Melchus leprosus Lacordaire 1866

Main Author: Anderson, Robert S.
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2003
Online Access:
ctrlnum 5397633
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><creator>Anderson, Robert S.</creator><date>2003-12-31</date><description>Melchus leprosus Lacordaire 1866:301. Types. Lectotype male, here designated, labelled &#x2018;&#x2018;Leprosus/Lac./ Venezuela type&#x2019;&#x2019; and &#x2018;&#x2018;Mus&#xE9;um Paris/ex Coll./ R. Oberth&#xFC;r /1952&#x2019;&#x2019; and my designation label (MNHN). Taxonomic Notes. Lacordaire (1866) described this species from two specimens (one male and one female) from Venezuela. I have only been able to find the male syntype and here designate it as lectotype. Identification. In body form and presence of micropilose nodules on the elytra (Fig. 1), this species is very similar to M. onorei and M. perplexus. It is distinguished from those species by the rounded but not ventrally prominent peduncle of the postmentum and by the rostrum more or less straight, not sinuate basally in lateral view (Fig. 11). Description. Female not located, not examined. Male, length, 7.8 mm; width 3.7 mm. Color black, with indistinct reddish elytral maculations on basal one-third and at midlength; integument with noticeable tufts of micropilosity or micropilose nodules, especially on elytra. Rostrum subequal in length to pronotum; elongate, more or less cylindrical in basal one-half, gradually becoming laterally compressed in apical one-third; narrow, more or less straight, in lateral view lacking sinuation; densely, shallowly irregularly punctate near base, punctures finer and shallower towards apex; base of rostrum slightly expanded in dorsal view; in lateral view subequal at base and apex, narrower between. Peduncle narrow, rounded, not prominent ventrally. Scrobe with posterior margin separated from anterior margin of eyes by about three times width of base of scape.Antenna with scape short, more or less one-third length rostrum; club cylindrical, oval, apical pilose part subequal to length of basal glabrous part. Pronotum with lateral margins very slightly convergent in basal two-thirds, convergent subapically to apex; disk and flanks uniformly densely, shallowly punctate throughout, punctures surrounded by distinct micropilosity; disk uniformly very flat, lacking subbasal impression. Pronotum with length subequal to width. Elytra with length almost twice length pronotum; form elongate-oval, lateral margins slightly gradually convergent from basal one-third to apex, greatest width at humeri; intervals impunctate, flat, with distinct tufts of micropilosity or micropilose nodules; striae with indistinct, shallow, small punctures. Scutellum rhomboidal, length subequal to width, flat. Pygydium flat, deeply regularly punctate throughout; apex subtruncate; apically with dense short, robust setae. Ventrally with hind coxae separated by one and one-third times width of coxa. Lateral portions of meso- and metasternum, and visible abdominal segments 1 to 5 densely, shallowly, punctate; last visible abdominal segment flat medially. Legs each of moderate length, densely regularly punctate, especially on outer face of femur; femur clavate, hind femur almost reaching apex of visible abdominal segment 5; inner margins of each of middle and hind tibia straight, with 10&#x2013;15 long slightly curved fine setae in apical three-quarters, setae of more or less uniform length. Tarsi each with article 3 very widely dilated, pilose ventrally except for base and narrow midline area; apical margin of article 3 very slightly emarginate. Male with aedeagus moderately ventrally arcuate, subtruncate and slightly emarginate medially at apex. Tergite 8 with length subequal to maximum width, apex subtruncate, emarginate at middle. Paired sclerites of sternite 8 with length twice maximum width. Distribution. Venezuela (no further information). Natural History. There is no information available on the natural history of this species.</description><description>Published as part of Anderson, Robert S., 2003, Neotropical Dryophthoridae: Redescription of the Genus Melchus Lacordaire with Description of Daisya Anderson, New Genus, and Seven New Species (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea), pp. 413-432 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 57 (4) on page 419, DOI: 10.1649/579</description><identifier></identifier><identifier>10.5281/zenodo.5397633</identifier><identifier></identifier><relation>info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/url/</relation><relation>doi:10.1649/579</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.5397632</relation><relation>url:</relation><rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</rights><source>Neotropical Dryophthoridae: Redescription of the Genus Melchus Lacordaire with Description of Daisya Anderson, New Genus, and Seven New Species (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea), pp. 413-432 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 57(4) 419</source><subject>Biodiversity</subject><subject>Taxonomy</subject><subject>Animalia</subject><subject>Arthropoda</subject><subject>Insecta</subject><subject>Coleoptera</subject><subject>Dryophthoridae</subject><subject>Melchus</subject><subject>Melchus leprosus</subject><title>Melchus leprosus Lacordaire 1866</title><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other</type><type>Other:publication-taxonomictreatment</type><recordID>5397633</recordID></dc>
format Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other
author Anderson, Robert S.
