Tetralonioidella wuae Niu & Zhu 2017, sp. nov

Main Authors: Niu, Zeqing, Yuan, Feng, Zhu, Chaodong
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2017
Online Access: https://zenodo.org/record/5459903
Daftar Isi:
  • Tetralonioidella wuae Niu & Zhu, sp. nov. (Figs 20–22) Diagnosis. The new species has fore wing without papillae, just as that of T. heinzi, but the bristle-like setae on ventral surface S7 of male are denser than that of T. heinzi, pubescence on scutum and metasoma sparser than that of T. heinizi, yellowish-brown, not fox-red. Description. Male. BL 9.0– 10.2mm (holotype 10.0mm) (Fig. 20a); head broader than long, HW:HL= 60: 43 (Fig. 20b); gena distinctly narrower than eye, GW: EW= 10: 15; width of metasoma slightly narrower than the width between the tegulae, MtW: MsW = 70: 72. Clypeus broader than long (Fig. 20b); apical margin of labrum distinctly concave (Fig. 20c); antenna long, reaching behind margin of tegula, scape conically broadened, slightly shorter than F1 to F3 together, flagellomere equal in breadth, F1 as long as broad, F2-F4 equal in length and long than broad, nearly 1.4 times as long as broad, F5-F10 equal in length, nearly 1.2 times as long as broad, F11 rounded apically, equal in length with F2, about 1.4 times as long as broad (Fig. 20d); fore wing with numerous minute hairs apically, distinct papillae absent (Fig. 21a); scutellar spines broad and short, rounded apically, barely visible between pubescence; inner ramus of hind tarsal claw axe-shaped, arolium present (Fig. 21b); apical part of S7 triangular, with small incision at apex, ventral surface of apical part of S7 with stiff, short to long dense setae laterally (Fig. 21c); apical margin of median process of S8 distinctly concave (Fig. 21d); genitalia as illustrated in Fig. 21e (in dorsal view) and Fig. 21f (in lateral view), basal part of gonostylus with broad rectangular process dorsally, and the process with dense long hairs along dorsal and apical margin, penis valve without rectangular processes laterally (Fig. 21f). Clypeus black (Fig. 20b); basal part of mandible black, middle part of mandible dark blackish-brown, apical part of mandible dark reddish-brown; labrum black (Fig. 20c); antenna dark blackish-brown beneath (Fig. 20d); tegula yellowish-brown (Fig. 20e); all legs dark reddish-brown except mediotarsus and distitarsus dark yellowish-brown; hind tarsal claw blackish-brown apically (Fig. 21b). Scutum pubescence yellowish-brown (Figs 20a, e); clypeus, periphery of antennal socket, supraclypeal area, paraocular area and front surface of scape covered with sparse yellowish-white hairs (Fig. 20b);vertex, genal area, scutum, scutellum, metanotum and episternum covered with dense and long yellowish-brown hairs (Figs 20a, d–e); all metasomal terga uniformly covered with thin and short yellowish hairs, and T2-T4 with yellowish-white hair bands before marginal zones (Fig. 20f). Female. BL 11.2mm (Fig. 22a); head broader than long, HW: HL =71: 50 (Fig. 22b); gena distinctly narrower than eye, GW: EW = 11: 20; width of metasoma broader than the width between the tegulae, MtW: MsW = 87: 80. Clypeus broader than long (Fig. 22b); apical margin of labrum straight (Fig. 20c); antenna long, reaching behind margin of tegula, scape conically broadened, slightly shorter than T1 to F3 together, flagellomere equal in breadth, F1 slightly longer than broad, nearly 1.2 times as long as broad, F2 long than broad, nearly1.6 times as long as broad, F3 equal in length with F4, longer than broad, nearly 1.4 times as long as broad, F5–F9 equal in length, about 1.2 times as long as broad, F10 rounded apically, equal in length with F2, about 1.6 times as long as broad (Fig. 22d); fore wing with numerous minute hairs apically, distinct papillae absent (Fig. 22e); scutellar spines short and broad, rounded apically, barely visible between pubescence; inner ramus of hind tarsal claw axe-shaped, arolium present (Fig. 22h). Clypeus black (Fig. 22b); labrum blackish-brown (Fig. 22c); antenna dark black beneath (Fig. 22d); tegula yellowish-brown (Fig. 22f); all legs dark reddish-brown except mediotarsus and distitarsus dark yellowish-brown. Scutum pubescence yellowish-brown (Figs 22a, f); clypeus covered short and sparse yellowish-white hairs, periphery of antennal socket, supraclypeal area, paraocular area and front surface of scape covered long yellowish-white hairs (Fig. 22b); vertex, scutum, scutellum, metanotum covered with yellowish-brown hairs (Figs 22a, f); all metasomal terga uniformly covered with short, yellowish-brown hairs (Fig. 22g). Material examined. Holotype. ♂, China, Sichuan, Yibin, Mt. Fuxian (28o42′N, 104o38′E; elev. 400–500 m), 31. V.2016, Feng Yuan. Paratypes. 7♂, same data as holotype; 2♂, Hubei, Lichuan, Mt. Xingdou (30o02′N, 109o08′E; elev. 850–900 m), 21–25.VII.1989, coll. Shuyong Wang & Longlong Yang; 1♂, Hubei, Hefeng, Fengshuifeng (29o55′N, 110o12′E; elev. 1100 m), 29.VII.1989, coll. Shuyong Wang; 1♂, Hunan, Guzhang, Gaowangjie (28o40′N, 110o05′E; elev. 460–600m), 31.VII.1988, coll. Shuyong Wang; 2♂ 3♀, Hunan, Dayong, Zhushitou (29o19′N, 110o12′E; elev. 350–600 m), 19–21.VIII.1988, coll. Longlong Yang; 1♂, Hunan, Shuishun, Forest Farm of Shanmuhe (29o08′N, 109o50′E; elev. 650 m), 5.VIII.1988, coll. Longlong Yang; 1♂, Sichuan, Wan Xian, Wang’erbao (32o43′N, 105o25′E; elev. 1300 m), 15.VII.1993, coll. Shimei Song; 1♂, Guizhou, Shiqian, Jinxing (27o30′N, 108o08′E; elev. 600m), 21.VII.1988, coll. Longlong Yang; 1♂, Hainan, Qiongzhong, Limushan, Binlang Lake (19o11′N, 109o47′E; elev. 562 m), 7.IV.2010, coll. Kuiyan Zhang. Distribution. China (Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hainan). Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to Prof. Yanru Wu of Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences for her contributions to bee taxonomy. Funding This work was supported mainly by the National Specific Research Funds for Public Benefit Department (Agriculture) (201303108) to Zeqing Niu, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (31625024) to Chaodong Zhu, partially by the NSFC Program J1211002 and the grant (Y229YX5105) from Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Acknowledgements The authors sincerely thank Prof. Yanru Wu, Dr. Yanzhou Zhang (Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China) and anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of the manuscript, and are grateful to Dr. Douglas Chesters (Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China) for revising the English language in parts of the manuscript.
  • Published as part of Niu, Zeqing, Yuan, Feng & Zhu, Chaodong, 2017, Taxonomic study of the genus Tetralonioidella Strand from China (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Melectini), pp. 418-445 in Zoological Systematics 42 (4) on pages 441-444, DOI: 10.11865/zs.201718, http://zenodo.org/record/5366783