Pristaulacus unimacula Smith 2008, new species

Main Author: Smith, David R.
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2008
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  • Pristaulacus unimacula SMITH, new species (Figs 106-110) Diagnosis: All orange except hind femur black. Wings black with paler to hyaline spot at center of anterior margin just basal to stigma. Head shining. Mesonotum densely punctate, without transverse carinae. Hind coxa smooth, shining. Pronotum without anteriorly projecting tooth. Female: Length, 11.0 mm; forewing length 9.0 mm; ovipositor length 6.0 mm. Color: Antenna with scape and pedicel orange, flagellar segments 2 and 3 black (broken beyond 4). Head orange. Mesosoma orange with posterior spot and narrow medial line on venter of propleuron, narrow anterior margin of pronotum, mesosternum, and extreme lower portion of metapleuron black. Legs with forecoxa black, mid- and hind coxae orange with black on inner surfaces; trochanters orange; femora black except extreme base and apex orange; fore- and midtibiae yellowish, hind tibia with basal half yellow, apical half black; tarsi yellow. Metasoma orange with lateral and ventral portions of segments 1-6 and medial spot on tergites 2-5 blackish; ovipositor sheath black with white streak on outer surface of basal half. Forewing almost completely black with hyaline to yellowish spot near anterior margin basal to stigma (Fig. 110); hind wing uniformly black; veins and stigma black. Head: Lower interocular distance 1.4X eye height, very slightly longer; malar space 0.25X eye height (Fig. 106). Occipital carina very narrow, less than a fifth diameter of an ocellus. Head from above long, roundly narrowing behind eyes, about subequal to eye length (Fig. 107). Shining, practically impunctate, with fine white pubescence (Figs 106, 107). Mesosoma: Pronotum without anteriorly projecting tooth. Propleuron shining, with few punctures laterally; rest of mesosoma shining, reticulate; hind margin of mesopleuron narrowly scrobiculate (Figs 108, 109). Hind coxa about 2X longer than broad; smooth and shining (Fig. 108). Tarsal claws with 5 teeth, lower tooth smallest. Hind basitarsus 1.1X length of remaining tarsal segments combined. Forewing with cells 1M and 1Rs contiguous, without connecting vein Rs+M (Fig. 110). Hind wing with veins distinct, cells Cu and R1+Rs contiguous (Fig. 110). Metasoma: Segments 2 to apex with fine white pubescence and fine punctures. Ovipositor length about 0.7X forewing length. Male: Unknown. Holotype: Vemale, labeled “Malpica, Mexico, Sinaloa, 29 June 1961, R. A. Scheibner ” (MSU). Etymology: From the Latin uni (one) and macula (spot), referring to the one hyaline spot on the forewing basal to the stigma. Remarks: The single hyaline spot at the anterocentral part of the forewing is not known in other Pristaulacus species.
  • Published as part of Smith, David R., 2008, Aulacidae of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America (Hymenoptera), pp. 267-355 in Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 58 (2) on pages 319-321, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.58.2.267-355,