Nystalus obamai Whitney, Piacentini, Schunck, Aleixo, Sousa, Silveira & Rego 2013

Main Authors: Machado, Tatiana Lemos da Silva, Marques de Oliveira, Uéslei, Santos do Nascimento, Sheiliane, Santos, Marcos Pérsio Dantas, Manzatto, Angelo Gilberto
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2021
Online Access: https://zenodo.org/record/5465118
Daftar Isi:
  • Nystalus obamai Whitney, Piacentini, Schunck, Aleixo, Sousa, Silveira & Rêgo, 2013 Figure 3A Records. BRAZIL – Rondônia • Porto Velho, Estação Ecológica de Cuniã; first record on 15.I.2019; photographic record; trail L3; WA3841845. Distribution. This species is distributed in the western basin of the Madeira River to south of the Solimões River. It occurs in humid terra firme forests within the várzea and along the sides of roads. It is absent from the high forests on sandy soils and the campina and campinarana vegetation types (Whitney et al. 2013). Identification. The mean length of this species is 20 cm. The mantle has blackish feathers without pale terminal fringes, and the belly is pale with dark vertical streaks. The bill is yellow, and the crown and back are brown.
  • Published as part of Machado, Tatiana Lemos da Silva, Marques de Oliveira, Uéslei, Santos do Nascimento, Sheiliane, Santos, Marcos Pérsio Dantas & Manzatto, Angelo Gilberto, 2021, Preliminary survey of avifauna of the Estação Ecológica do Cuniã in Porto Velho, northern Brazil, pp. 289-310 in Check List 17 (1) on page 300, DOI: 10.15560/17.1.289