Pomponia Stal 1866

Main Authors: Thai, Pham Hong, Yang, Jeng-Tze
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2009
Online Access: https://zenodo.org/record/6223442
Daftar Isi:
  • Genus Pomponia Stål, 1866 Pomponia Stal, 1866, Hem. Afr. IV, 6. Type species: Dundubia linearis Walker, 1850, List Hom., 1: 48. The genus Pomponia is mainly distributed through the Oriental Region and contains 37 species (Boulard, 2005 b; Chou et al., 1997; Duffels and van der Laan, 1985; Metcalf, 1963 b, Sanborn et al., 2007). This genus comprises a very heterogeneous group of species (Duffels and Hayashi, 2006). Among them, species of the Pomponia linearis group defined by Duffels & Hayashi (2006) share the following characters: a broad pale transverse band across the postclypeus; acute lateral pygofer lobes; a trapezoidal uncus with medial incision suggesting the fusion of two short, broad lobes; and a pair of claspers, each with two spines, protruding from below the uncus. Four described species occur in Vietnam: Pomponia linearis (Walker, 1850), Pomponia piceata Distant, 1905, Pomponia lactea (Distant, 1887), and Pomponia orientalis (Distant, 1912). Below we present a key to species of genus Pomponia from Vietnam, and describe a new species belonging to this species group.
  • Published as part of Thai, Pham Hong & Yang, Jeng-Tze, 2009, A contribution to the Cicadidae fauna of Vietnam (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha), with one new species and twenty new records, pp. 1-19 in Zootaxa 2249 on page 8, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.190761