURE. Face imbricate, punctation coarse, finer on frons. Clypeus punctation sparse (i =1&#x2013;2.5 pd), surface smooth, supraclypeal area with punctures sparse (i= 1&#x2013;2.5 pd), and lower paraocular area punctation dense (i&#x2264; pd). Upper paraocular area and frons reticulate-punctate (i &lt;0.5 pd). Ocellocular area densely punctate (i&#x2264; pd). Gena and postgena carinulate. Mesoscutum weakly imbricate, polished posteriorly, punctation moderately coarse, moderately dense on lateral and posterior portions (i =1&#x2013;2 pd), sparser anteriorly and medially (i=1&#x2013;3 pd); mesoscutellum with broad medial punctatereticulate region, with narrow submedial impunctate area. Metanotum imbricate. Pre&#xEB;pisternum rugose. Hypoepimeral area rugulose. Mesepisternum below scrobe rugose. Metepisternum dorsal &amp;frac13; rugose, ventral portion imbricate. Metapostnotum with longitudinal carinulae reaching &amp;frac23;&#x2013;&#xBE; distance to posterior margin, carinulae on lateral portions extending to dorsolateral slope, raised posterior margin smooth. Propodeum posterior surfaces polished tessellate, irregular sculpturing on lateral surface (i=3&#x2013;5 pd), irregular carinulae on posterior surface. Metasomal terga polished, very finely coriarious on T1 anterior surface and apical impressed areas; punctation very fine throughout, including apical impressed areas (i =1&#x2013;2 pd). Metasomal sterna coriarious and finely, sparsely punctate (i =2&#x2013;4 pd). STRUCTURE. Head broader than long (length/width ratio= 0.89&#x2013;0.91). Eyes weakly convergent below. Clypeus &#xBD; below suborbital tangent. Gena narrower than eye. Hypostomal carinae subparallel. Pronotal dorsolateral angle obtuse. Pronotal ridge rounded, interrupted by sulcus. Tegula ovoid. Submarginal cells three (1rs-m present). Distal hamuli arranged 2-1-2. Inner metatibial spur pectinate, with 3&#x2013;5 branches, proximal branch much longer than width of rachis. Metapostnotum slight depressed, narrowly rounded onto posterior propodeal surface. Propodeum with lateral carina reaching dorsal margin; oblique carina distinct, delimiting ventral-posterior margin on posterior and lateral margins. T2&#x2013;T4 impressed areas medially nearly equal to longitudinal length of basal area. Male MEASUREMENTS. Head length: 1.40&#x2013;1.53 mm (x = 1.47 mm, n= 2); head width: 1.49&#x2013;1.66 mm (x= 1.58 mm, n =2); intertegular distance: 0.99&#x2013;1.23 mm (x = 1.13 mm, n=3). Similar to female except for typical sex associated characters and as follows. COLOURATION. Head and mesosoma dull metallic blue. Ventral surface of F1&#x2013;F11 dark reddish brown. Tarsi brown. PUBESCENCE. Face without tomentum. Metasomal terga without tomentum. Metasomal sterna with sparse, erect setae (1&#x2013;1.5 OD). SURFACE SCULPTURE. Supraclypeal puncture dense (i&#x2264; pd). Mesoscutal smoother, punctation slightly sparser. Mesoscutellum sparsely coarsely punctate medially. Mesepisternum reticulate-rugose. Propodeum lateral surface punctate (i=1&#x2013;1.5 pd). Metasomal terga with apical impressed areas impunctate. STRUCTURE. Head wider than long (length/width ratio= 0.92&#x2013;0.94). Eyes convergent below. Ratio of pedicel, F1 and F2= 11:14:28; F2&#x2013;F11 more than 1.5&#xD7; as long as wide. Propodeal lateral carina not reaching dorsally to oblique carina. Metasomal terga with apical impressed areas medially about &amp;frac13; length of basal area. TERMINALIA. As illustrated in Fig. 4E. Distribution Puerto Rico (Fig. 20). Nearly all the specimens known are from traps collected during a single study. DNA barcode One specimen was successfully amplified (BOLD Process ID: NTCOL189-15).</description><description>Published as part of Gibbs, Jason, 2018, Bees of the genus Lasioglossum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) from Greater Puerto Rico, West Indies, pp. 1-57 in European Journal of Taxonomy 400 on pages 31-35, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.400,</description><identifier></identifier><identifier>10.5281/zenodo.5184983</identifier><identifier></identifier><relation>info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/url/</relation><relation>info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/url/</relation><relation>info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/lsid/</relation><relation>doi:10.5852/ejt.2018.400</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.1165029</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.1165057</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.1165059</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.1165061</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.5184982</relation><relation>url:</relation><rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</rights><rights></rights><source>Bees of the genus Lasioglossum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) from Greater Puerto Rico, West Indies, pp. 1-57 in European Journal of Taxonomy 400 31-35</source><subject>Biodiversity</subject><subject>Taxonomy</subject><subject>Animalia</subject><subject>Arthropoda</subject><subject>Insecta</subject><subject>Hymenoptera</subject><subject>Halictidae</subject><subject>Lasioglossum</subject><subject>Lasioglossum genaroi</subject><title>Lasioglossum (Dialictus) genaroi Gibbs 2018, sp. nov.</title><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other</type><type>Other:publication-taxonomictreatment</type><recordID>5184983</recordID></dc>
format Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other
author Gibbs, Jason
title Lasioglossum (Dialictus) genaroi Gibbs 2018, sp. nov
publishDate 2018
topic Biodiversity
Lasioglossum genaroi
contents Lasioglossum (Dialictus) genaroi sp. nov. Figs 4E, 18–20 Diagnosis Both sexes of L. genaroi sp. nov. can be recognized by the combination of head wide (length/width ratio= 0.89–0.94), mesoscutum with coarse, relatively sparse punctation (i=1–3 pd), tegula ovoid, mesepisternum rugose to reticulate rugose and metasoma dark brown, nearly entirely lacking in appressed tomentum. Lasioglossum genaroi sp. nov. is a quite large L. (Dialictus), being similar in size to L. ferrerii. In direct comparison, size alone is often enough to distinguish L. genaroi sp. nov. at a glance from L. gundlachii, L. dispersum sp. nov. and L. enatum sp. nov. Etymology The specific epithet is a noun in the genitive case in honour of Julio Genaro for his contributions to the study of bees and other insects in the Greater Antilles. Material examined Holotype PUERTO RICO: &female;, Yauco, Villa Cecilia, 18°08.371′ N, 66°49.230′ W, elevated bee bowl, 20 Jun.–18 Jul. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU). [Original label: USA; PR; N18 0 8.371 W66 49.230 Villa Cecilia; elev. bee bowl, 20 Jun. – 18 Jul. 2014; S.G. Prado #8 // HOLOTYPE Lasioglossum (Dialictus) genaroi Gibbs.] Paratypes PUERTO RICO: Ponce: 5 &female;&female;, Toro Negro Forest, 2 Nov. 1992, Snelling and Torres leg. (LACM); 5 &female;&female;, Vasquez, sun, 18°07.4616′ N, 66°38.2638′ W, elevated bee bowl, 13 Jan.–10 Feb. 2015, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 10 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 10 Feb.–10 Mar. 2015 (NCSU); 2 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 10 Mar.–7 Apr. 2015 (NCSU); 17 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 17 Jun.–15 Jul. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 15 Jul.–12 Aug. 2014 (NCSU); 7 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 9 Sep.–7 Oct. 2014 (NCSU); 4 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 2 Dec. 2014 – 13 Jan. 2015 (NCSU); 3 &female;&female;, same locality as preceding, Malaise trap, 10 Feb.–10 Mar. 2015, S. G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 3 &female;&female;, 1 &male;, same collection data as preceding, 17 Jun.–15Jul. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &male;&male;,same collection data as preceding, 15 Jul.–12Aug.2014 (NCSU); 1&female;, same collection data as preceding, 12 Aug.–9 Sep. 2014 (NCSU); 1 &female;, same collection data as preceding, 9 Sep.–7 Oct. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 7 Oct.–4 Nov. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &female;&female;, same locality as preceding, ground bee bowl, 17 Jun.–15 Jul. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &female;, same collection data as preceding, 12 Aug.–9 Sep. 2014 (NCSU); 14 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 7 Oct.–4 Nov. 2014 (NCSU); 2 &female;&female;, Vasquez, shade, 18°07.4628′ N, 66°38.1882′ W, elevated bee bowl, 10 Feb.–Mar. 10 2015, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &female;, same collection data as preceding, 7 Apr.–7 May 2014 (NCSU); 3 &female;&female;, Vasquez, shade, 18°07.447′ N, 66°38.230′ W, elevated bee bowl, 17 Jun.–16 Jul. 2014, S. G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 2 &female;&female;, Vasquez, shade, 18°07.4628′ N, 66°38.1882′ W, elevated bee bowl, 17 Jun.–16 Jul. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 2 &female;&female;, same collection data as preceding, 2 Dec. 2014 – 13 Jan. 2015 (NCSU). – Yauco: 2 &female;&female;, Montana SH1, 18°08.371′ N, 66°49.230′ W, net (9:30–10:50), 10 Jun. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &female;, Montana, sun, 18°07.996′ N, 66°49.002′ W, ground bee bowl, 15 Aug.–12 Sep. 2014, S. G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &female;, Vega, 18°07.724′ N, 66°53.386′ W, elevated bee bowl, 20 Jun.–18 Jul. 2014, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &female;, Villa Cecilia, 18°08.371′ N, 66°49.230′ W, elevated bee bowl, 15 Jan.–12 Feb. 2015, S.G. Prado leg. (NCSU); 1 &female;, same collection data as preceding, 12 Feb.