Text-fig. 6. Teeth of Masillamys krugi TOBIEN, from Messel (Hesse, Germany, MP 11). a) HLMD-Me 910, holotype, upper teeth; a1 – left upper tooth row, P3–P4–M1–3, occlusal view; a2 – id. lingual aspect, a3 – buccal aspect of P4, a4 – right upper P4–P3, lingual aspect. b) HLMD-Me 910, holotype, right lower tooth row, p4–m1–3; b1 – occlusal view, b2 – buccal aspect, b3 – lingual aspect. Scale bar 1 mm. in A Reevaluation Of The Taxonomic Status Of The Rodent Masillamys Tobien, 1954 From Messel (Germany, Late Early To Early Middle Eocene, 48-47 M.Y.)

Main Authors: Vianey-Liaud, Monique, Marivaux, Laurent, Lehmann, Thomas
Format: info Image Journal
Terbitan: , 2019
Online Access: https://zenodo.org/record/5383913




Koleksi Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Gedung Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Institusi ZAIN Publications
Kota Stockholm
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