Phlyctinus grootbosensis Haran & Hansen & Benoit & Cbgp 2020, sp. nov

Main Authors: Haran, Julien M., Hansen, Steffan, Benoit, Laure, Cbgp, Pia Addison
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2020
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  • Phlyctinus grootbosensis Haran sp. nov. E9F2C348-E57C-4B83-A464-7E6F1896BF12 Figs 1B, 2B, 3B, 4C Etymology This species is named in reference to its type locality, the Grootbos Private Nature Reserve.As knowledge stands, this species is endemic to this place. Material examined Holotype REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA • ♂; Western Cape province, Gansbaai, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve: 34o32.356ʹ S, 19o24.683ʹ E; 6 Jun. 2018; J. Haran leg.; at base of Senecio burchellii DC.; CBGP code JHAR01082; SAMC. Paratypes REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; 34o31.609ʹ S, 19o29.453ʹ E; 10 Aug. 2018; J. Haran leg.; sweeping by night, on Osteospermum moniliferum; CBGP code JHAR01300; SAMC • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; BMNH • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; CBGP • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; SANC • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; SUIC. 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; TMSA. Description BODY LENGTH. 5.2–6.5 mm. COLOUR. Body integument black, legs black to dark red; vestiture of elytra consisting of a mixture of scales, either isodiametric to twice as long as wide, pearly white or smaller, 3× as long as wide, brown, not concealing the integument; pearly white scales forming series of pale dots on interstriae or illdefined transverse bands, and a band on basal half of sides of prothorax. HEAD. Rostrum longer than wide (w/l ratio: 0.67) in both sexes, at base 1.05 × as wide as at apex, sides slightly concave near middle of length; epifrons in middle as wide as width of eye, at base narrower than distance between eyes, sides subparallel, slightly expanding apicad, upper face with a longitudinal carina extending from basal transversal groove to nasal plate, visible through scales; nasal plate V-shaped, reaching level of antennal insertion basally, bare of scales, with only minute setae inserted in scattered punctures and 3 pairs of long setae apically near insertion of mandibles (2 short and 1 very long); antennal scrobes slightly curved in lateral view, directed to middle of eye, separated from it by a strip of scales 1⁄4 as wide as width of eyes; mandibles trisetose, bare of scales. Forehead with a short longitudinal furrow between eyes, scales and setae arranged centripetally towards a point below base of eyes; eyes moderately protruding, margin slightly more convex basally than apically. Antennae slender, scape 0.70 × as long as funicle, slightly bisinuate, subclavate at apex, exceeding anterior margin of prothorax in repose; funicle with segments 1–2 elongate, 1 shorter (0.82×) than 2, segments 3–6 longer than wide, conical, shortening apicad, segment 7 longer and slightly wider than 6; club spindle-shaped, segment 1 longer than 2, margins slightly sinuous. PROTHORAX. Slightly wider than long (w/l ratio: 1.16), widest slightly before middle of length, apical margin 0.58 × as wide as at base, sides sub-straight in apical and basal 1⁄2, almost angular at widest point; integument forming a dense cover of elongate granules forming concentric ellipses around a point located on basal 1⁄2 of median line and a pair of slight depressions on each side of this point; median carina absent, integument not forming a smooth and shiny ridge. ELYTRA. Sides convex, widest before middle of length (w/l ratio: 0.72–0.77), integument smooth or weakly reticulate, shiny or matt, interstriae raised, 2–4 × as wide as width of striae in basal half; declivital callosities present on apical 1⁄4 of interstriae 3, 5 and 7 and smaller ones on 2, 4, 6 and 8; each interstria with a series of semi-erect, elongate whitish scales, condensed on callosities. ABDOMEN. Underside with pearly green or pearly white scales, not concealing integument, not condensed on metanepisterna; ventrite 1 slightly shorter than 2+3+ 4, slightly convex in middle (♀), or concave with very long, erect golden setae much longer than claws (♂), ventrite 5 longer than 3+4, with erect setae in middle and near apex and a reticulate ridge near apex (♀) or with a large cavity in apical 4⁄5, with long erect setae, similar to those on ventrite 1, condensed on 2 brushes on each side of margin of cavity; setae in bottom of cavity erect, golden, shorter than those on margin (♂) (Fig. 3B); in males, middle of ventrites 1–4 with an elongate cuticular ridge at base of setae. LEGS. Femora clavate, unarmed, with a ring of more condensed pale scales near middle; tibiae straight, unarmed, slightly bisinuate on ventral side; in males apex of metatibia with a brush of golden setae ventrally; claws simple, free, equal in length. GENITALIA. Body of penis short, 0.6 × as long as apodemes (w/l ratio: 0.48), sides subparallel in basal half, widest near base, concave in apical 1⁄2, tapering towards apex; apex pointed; in lateral view curvature weak, mainly in basal half, bisinuate near apex (Fig. 2B); copulatory sclerite with left arm shorter than body, bearing setae at base, comb of right arm with setae converging and forming a spiral; right area of body as wide as left area. Sexual dimorphism Males might be distinguished externally from females by the slightly more slender elytra and the two brushes of erect golden setae on ventrites 1 and 5. Life history This species was found to be abundant on and at the base of Osteospermum moniliferum, Senecio halimifolius L. and S. burchellii, which are probably its host plants (Fig. 4D). Distribution Phlyctinus grootbosensis sp. nov. is only known from the type locality, the Grootbos Private Nature Reserve near Gansbaai. Remarks Phlyctinus grootbosensis sp. nov. can easily be distinguished from other species by the long golden setae on ventrites 1 and 5 of the males. It is the darkest species of the genus and has the most strongly rounded eyes in dorsal view (more or less angled in the other species). Its body shape and colour resemble the dry fruits of Osteospermum moniliferum remarkably well (Fig. 4C).
  • Published as part of Haran, Julien M., Hansen, Steffan, Benoit, Laure & Cbgp, Pia Addison, 2020, Description of five new species in the genus Phlyctinus Schoenherr (Coleoptera, Curculionidae): a first step in deciphering the P. callosus complex, pp. 1-29 in European Journal of Taxonomy 669 on pages 10-13, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.669,