Cylloepus fabianorum Monte & Mascagni, 2012, sp. nov

Main Authors: Monte, Cinzia, Mascagni, Alessandro
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2012
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Cylloepus fabianorum sp. nov. (Figs. 12–14) Diagnosis. Head granulated; terminal segment of the labial palp, short and stout. Surface of pronotum with dense and coarse granules, each one with a long golden seta; remaining surface of pronotum smooth and glossy with very sparse granules. Elytral surface with numerous little and round granules each one with a long golden seta. Metasternal medial groove deep and large for its entire length. Pro-, meso- and metatibiae with a single lateral fringe of tomentum extending from almost mid-tibia about to the tip. Description. Holotype: Male (Figs. 12–14). Total length 3.7 mm, greatest width 1.3 mm. Body elongate, with sub-parallel sides, moderately convex. Color: Cuticle glossy, black with mouth-parts, antennae and legs reddish-brown. Head: Partly retractable, without distinct impressions. Surface granulated, with round coarse granules. Eyes protruding laterally, separated by a distance about two and a half times the eye-width. Antennae 11 -segmented, filiform; first two basal articles thicker than the remaining ones; third article narrow at base; apical article long with cluster of apical setae. Clypeus sub-rectangular and short with the front-clypeal suture shallow; surface of posterior half, with granules smaller than those on the head. Labrum short, surface glossy with some moderately long golden setae on the anterolateral portions; terminal segment of labial palp, short and stout. Thorax: Pronotum as wider as long (1.1 mm and 1.1 mm, respectively), anterior width less than posterior width; anterior margin convex; sides largely convex in the posterior half, lateral margin slightly but fairly regularly crenate with anterior angles produced and acute, posterior ones almost right-angled; base tri-sinuate. Sublateral carinae extending from base to anterior margin, moderately elevated and slightly sinuate mainly on basal third. Disc with median longitudinal groove extending from distal third to the base; groove very faint anteriorly, deeper and broader in the middle, narrower and shallower basally. Disc in front of scutellum on basal third with sides of median groove forming two broadly convex and moderately elevated median ridges, narrower towards the base. Surface towards the base between the sublateral carinae and median ridges with a slightly oblique depression followed by a sub-circular very feeble elevation. Surface of pronotum with dense coarse granules, each one with a long golden seta; remaining surface of pronotum smooth and glossy with very sparse granules on the sub-circular elevations and basal portion of pronotum. Elytra more than twice as long as pronotum; nearly parallel-sided; sides faintly sinuate at anterior third; anterior margin convex; humeral angles broadly rounded; apex slightly produced and broadly rounded. Each elytra with ten coarse striae formed by a row of well separated punctuations diminishing in size towards apex. Sublateral carinae on the sixth and eighth interstria, both reaching the declivity of the elytra, apically the outer one notably more elevated than the inner one. Intervals slightly convex, flat towards the apex; intervals 2–4 slightly carinate at base, the third one slightly more prominent than the second and fourth. Elytral surface with numerous little round granules each one with a long golden seta. Scutellum obovate, flat and glossy with sparse tiny granules. Prosternum distinctly produced anteriorly, in lateral view with the anterior twothirds strongly bent downwards; sublateral carinae short but evident; surface granulated; prosternal process slightly longer than wide with apex slightly acute; surface slightly depressed with dense coarse granules. Hypomera wrinkled. Mesoventrite deeply grooved medially for the reception of the prosternal process; narrower anteriorly, largely rounded behind. Metaventrite with a large and deep longitudinal medial groove running for its entire length; surface of disc and sides with coarse, round, dense granules, areas between granules strongly wrinkled. Legs thin, covered by dense round granules, each one with a long golden seta. Pro-, meso- and metatibiae with a single lateral fringe of tomentum extending from about mid-tibia to nearly the tip. Abdomen: First ventrite slightly depressed medially, with a few coarse round granules; sublateral carinae extending to posterior margin. Ventrite 5 with posterolateral margins slightly produced; surface of ventrites with dense, round coarse granules, each one with a long golden seta. Genitalia: Parameres slightly shorter than median lobe, in dorsal view (Fig. 13) wide except in the apical part, where they are narrow and rounded at apex; base obliquely truncate with acute internal angle. Parameres in lateral view (Fig. 14) narrower towards apex. Median lobe in dorsal view (Fig. 13) wide; apex sub-acute; long basal lateral apophyses. Median lobe in lateral view (Fig. 14) with acute apex slightly bent downwards. Phallobase (Figs. 13, 14) asymmetrical. Female. Unknown. Intraspecific variation. The specimens examined do not show significant morphological variability. Type locality. Ecuador: Pichincha, La Unión del Toachi, Otongachi Natural Reserve. Type series. Holotype: Male, Ecuador, Pichincha, Santo Domingo de Los Colorados, La Unión del Toachi, Otongachi Natural Reserve, 850 m, small waterfall, tributary of Rio Toachi, along the road to Palo Quemado, F. Cianferoni, F. Fabiano, M. Fabiano, G. Mazza, C. Monte, M. Pazmiño, C. Tapia & F. Terzani leg., 22–23.VI. 2009 (MZUF Collection number 15626). Paratype: 1 male, Ecuador, Pichincha, Alluriquín, Bosque Integral Otonga (Rio Las Damas), 1400 m, E. Tapia leg., 28.I. 2001 (QCAZ). Etymology. Dedicated to our friend and colleague, the lepidopterologist Filippo Fabiano (MZUF) and his son Michele for their help during our entomological research in Ecuador. Comparative notes. Cylloepus fabianorum sp. nov. is close to Cylloepus whitmanae sp. nov. from which it may be distinguished by the different shape of the terminal segment of the labial palp, short and broad instead of long and slender; prosternum with the anterior two-thirds strongly bent downwards rather than slightly bent downwards; metaventrite with a deep and broad medial groove for its entire length; legs entirely reddish-brown and a distinctly different shape of the male genitalia.
  • Published as part of Monte, Cinzia & Mascagni, Alessandro, 2012, Review of the Elmidae of Ecuador with the description of ten new species (Coleoptera: Elmidae), pp. 1-38 in Zootaxa 3342 on pages 10-11, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.281409