Allorthorhinus Kuschel 2008, n. gen

Main Author: Kuschel, Guillermo
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2008
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Genus ALLORTHORHINUS n. gen. Figs 153-158 Type species: Orthorhinus granosparsus Fairmaire. DESCRIPTION. — Elytra cylindrical, slightly wider than prothorax, with obsolescent shoulders and callus; odd interstriae neither costate, tuberculate nor tufted. Tooth on hind femora distinctly smaller than on fore femora, of same size or smaller than on middle femora. Fore tibiae weakly compressed, with blunt dorsal edge; premucro small or indistinct. Mesepisternum not prominent, not tuberculiform. Male: tegmen with widely separate narrow parameral lobes and a tooth in between on ring (Fig. 154). Aedeagus (Fig. 155) not quite parallel-sided, rounded at apex, with pale, firm latero-apical area; basal sclerite with an emarginated base, entirely or partly showing between apodemes; median sclerites fused to a large, heavily pigmented steering structure, lobed posteriorly, with long, stiff processes anteriorly (Fig. 154). Female: sternite 8 medially broadly membranous, not ciliate (Fig. 157). Hemisternites weakly pigmented, narrowly rounded at apex in dorsal and ventral view, with styli on middle of apex (Fig. 158). Bursa elongate, distinctly pigmented at spermathecal duct insertion area; spermatheca with stem a little wider than hook, with elliptical gland on a distinct extension halfway up the stem; base of spermatheca rounded; duct emerging from middle of spermathecal base without a distinct extension; duct evenly thick, lightly pigmented, not passing apex of bursa (Fig. 158). DISTRIBUTION. — Philippines, Solomon Is., Fiji. HOSTPLANTS. — No information on labels. A series of specimens of A. granosparsus found by me on boles of recently felled timber trees in Nukurua, Tailevu, Viti Levu. ETYMOLOGY. — ‘Allorthorhínus’ is a latinised Greek compound meaning ‘another Orthorhinus’. REMARKS. — Four species of Allorhorhinus are present: A. brevirostris (Heller) from the Philippines, A. granosparsus (Fairmaire) n. comb. from Fiji, A. insularis (Heller) n. comb. from Solomon Is., and a fourth one, undescribed, from Vanikoro, Santa Cruz group, Solomon Is.
  • Published as part of Kuschel, Guillermo, 2008, Curculionoidea (weevils) of New Caledonia and Vanuatu: Basal families and some Curculionidae, pp. 99-250 in Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 197 on pages 199-200