Agrilus (Agrilus) touroultinus Curletti, 2015, n. sp

Main Author: Curletti, Gianfranco
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2015
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  • Agrilus (Agrilus) touroultinus n. sp. (Fig. 3 a, 3 b, 3 c) Material examined. Holotype ♂: Ecuador, Puerto Quito, VI. 2009, ex larva, Touroult leg. (MCCI); Paratype ♀, idem (MCCI). Holotype description. Length 4.9 mm. Vertex of head red wine colour, pronotum green, elytra brown with 6 (3 + 3) spots of white pubescence. Head with frons green, bright, with golden highlights at base. Sculpture with very fine punctures, silky appearance. Epistome not carinate. Antennae short, serrate from fifth antennomere. Pronotum with anterior angles with copper hues. Disc with transverse sculpture, oblique, like upside-down herringbone pattern. Premarginal carinula not entire, straight, parallel to the lateral margin. Marginal carinae close together, fused at the base. Mentonniere rounded. Prosternal plate with long white setae, narrowing at mid-length. Scutellum with obsolete transverse carina. Elytra with three pairs of pubescent spots, apices rounded and microdenticulate. The median pubescent spots are elongated, the posterior are arranged obliquely. Abdomen with white pubescence at base of lateroterga, on metepisterna and metacoxae. Ventrites glabrous, apex of the last rounded. Legs metallic green. Claws simply toothed. Metatarsus at least as long as the metatibia: basal metatarsomere longer than the sum of the following two (1> 2 + 3). Aedeagus large and stocky, median lobe with apex rounded (fig. 3 c). Female paratype description. Length 4.9 mm. Dorsal side entirely black, with exception of bronze reflections on posterior angles of pronotum. Frons black on top, metallic brown at the base. The premarginal carinulae are more curved, the elytral apex more elongate, metatarsus shorter than the metatibia. Secondary sexual characters. Besides the different color, the male has prosternal plate pubescent, metatarsus more elongated, and has a longitudinal groove in the median part of the basal ventrite. Etymology. Named after the collector, my colleague Julien Touroult. Comments. In the Ecuadorian Agrilus fauna, only one other known species has three spots of elytral pubescence: A. aurifrons Kerremans, 1897, which is easily separable by the larger size and the different arrangement of the spots. Among the remaining South American species characterized by three pairs of pubescent spots, of which the apical is placed obliquely, and without entire premarginal carinulae (A. balatanus Curletti & Brûlé 2015, A. similiter Curletti & Brûlé 2016, A. matitinus Curletti & Brûlé 2014 from French Guyane – types in MCCI-, A. tucumanellus Obenberger, 1933 from Argentina, A. lineariformis Jendek, 2005 from Brazil), A. touroultinus differs by the color pattern and metallic integument. A few doubts could remain as to the identity of A. equatoris Obenberger 1917, whose type has disappeared from the collections of NMPC (Kubáň com. pers.).
  • Published as part of Curletti, Gianfranco, 2015, Four new species of the genus Agrilus Curtis, 1825 from Ecuador (Coleoptera, Buprestidae), pp. 575-582 in Zootaxa 3985 (4) on page 579, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3985.4.6,