Clypeothrips idrisi Ng & Mound, sp.n

Main Authors: Ng, Y. F., Mound, L. A.
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment
Terbitan: , 2015
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  • Clypeothrips idrisi Ng & Mound sp.n. (Figs 1–8) Female macroptera. Body brown. Legs brown, fore tibia largely pale, middle and hind tibiae pale at apex, tarsi yellow; fore wings uniformly shaded; antennal segments I and VI–VIII brown, III–IV yellow, also apical half of II and basal third of V. Head about as long as wide, with two pairs of ocellar setae; pair II minute about 0.15 times as long as III, arising in line with fore ocellus and laterally near margin of compound eyes; pair III arising just outside margins of ocellar triangle (Fig. 2); three pairs of postocular setae, pair II at least 3.0 times as long as pairs I and III. Antennae 8 -segmented (Fig. 1); segment I with a single dorso-apical median seta, III–IV with forked sense cone, VI about 1.5 times as long as segment V. Pronotum trapezoidal as long as wide, surface smooth with few weak lines near posterior and lateral margins, about 24 discal setae; 2 pairs of posteroangular setae (Fig. 3); 2 pairs of minute posteromarginal setae. Mesonotal anterior median campaniform sensilla present, submedian pair absent; median and submedian setae arising at posterior margin. Metanotum irregularly reticulate medially, longitudinal striate laterally (Fig. 4); campaniform sensilla absent; median setae and submedian setae sub-equal, arising at anterior margin. Mesofurca with spinula, metafurca without; meso and metasterna each with 4–6 minute setae (Fig. 5). Fore wing strongly curved, second vein with about 7–9 setae; first vein with 2 setae near apex, 7–8 near base; clavus with 4 veinal and 1 discal setae. Tergites II–VIII with 6–8 transverse lines laterally scarcely extending mesad of campaniform sensilla and setae S 1, posterior margins with toothed craspedum. Sternite II with smooth surface (Fig. 6), without thorn-like tubercles, with 2 pairs of posteromarginal setae; sternites II–VII with lobed craspedum, III–VII with 3 pairs of posteromarginal setae. Ovipositor serrate and short, but reaching anterior margin of segment X (Fig. 7). Measurements (holotype female in microns). Body length 1350. Head, length 152; width across cheeks 148; ocellar setae - II 6, III 32; postocellar setae I–III: 7, 22, 7; Pronotum, length 178; width 189; posteroangular setae - inner 48, outer 50. Fore wing, length 647. Antennal segments I–VIII length (width): 23 (27), 33 (25), 36 (20), 42 (20), 32 (20), 46 (20), 11 (7), 17 (5). Male. Unknown Material studied. Holotype female, Malaysia, Selangor, Kajang. Bambusa sp., 7.i. 2014 (NG, Y.F.), in CISUKM. Paratypes: 6 females collected with holotype; from same plant and collector, 2 females, 15.xi. 2013, 1 female, 15.xii. 2013 in CISUKM; 1 female from same plant, 8.xi. 2013, in ANIC. Etymology. The s pecies is named after the Professor Dr Idris Abdul Ghani from Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and he is the current president of Entomology Society Malaysia (ENTOMA). Comments. This new species is easily distinguished from the only other known member of the genus, C. tibialis, because the second abdominal sternite of that species bears many thorn-like tubercles whereas it is smooth in this new species.
  • Published as part of Ng, Y. F. & Mound, L. A., 2015, Species of Thripinae (Thysanoptera) from bamboo in Malaysia, with one new species and six new records, pp. 492-502 in Zootaxa 3918 (4) on pages 493-494, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3918.4.2,