Ypsiloncyphon chiangmaiensis Yoshitomi, 2015, sp. n.

Main Author: Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2015
Online Access: https://zenodo.org/record/6111902
Daftar Isi:
  • Ypsiloncyphon chiangmaiensis sp. n. (Figs. 26 B, 32) Type material. Holotype (NMW), male, “ THAILAND, Mae Ping 24.– 25. 6. 1991 leg, Malicky (Licht)”. Paratypes (NMW, NSMT, EUMJ, BLKU): 1 male, “ THAILAND Chieng Mai June 16, 1965 K. Morimoto leg.”, s. no. HY 793; 13 males, 45 exs., “N-THAILAND, 1.- 8. 5. 18 o 49 ’N 98 o 57 ’E Chiang Mai, Zoo (Licht) leg. Chantaramongkol & Malicky 1989 ”; 5 exs., “NW-THAILAND Chiang Mai (Zoo) 23. 5. - 1. 6. 1988 leg. Malicky (Licht)”; 12 exs., “N-THAILAND, 10. - 17. 4. 18 o 49 ’N 98 o 57 ’E Chiang Mai, Zoo (Licht) leg. Chantaramongkol & Malicky 1989 ”; 2 exs., “N-THAILAND, 18. - 25. 4. 18 o 49 ’N 98 o 57 ’E Chiang Mai, Zoo (Licht) leg. Chantaramongkol & Malicky 1988 ”; 1 male, “NW-THAIL.: Chiang Mai 98 o 57 ’E 18 o 49 ’N, Zoo 14. 21. II. 1988 Malicky & Chantaramongkol LF”; 1 ex., “N-THAILAND, 16. - 23. 5. 18 o 49 ’N 98 o 57 ’E Chiang Mai, Zoo (Licht) leg. Chantaramongkol & Malicky 1988 ”; 1 ex., “NW-THAIL.: Chiang Mai 98 o 57 ’E 18 o 49 ’N, Zoo 24. - 31. 10. 1988 Malicky & Chantaramongkol LF”; 4 exs., “NW-THAILAND Chiang Mai (Zoo) 9. - 16. 5. 1988 leg. Malicky (Licht)”. Description. Male. Body (Fig. 26 B) oblong, gently convex dorsally, slightly shining, closely covered with yellowish-white setae throughout. Coloration of body blackish-brown, but anterior part of head paler; mouthparts, antennae and legs yellowish brown. Head moderate in size, flat dorsally, granulate, with front margin straight. Eyes moderate in size, prominent; the distance between eyes about 1.8 times as long as the maximum diameter of an eye. Antennae short and slender, reaching about proximal 1 / 4 of elytra. Pronotum granulate like head; front and lateral margins almost straight; antero-lateral corners obtuse; posterior margin bisinuous; PW/PL 2.00– 2.29 (2.12). Scutellar shield small, finely punctate, equilaterally triangular. Elytra oval, widest at middle, densely punctate; apices rectangular; humeral parts slightly projecting; EL/EW 1.25–1.35 (1.29); EL/PL 3.63–4.43 (3.98); EW/PW 1.38–1.54 (1.46); TL/EW 1.54–1.68 (1.61). Caudal margin of sternite VII (Fig. 32 A) gently arcuate. Tergite VIII (Fig. 32 B) well sclerotized, with two pairs of large projections, each laterally and caudally, with a pair of long apodemes; tergite IX (Fig. 32 C) lightly sclerotized, with a pair of long apodemes; sternite VIII (Fig. 32 D) lightly sclerotized, oblong. Tegmen (Fig. 32 E) long, well sclerotized, Y-shaped, bifid in apical 1 / 3 (parameres), pointed at apices; proximal part slightly expanded antero-laterally. Penis (Fig. 32 F) long, moderately sclerotized, about 1.5 times as long as tegmen, subparallel-sided near base to apical 1 / 3; parameroids slightly expanded laterally in apical 1 / 3, punctate in apical part, with a pair of lines of serrations on ventral surface, obtuse at apex; two pairs of long projections protruding from near base and basal 1 / 3 of lateral margins, basal ones longer, pointed at apices, with two pairs of small denticles in apical part, apical ones obtuse at apices; trigonium indistinct. Female. Not examined. Measurements. Male (n = 5): TL 1.85–1.90 (1.87) mm; PW 0.78–0.80 (0.80) mm; PL 0.35–0.40 (0.38) mm; EW 1.10–1.20 (1.16) mm; EL 1.45–1.55 (1.49) mm. Distribution. Thailand. Remarks. This is a remarkable species in having a strangely shaped penis which is large, an indistinct trigonium and two pairs of long projections extending from the basal part. Related species are unknown. Etymology. The species is named after the type locality.
  • Published as part of Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki, 2015, New species of the genus Ypsiloncyphon (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae), pp. 451-500 in Zootaxa 3904 (4) on pages 489-491, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3904.4.1, http://zenodo.org/record/239899