Agathidium (Macroceble) armigerum Švec 2012, sp. nov

Main Author: Švec, Zdeněk
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2012
Online Access:
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  • Agathidium (Macroceble) armigerum sp. nov. (Figs. 6–8, 22, 23) Type locality. India, Arunachal Pradesh, 11 km SSE of Tenga, Eagles Nest wildlife sanctuary, 27o06′23′′N 92o26′02′′E, 2510 m a.s.l. Type material. HOLOTYPE: J (NMPC): ‘ INDIA: Arunachal Pradesh (15) / 11 km SSE of Tenga, Eagles / Nest WL sanctuary, 4.v.2008 / 27o06′23′′N 92o26′02′′E, 2510 m / Fikáček, Podskalská, Šípek lgt. // primary evergreen mountain / cloud forest with very sparse / understory vegetation, / sifting: wet leaf litter’. PARATYPES: 5 JJ 2 ♀♀ (NMPC, ZSPC): the same data as the holotype. Description. Body length 1.9–2.1 mm (holotype: 1.9 mm). Length of body parts (holotype): head 0.3 mm, pronotum 0.7 mm, elytra 0.9 mm, antenna 0.7 mm. Maximum width of body parts (holotype): head 0.9 mm, pronotum 1.2 mm, elytra 1.2 mm. Body shortly oval (Fig. 22), red-brown with lighter anterior part of head, margins of pronotum and margins of elytra; antennae and legs reddish. Venter light yellow. Dorsum without microreticulation; feebly punctate, each puncture with very short and fine seta. Head. Maximum width of head just before posterior margin of eyes. Eyes flat, narrow, 11× as long as wide in dorsal view. Clypeus feebly emarginate, clypeal line lacking. Dorsal surface with very sparse, scattered fine punctures separated at least by ca. 10× their diameter. Mandibles without striking characters. Relative length of antennal segments III: II = 1.6. Pronotum. Widest just before base. Lateral sides roundly tapered anteriorly in dorsal view; rounded in lateral view (Fig. 23). Puncturation sparser and finer than that of head, with few slightly longer setae close to lateral margin of pronotum. Elytra. Broadest just before midlength. Punctures as on pronotum. Surface with few slightly longer setae close to lateral margins. Sutural stria absent. Legs. Protarsomeres I–III and mesotarsomere I a little enlarged in male. Tarsi slender in female. Femora simple. Tarsal formula 5-5- 4 in male, 4-4- 4 in female. Mesoventrite. Longitudinal mesoventral carina present; lateral lines not developed. Metathoracic wings absent. Metaventrite. Femoral lines absent. Male and female with high hook-shaped ventro-caudally orientated process at posterior margin between coxae. Genitalia. Aedeagus as in Figs. 6–7; operculum T-shaped with slight emargination on anterior margin; spermatheca as in Fig. 8. Variability. The length ratio of antennal segments III: II varies between 1.5–1.8 in the type specimens; the ratio of length:width of the eyes in dorsal view is between 8–11. The coloration of the dorsum varies from uniformly light chestnut to a bicoloured dorsum with a reddish head and pronotum and dark brown elytra. Differential diagnosis. Agathidium (Macroceble) armigerum sp. nov. is similar to A. (Macr.) caelebs Angelini & DeMarzo, 1981 in the size of body and the coloration of the dorsum, the shape of the pronotum having the lateral margin broadly rounded, and also in the shape of the spermatheca. It differs from the latter in having a longer antennomere III with the length ratio of antennomeres III: II = 1.5–1.8 (compared to 1.4 in A.caelebs), tarsal formula 4-4- 4 in female (5-4- 4 in female of A. caelebs), and by the shape of the tegmen that is not constricted laterally before the apex as it is in A. caelebs. Etymology. The species name refers to the hook-like process on the metaventrite. Bionomics. Type specimens were found by the sifting of thick layers of wet leaf litter in the primary evergreen mountain cloud forest with very sparse understory vegetation (M. Fikáček, pers. comm.).
  • Published as part of Švec, Zdeněk, 2012, New Leiodinae (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) from India and Papua New Guinea, pp. 411-424 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52 (2) on pages 415-417, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5331202