FIG. 3.—A in Morphometrics and Taxonomy of Bats of the Genus Pteronotus (Subgenus Phyllodia) in Venezuela

Main Authors: Gutiérrez, Eliécer E., Molinari, Jesús
Format: info Image Journal
Terbitan: , 2008
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  • FIG. 3.—A) Lateral, B) dorsal, and C) ventral views of a cranium, and D, E) views of mandible and F) 2nd lower molar of Mormoops megalophylla (drawings taken from Gutiérrez 2004) showing the method used for obtaining craniodental measurements on mormoopid bats. Measurements: 1 1⁄4 occipitonasal length, 2 1⁄4 condylobasal length, 3 1⁄4 zygorostral length, 4 1⁄4 braincase depth, 5 1⁄4 premaxillaeinfraorbital foramen length, 6 1⁄4 maxillary toothrow length, 7 1⁄4 upper canine height, 8 1⁄4 upper PM3 length, 9 1⁄4 upper PM4 height, 10 1⁄4 rostral breadth, 11 1⁄4 interorbital breadth, 12 1⁄4 anterior braincase breadth, 13 1⁄4 posterior braincase breadth, 14 1⁄4 zygomatic breadth, 15 1⁄4 upper 1st incisor breadth, 16 1⁄4 palatal length, 17 1⁄4 ectotympanic bulla length, 18 1⁄4 basioccipital breadth, 19 1⁄4 M3 breadth, 20 1⁄4 mandibular toothrow length, 21 1⁄4 mandibular condylocanine length, 22 1⁄4 mandibular depth, 23 1⁄4 m2 breadth, 24 1⁄4 m2 length, 25 1⁄4 intercondylar breadth, 26 1⁄4 mandibular condyle breadth.
  • Published as part of Gutiérrez, Eliécer E. & Molinari, Jesús, 2008, Morphometrics and Taxonomy of Bats of the Genus Pteronotus (Subgenus Phyllodia) in Venezuela, pp. 292-305 in Journal of Mammalogy 89 (2) on page 294, DOI: 10.1644/06-mamm-a-452r.1,