Protaphorura golestanica

Main Authors: Kaprus', Igor, Shayanmehr, Masoumeh, Kahrarian, Morteza, Lafooraki, Elham Yoosefi
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2017
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  • Protaphorura golestanica Kaprus’, Shayanmehr & Kahrarian sp. nov. (Figs 9–15) Type material. Holotype: male (mounted on slide), Northern Iran, Gorgan region, Alangdarreh forest, Horn beam trees, soil, 20.X.2015, leg. Farnaz-sadat Hosseini. Paratypes: 8 males and 8 females (mounted on slide), the same data as holotype. Iran, Golestan, Gorgan, Alangdarreh forest, Horn beam, soil, 1.X.2014; Kordkuy, Imam Reza forest, Soil, 7.XII. 2014; Gorgan, Alangdarreh forest, Soil, 11.VII. 2015, leg, Farnaz-Sadat Hosseini. Etymology. The name of the new species refers to the Golestan Province (Iran), the place where the type specimens were collected. Diagnosis. PAO with 30–34 simple vesicles. Pso formula dorsally 32/022/33333, ventrally 11/000/0001, subcoxae 1 of I–III legs without pso. Submedial pso a and b on Abd. terga I–II located far apart. Psx formula on Abd. sterna: 111001m. Th. tergum I with 8–9+8–9 chaetae, chaeta m absent. Chaetae s' absent on Abd. terga I–III and V. Manubrial field with 13–15 chaetae in 3 rows. MVO present as 2+2 modified chaetae on Abd. sternum II. Description. Holotype (male) length 1.4 mm, length of paratypes: 1.3–1.4 mm (males) and 1.7–2.0 mm (females). Shape of body typical of genus: cylindrical with strong AS on distinct papillae (Fig. 9). Colour in alcohol yellowish-white. Granulation more or less uniform, distinct. Usually 11–14 grains around each pso. TABLE]. CompariSon of P. golestanica sp.nov. with Protaphorura SpecieS without pSo on Subcoxa Ɨ of all legS anđ with 2+2 ventral pSo on heađ Number of mođifieđ chaetae of 7, Ɨ2, ƗƗ 2 +2,2+2,Ɵ+Ɵ 2+2,Ɵ+Ɵ,Ɵ+Ɵ 2+2,2+2,Ɵ+Ɵ abSent 2+2,Ɨ+Ɨ,Ɵ+Ɵ abSent MVO on Abđ. Sterna II, III, IV Number of chaetae on ƗƟ+ƗƟ 7*9+7*9 8*9+8*9 9+9 8*9+8*9 9*ƗƗ+9*ƗƗ 8*ƗƟ+8*ƗƟ (i2 *) . tergum I (chaetotaxy type) (i2 *) (i2 *, *Ɨ*) (i2 *) (i2 *) (iƗ(2)*) (i2 *) Number of chaetae on Ɨ4 Ɨ2 * Ɨ4 Ɨ3 * Ɨ5 Ɨ2 Ɨ5 Ɨ2 * Ɨ5 Ɨ8 * Ɨ9 manubrial fielđ Number of chaetae in axial 7 7 5*8 8 6*7 7 7*8 of Abđ. tergum IV of empođial Ɨ.Ɵ Ɨ.Ɵ Ɵ.6* Ɵ. 7 Ɨ. Ɵ Ɵ.7* Ɵ. 8 Ɨ. Ɵ Ɨ.Ɵ appenđage / claw of A6 / claw? Ɨ.Ɵ*Ɨ.Ɨ Ɨ.Ɵ? Ɵ.8*Ɵ. 9 Ɨ. 4* Ɨ.6 Ɵ.9*Ɨ.Ɵ Characters DorSal pSo Ventral pSo PSx formula Number of Number of Number of MVO 6pineS of Number of 6enSory formula formula pSo on veSicleS chaetae on (lacaliSa- Abđ. chaetae on clubS on Subcoxae Ɨ in PAO Th. tergum tion) tergum V Subcoxae Ɨ AIIIO I arabelensis 34/244/5-67694 ƗƟ/ƟƟƟ/ Ɨ3 Ɨ2 Ɵ inviSible 3 2Ɵ 9+9? abSent 4, 6, 6 Smooth PomorSki & KapruS̓, 2ƟƗ6 edinensis 34/233/44454 ƗƟ/ƟƟƟ/ƟƟƟƟƟ?