–12 Mar. 2015 (NCSU). Description Female MEASUREMENTS. Head length: 1.39–1.58 mm (x= 1.51 mm, n=10); head width: 1.53–1.75 mm (x= 1.67 mm, n =10); intertegular distance: 1.06–1.36 mm (x= 1.25 mm, n =10). COLOURATION. Head and mesosoma dull metallic golden green to blue, except as follows. Labrum brown. Mandible brown with red apex. Clypeus distal half dark brown. Antenna dark brown, F9–F10 with ventral surface dark reddish brown. Tegula dark reddish brown. Wing membrane hyaline with dark setae, venation and pterostigma brown. Legs dark brown, except medio- and distitarsi reddish brown. Metasomal terga dark brown. PUBESCENCE. Dull white. Relatively sparse erect setae throughout, without tomentum, except very narrow basolateral patches of T2–T4 immediately posterior to graduli. T1 with complete fan of appressed setae on anterior surface. T2 without apical fimbriae, T3–T4 with only sparse fine setae on apical impressed areas. Metasomal tomentum limited to narrow band posterior to graduli, usually obscured by preceding segment. Scopa well developed on hind leg and metasomal sterna. SURFACE SCULPTURE. Face imbricate, punctation coarse, finer on frons. Clypeus punctation sparse (i =1–2.5 pd), surface smooth, supraclypeal area with punctures sparse (i= 1–2.5 pd), and lower paraocular area punctation dense (i≤ pd). Upper paraocular area and frons reticulate-punctate (i <0.5 pd). Ocellocular area densely punctate (i≤ pd). Gena and postgena carinulate. Mesoscutum weakly imbricate, polished posteriorly, punctation moderately coarse, moderately dense on lateral and posterior portions (i =1–2 pd), sparser anteriorly and medially (i=1–3 pd); mesoscutellum with broad medial punctatereticulate region, with narrow submedial impunctate area. Metanotum imbricate. Preëpisternum rugose. Hypoepimeral area rugulose. Mesepisternum below scrobe rugose. Metepisternum dorsal &frac13; rugose, ventral portion imbricate. Metapostnotum with longitudinal carinulae reaching &frac23;–3⁄4 distance to posterior margin, carinulae on lateral portions extending to dorsolateral slope, raised posterior margin smooth. Propodeum posterior surfaces polished tessellate, irregular sculpturing on lateral surface (i=3–5 pd), irregular carinulae on posterior surface. Metasomal terga polished, very finely coriarious on T1 anterior surface and apical impressed areas; punctation very fine throughout, including apical impressed areas (i =1–2 pd). Metasomal sterna coriarious and finely, sparsely punctate (i =2–4 pd). STRUCTURE. Head broader than long (length/width ratio= 0.89–0.91). Eyes weakly convergent below. Clypeus 1⁄2 below suborbital tangent. Gena narrower than eye. Hypostomal carinae subparallel. Pronotal dorsolateral angle obtuse. Pronotal ridge rounded, interrupted by sulcus. Tegula ovoid. Submarginal cells three (1rs-m present). Distal hamuli arranged 2-1-2. Inner metatibial spur pectinate, with 3–5 branches, proximal branch much longer than width of rachis. Metapostnotum slight depressed, narrowly rounded onto posterior propodeal surface. Propodeum with lateral carina reaching dorsal margin; oblique carina distinct, delimiting ventral-posterior margin on posterior and lateral margins. T2–T4 impressed areas medially nearly equal to longitudinal length of basal area. Male MEASUREMENTS. Head length: 1.40–1.53 mm (x = 1.47 mm, n= 2); head width: 1.49–1.66 mm (x= 1.58 mm, n =2); intertegular distance: 0.99–1.23 mm (x = 1.13 mm, n=3). Similar to female except for typical sex associated characters and as follows. COLOURATION. Head and mesosoma dull metallic blue. Ventral surface of F1–F11 dark reddish brown. Tarsi brown. PUBESCENCE. Face without tomentum. Metasomal terga without tomentum. Metasomal sterna with sparse, erect setae (1–1.5 OD). SURFACE SCULPTURE. Supraclypeal puncture dense (i≤ pd). Mesoscutal smoother, punctation slightly sparser. Mesoscutellum sparsely coarsely punctate medially. Mesepisternum reticulate-rugose. Propodeum lateral surface punctate (i=1–1.5 pd). Metasomal terga with apical impressed areas impunctate. STRUCTURE. Head wider than long (length/width ratio= 0.92–0.94). Eyes convergent below. Ratio of pedicel, F1 and F2= 11:14:28; F2–F11 more than 1.5× as long as wide. Propodeal lateral carina not reaching dorsally to oblique carina. Metasomal terga with apical impressed areas medially about &frac13; length of basal area. TERMINALIA. As illustrated in Fig. 4E. Distribution Puerto Rico (Fig. 20). Nearly all the specimens known are from traps collected during a single study. DNA barcode One specimen was successfully amplified (BOLD Process ID: NTCOL189-15).
Published as part of Gibbs, Jason, 2018, Bees of the genus Lasioglossum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) from Greater Puerto Rico, West Indies, pp. 1-57 in European Journal of Taxonomy 400 on pages 31-35, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.400,
id IOS16997.5184983
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