title Melchus leprosus Lacordaire 1866
publishDate 2003
topic Biodiversity
Melchus leprosus
contents Melchus leprosus Lacordaire 1866:301. Types. Lectotype male, here designated, labelled ‘‘Leprosus/Lac./ Venezuela type’’ and ‘‘Muséum Paris/ex Coll./ R. Oberthür /1952’’ and my designation label (MNHN). Taxonomic Notes. Lacordaire (1866) described this species from two specimens (one male and one female) from Venezuela. I have only been able to find the male syntype and here designate it as lectotype. Identification. In body form and presence of micropilose nodules on the elytra (Fig. 1), this species is very similar to M. onorei and M. perplexus. It is distinguished from those species by the rounded but not ventrally prominent peduncle of the postmentum and by the rostrum more or less straight, not sinuate basally in lateral view (Fig. 11). Description. Female not located, not examined. Male, length, 7.8 mm; width 3.7 mm. Color black, with indistinct reddish elytral maculations on basal one-third and at midlength; integument with noticeable tufts of micropilosity or micropilose nodules, especially on elytra. Rostrum subequal in length to pronotum; elongate, more or less cylindrical in basal one-half, gradually becoming laterally compressed in apical one-third; narrow, more or less straight, in lateral view lacking sinuation; densely, shallowly irregularly punctate near base, punctures finer and shallower towards apex; base of rostrum slightly expanded in dorsal view; in lateral view subequal at base and apex, narrower between. Peduncle narrow, rounded, not prominent ventrally. Scrobe with posterior margin separated from anterior margin of eyes by about three times width of base of scape.Antenna with scape short, more or less one-third length rostrum; club cylindrical, oval, apical pilose part subequal to length of basal glabrous part. Pronotum with lateral margins very slightly convergent in basal two-thirds, convergent subapically to apex; disk and flanks uniformly densely, shallowly punctate throughout, punctures surrounded by distinct micropilosity; disk uniformly very flat, lacking subbasal impression. Pronotum with length subequal to width. Elytra with length almost twice length pronotum; form elongate-oval, lateral margins slightly gradually convergent from basal one-third to apex, greatest width at humeri; intervals impunctate, flat, with distinct tufts of micropilosity or micropilose nodules; striae with indistinct, shallow, small punctures. Scutellum rhomboidal, length subequal to width, flat. Pygydium flat, deeply regularly punctate throughout; apex subtruncate; apically with dense short, robust setae. Ventrally with hind coxae separated by one and one-third times width of coxa. Lateral portions of meso- and metasternum, and visible abdominal segments 1 to 5 densely, shallowly, punctate; last visible abdominal segment flat medially. Legs each of moderate length, densely regularly punctate, especially on outer face of femur; femur clavate, hind femur almost reaching apex of visible abdominal segment 5; inner margins of each of middle and hind tibia straight, with 10–15 long slightly curved fine setae in apical three-quarters, setae of more or less uniform length. Tarsi each with article 3 very widely dilated, pilose ventrally except for base and narrow midline area; apical margin of article 3 very slightly emarginate. Male with aedeagus moderately ventrally arcuate, subtruncate and slightly emarginate medially at apex. Tergite 8 with length subequal to maximum width, apex subtruncate, emarginate at middle. Paired sclerites of sternite 8 with length twice maximum width. Distribution. Venezuela (no further information). Natural History. There is no information available on the natural history of this species.
Published as part of Anderson, Robert S., 2003, Neotropical Dryophthoridae: Redescription of the Genus Melchus Lacordaire with Description of Daisya Anderson, New Genus, and Seven New Species (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea), pp. 413-432 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 57 (4) on page 419, DOI: 10.1649/579
id IOS16997.5397633
institution ZAIN Publications
institution_id 7213
institution_type library:special
library Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
library_id 5267
collection Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
repository_id 16997
subject_area Multidisciplinary
city Stockholm
shared_to_ipusnas_str 1
repoId IOS16997
first_indexed 2022-06-06T02:44:28Z
last_indexed 2022-06-06T02:44:28Z
recordtype dc
_version_ 1734895969464483840
score 17.608942