/ƟƟƟ/ ƗƗ2? Ɨ Ɨ4 * Ɨ7 8+8? preSent 3, 4, 4 Smooth Bagnall, Ɨ935) epaphius 5-6,5/4-5,8,8-ƗƟ/9- preSent KapruS̓ & TSalan, 2ƟƟ 9 Ɨ 3,9-Ɨ2,9-Ɨ4,9- ƗƟ/ƟƟƟ/ƟƟƟƟƟ ƟƗ/ƟƟƟ/2 Ɨ2 ƗƟƗ 4-5 Ɨ3 * Ɨ6 6+6 abSent 4, 4, 4 Smooth (VT) Ɨ4,7-ƗƟ pamirensis preSent 34/233/44454 ƗƟ/ƟƟƟ/ƟƟƟƟƟ ƗƗ/ƟƟƟ/2222Ɨ 3 Ɨ Ɨ6 *22 8+8 abSent 4, 5, 5 Smooth Martynova, Ɨ975) (VT)? persicus 33/233/44453 ƗƟ/ƟƟƟ/ƟƟƟƗ0 0Ɨ/ƟƟƟ/222ƗƟ 3 1 19 *2 Ɨ 8 +8? abSent 4, 4, 4 smooth nov. spinularius preSent 34/233/44454 ƗƟ/ƟƟƟ/ƟƟƟƟƟ?/ƟƟƟ/ ƗƗ2 ƟƟƟ Ɨ Ɨ2 * Ɨ5 Ɨ 8 *9+8*9 preSent 4*5, 5, 5 Smooth GiSin, Ɨ952) (VT) subedinensis Ɨ8 *22 preSent 34/233/3-44454 ƗƟ/ƟƟƟ/ƟƟƟƟƟ ƟƗ/ƟƟƟ/ ƗƗ2 ƗƟ3 Ɨ 5 *6+5*6 abSent 3, 4, 4 Smooth Jorđana & Arbea, Ɨ985 (VT) tianshanicus 33-4/233/34454 ƗƟ/ƟƟƟ/ƟƟƟƗ0 ƟƗ/ƟƟƟ/222 ƗƗ3 1 13* Ɨ7 8+8 abSent abSent 4, 5, 5 smooth Martynova, Ɨ97 Ɨ) vandeli 32/233/33343 Ɨ/ƟƟƟ/ƟƟƟƟƟ? Ɨ 22 *25? abSent abSent? granulateđ CaSSagnau, Ɨ96 Ɵ) Antennae slightly shorter than head (ratio 0.9), their base well marked. Ant. I with 10 chaetae, Ant. II with 17 chaetae. AIIIO consisting of 5 guard chaetae, 5 papillae, 2 smooth sensory rods, 2 straight and granulated sensory clubs, ventro-lateral ms present (Fig. 11). Ant. IV with subapical organite in unprotected cavity without clear cuticular papilla. Ms on Ant. IV in usual position above second proximal row of chaetae. Ant. IV with 12–14 slightly differentiated sensilla (Fig. 11). PAO of middle length, consisting of 30–34 simple vesicles (Fig. 10). Labral formula of chaetae: 4/342. Maxillary outer lobe with simple palp, basal chaeta and with two sublobal hairs. Labial palp of type A. Labium with 7 proximal, 4 basomedian, and 6 basolateral chaetae. Papillae A–E with 1, 4, 0, 3, 3 guard chaetae respectively. Pso formula dorsally 32/022/33333, ventrally 11/000/0001 (Figs 9, 15). Subcoxae 1 of I–III legs without pso and with one psx each. Submedial pso a and b on Abd. terga I–II located rather far apart, i.e. on similar distance as on Abd. tergum III (Fig. 9). Psx formula 0/000/ 111001m. Femur of all legs with one psx on internal side. Psp formula dorsally 0/011/1111, ventrally 0/111/01m 1m 1m, coxae with 1 psp each. Dorsal chaetotaxy rather symmetrical and oligochaetotic, chaetae well differentiated into macrochaetae and microchaetae (fig. 9). Sensory chaetae s indistinct on body. On head p2 chaetae displaced forward in relation to p1 and p3. Chaetae p6 on head located between pso a and b (Fig. 9). Th. tergum I with 8–9+8–9 chaetae, chaeta m absent (chaetotaxy type i2 -). Both Th. terga II and III with lateral ms and with 4+4 or 5+5 axial microchaetae. Chaetae s' absent on Abd. terga I–III and V (Fig. 9). On Abd. tergum IV in axial area between M2 and P2 macrochaetae located 5–8 chaetae. Abd. tergum IV with one (m0) or two (a0, m0) median chaetae. Abd. tergum V with one (p0) or two (a0, p0) median chaetae. Abd. tergum VI with one median chaeta m0 (Fig. 9). Relative position of prespinal microchaetae of parallel type (Fig. 9). M/s ratio on Abd. tergum V as 11.5–18.6/4.7–6.0 (AS = 10). AS nearly as