Chimarra tokotaai Johanson & Oláh, 2012, new species

Main Authors: Johanson, Kjell Arne, Oláh, János
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2012
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Chimarra tokotaai, new species Figs. 14, 75– 79 Chimarra tokotaai is similar to C. vuda and C. naitasirensis in the presence of simple, dorsad-curved gonopods; a strongly enlarged phallotremal sclerite in the phallic apparatus; absence of large endothecal spines; and an endotheca with a group of minute, strongly sclerotized spicules. Chimarra tokotaai is distinguished from the other 2 species by having apically narrowed gonopods; a phallotremal sclerite that is 3 x longer than the width of the posterior part of phallotheca; and the presence of only 1 group of sclerotized spicules in the phallic endotheca. Male. Body dark pale brown, dorsal part of meso- and metathorax only slightly darker than rest of body. Large dark area between lateral and anterior ocelli. Foreleg anterior claw as long as foreleg spur. Wing s (Fig. 14). Forewings 4.2 mm (n= 1), brown; broad, ratio of length to breadth 3.3; R 1 slightly curved before crossvein r; radial sector slightly produced anterad immediately before discoidal cell; discoidal cell originating slightly distally of mid-length of wing, nearly 3 x longer than wide; median cell slightly shorter than discoidal cell; crossvein r originating from R 2 + 3, immediately before fork I; fork I originating before crossvein s at distance equal to length of crossvein s; nygma located near base of fork II; fork III 1 / 6 th as long as wing; fork V as long as fork I, shorter than fork II; Cu 2 tangential with A at wing margin. Hind wings 3.4 mm (n= 1), brown; broad, ratio of length to breadth 3.0; margin slightly incurved at arculus, where Cu 1 and Cu 2 fused with margin; fork III as long as discoidal cell and 1 / 7 th as long as wing; fork V about as long as fork I; 1 A+ 2 A 4 x longer than 1 A. Male genitalia (Figs. 75–79). Segment IX slightly shorter than high; each anterodorsal margin shallowly concave in lateral view; each ventral margin strongly convex; each posterior margin produced posterad into large, triangular lobe starting at mid-height of cercus; ventral side of posterior 1 / 2 of segment IX with scattered setae (ventral view). In dorsal view with narrow anterior lobes; anterodorsal margin with wide, deep incision in dorsal view. In ventral view segment IX with shallowly concave anterior margin and moderately deep, and widely Ushaped posterior margin; posterior margin without central projection. Tergum X simple; tapering apically in lateral view (Fig. 75); orienting posteroventrad, nearly straight; divided into 2 slightly mesad-curved, lateral branches from base in dorsal and ventral view (Figs. 76, 77); each branch slightly narrowing posteriorly in dorsal and ventral view, apically rounded, without processes; sensillae invisible. Cerci large, broad, located immediately below dorsal margin of segment IX and tergum X and oriented posterad in lateral view; very short in dorsal view; covered by long setae. Gonopodsunbranched, about as long as segment IX, curved dorsad and sickle-shaped in lateral view; anterodorsal margin concave; ventral margin nearly straight; posteroventral corner slightly produced into strongly sclerotized minute tooth; in ventral view forming broad plates widening posteriorly, each with strongly sclerotized apicomesal tooth; each mesal margin nearly straight, weakly undulating. Phallic apparatus nearly 2 x longer than rest of genitalia: phallotheca, in lateral and ventral view, with anterior part 2– 3 x thicker than posterior part; apicoventral spine absent on phallotheca; strongly enlarged phallotremal sclerite in phallic apparatus forming paired rays and about 1 / 2 as long as phallic apparatus; large endothecal spines absent; endotheca with 1 group of minute, strongly sclerotized, well separated spicules. Female. Unknown. Holotype male: VITI LEVU: Vuda Prov., Koroyanitu N.N.P. Kokabula Trail, Malaise trap, 26.x– 5.xi.2002, 17° 40 ’S, 177 ° 33 ’E [17.3333 °S, 177.55 °E], 400 m, leg. M. Irwin, E. Schlinger & M. Tokota'a [loc#01] [FNIC]. Paratypes: Same data as holotype, except 6–26.v. 2003 [loc#01] — 2 males [NHRS]. Vuda Prov., Koroyanitu N.M.P. Abaca Village, Malaise trap, 6–26.v.2003, 17° 40 ’S, 177 ° 33 ’E [17.3333 °S, 177.55 °E], 400 m, leg. M. Irwin, E. Schlinger & M. Tokota'a [loc#01] — 7 males [BPBM]. Vuda Prov., Koroyanitu Pk., 1 km E Abaca Vlg., Savuione Trail, Malaise trap, 21.ix– 7.x. 2002, 17.667 °S, 177.55 °E, 800 m, M. Irwin, E. Schlinger & M. Tokota’a [loc#03] — 3 males [BPBM]. Same data, except 7–12.x. 2002 [loc#03] — 3 males [BPBM]. Same data, except 12–19.x. 2002, M. Irwin, E. Schlinger & M. Tokota’a [loc#03] — 8 males [NHRS]. Same data, except 19–26.x. 2002 [loc#03] — 3 males [BPBM]. Same data, except 26.x– 5.xi. 2002 [loc#03] — 5 males [BPBM]. Same data, except 26.xi– 3.xii. 2002, E. Schlinger & M. Tokota’a [loc#03] — 9 males [FNIC]. Same data, except 10–17.xii. 2002 [loc#03] — 2 males [BPBM]. Same data, except 11–19.iii. 2003 [loc#03] — 3 males [NHRS]. Vuda Prov., Koroyanitu Pk., 1 km E Abaca Vlg., Kokabula Trail, Malaise trap, 2– 2003, 17.667 °S, 177.55 °E, 800 m, leg. M. Tokota’a [loc#05] — 2 males [BPBM]. Vuda Prov., Koroyanitu Pk., 0.5 km N Abaca Vlg., Malaise trap 1, 26.x– 5.xi. 2002, 17.667 °S, 177.55 °E, 800 m, leg. E. Schlinger & M. Tokota’a [loc#06] — 3 males [BPBM]. Naitasiri Prov., Sovi Basin, Wainivalau, Malaise trap, 8–15.v.2003, 17° 54 ’S, 178 ° 14 ’E [17.9000°S, 178.2300°E], 300 m, leg. M. Irwin, E. Schlinger & M. Tokota’a [loc#07] — 1 male [BPBM]. Naitasiri Prov., 1.8 km E Navai Vlg., old trail to Tomaniivi, Malaise trap 4, 9– 20.xii. 2003, 17.521 °S, 177.998 °E, 700 m, leg. E. Schlinger, M. Irwin & M. Tokota’a [loc#08] — 1 male [FNIC]. Naitasiri Prov., Eteni, Navai, Malaise trap,– 15.vii.2003, 17° 37 ’S, 177 ° 59 ’E [17.6167 °S, 177.9833 °E], 700 m, leg. E. Schlinger, M. Irwin & M. Tokota’a [loc#09] — 3 males [NHRS]. Same data, except 13–18.ii. 2004 [loc#09] — 1 male [BPBM]. Etymology: Tokotaai, named after Dr. M. Tokota’a, one of the collectors of the holotype. Distribution: Viti Levu.
  • Published as part of Johanson, Kjell Arne & Oláh, János, 2012, Revision of the Fijian Chimarra (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) with description of 24 new species, pp. 1-58 in Zootaxa 3354 on pages 26-28, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.210736