long as inner edge of claw and 2.6–2.8 times longer than their basal diameter. Perilabial area of head with 4+4 a-chaetae. Postlabial chaetae 4+4 along ventral groove. Th. sterna I–III without chaetae. VT with ca. 8–9+8–9 chaetae and 2 chaetae at base. Furcal rudiment: cuticular fold (located on the anterior edge of the sternum) with 2+2 dental microchaetae in 2 rows. Chaetotaxy of manubrial field: 4 chaetae present in ma-row, 2–4 chaetae in mm-row and 7 chaetae in mp-row (Fig. 15). In adult males MVO present as 2+2 modified chaetae developed on Abd. sternum II (Figs 13, 15). Each of these modified, brush-like chaetae located in integumentary pocket (Fig. 13). In subadult males chaetae in MVO modified in lesser extent (Figs 14 a–c). Similar modified chaetae found in one adult female too. Genital plate with about 18–22 chaetae in adult females and 31–40 chaetae in males.Each lateral anal valves with a0 and 2a1 (a2 absent); upper anal valve with chaetae a0, 2a2, 2b1, 2b2, c0, 2c1 and 2c2 (Fig. 15). Subcoxae 1 of I, II and III legs with 5, 7, 6 chaetae, subcoxae 2 with 1, 5, 4, coxae with 4, 11, 12–12, trochanters with 11–12, 10–11, 10–11, femora with 17–18, 18–19, 17–19, tibiotarsi with four rows of chaetae (distal whorl (A+T)+(B+M)+C): 11+8+3, 11+8+3, 11+8+4 chaetae respectively. Claw with small denticle in 1/2 of inner edge of claw (Fig. 12). Empodial appendage 0.6– 0.7 times as long as inner edge of claw, without basal lamella (Fig. 12). Discussion. Protaphorura golestanica sp. nov. belongs to the group of Protaphorura species without pso on subcoxa 1 of all legs and with 2+2 pso ventrally on head: P. ombrophila (Stach, 1960), P. kopetdagi Pomorski, 1994, P. salsa Kaprus’, Paśnik & Weiner, 2014, P. bakhchisaraica Kaprus’, Paśnik & Weiner, 2014, P. tuvinica Kaprus’, Weiner & Paśnik, 2016 and P. ajudagi Pomorski, Skarżyński & Kaprus’, 1998. Most of these species, except for P. salsa, inhabit the territory of southern Palearctic from Crimean Peninsula to Central Asia and southern Siberia (Kaprus’, Weiner & Paśnik, 2016). By the presence of 1+1 pso on Abd. sternum IV, the new species is similar to P. salsa, P. tuvinica, P. ombrophila, P. ajudagi and P. kopetdagi, but can easily be distinguished from these species by the dorsal pso formula (see table 1). Within this group of species, males of P. golestanica sp. nov. share the presence of MVO with P. bakhchisaraica, P. ajudagi, P. salsa and P. kopetdagi but differ from them by its localization (see table 1). Other differences of the above species are also represented in Table 1.
  • Published as part of Kaprus', Igor, Shayanmehr, Masoumeh, Kahrarian, Morteza & Lafooraki, Elham Yoosefi, 2017, Three new species of Onychiuridae Lubbock, 1871 (Collembola, Poduromorpha) from Iran, pp. 335-346 in Zootaxa 4291 (2) on pages 339-342, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4291.2.6,