Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dauensis Obenberger 1924

Main Author: Ỹ, Svatopluk Bíl
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment Journal
Terbitan: , 2008
Online Access:
ctrlnum 6228697
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><creator>&#x1EF8;, Svatopluk B&#xED;l</creator><date>2008-12-31</date><description>Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dauensis Obenberger, 1924 (Figs. 7, 13) Anthaxia dauensis Obenberger, 1924: 106. Anthaxia daouensis: Obenberger, 1928: 231 (unjustified emmendation); 1930: 540. Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dauensis: B&#xED;l&#xFD;, 1997: 19, 63, 157. Type locality: Ethiopia [&#x201C;Abessynia&#x201D;], Dire Daoua [Dir&#xE9; Dawa, Ahmar Mts.]. Type specimen examined. Syntype (&#x3A8;, NMPC) labelled: &#x201C;Dire Daoua, Abessyn. [h] // TYPUS [p] [red label] // A. daouensis [sic!] m. Type [h], Det. Dr. Obenberger [p]&#x201D;. Additional specimens examined. SOMALIA: Berbera (1 &#x3A8;, NMPC); Benadir, Mogadiscio 70 km, ex larva Acacia sp., ix. 1987, R. Mourglia leg. (2 &#x257;&#x257;, NMPC). Diagnosis. Small to medium-sized, robust, moderately convex, dark bronze, sometimes with green lustre; dorsal surface asetose, frons with short, rather dense, white pubescence, ventral surface with very short, sparse, white pubescence, metepisterna with dense, white pubescence. Head large, frons convex, eyes large, not projecting beyond outline of head; antennae short, hardly reaching midlength of lateral pronotal margins. Pronotum convex, 1.8&#x2013;1.9 times as wide as long, somewhat wider than elytra with small, shallow lateroposterior depressions; lateral margins nearly regularly rounded, anterior margin strongly bisinuate; scutellum pentagonal, as wide as long. Elytra short, 1.7&#x2013;1.8 times as long as wide, uneven with wide, transverse depression at anterior 1 / 3 and deep, lateral, longitudinal depression at posterior 1 / 2; elytra subparallel at anterior 2 / 3, strongly acumined at posterior 1 / 3, somewhat caudiform apically with very fine lateral serration. Ventral surface mat, punctato-ocellate, anal ventrite apically narrowly truncate (&#x257;) or finely emarginate (&#x3A8;); inner margin of male metatibiae with postmedial, obtuse tooth (Fig. 7); aedeagus without dorsal field of bristles (Fig. 13). Length: 5.5&#x2013;6.2 mm; width: 2.2&#x2013;2.4 mm. Bionomy. Two specimens from Somalia were reared from Acacia sp. (Mimosaceae). Distribution. Ethiopia, Somalia. Comments. This species was most probably described from a single female and is the only species of the group without the dorsal field of bristles on the parameres. Nevertheless, the shape of the male genitalia (Fig. 13), the form of male metatibiae (Fig. 7), the pronotal and elytral sculpture as well as the form of anal ventrite and general body-shape enable the attribution of this species to A. kheiliana species-group.</description><description>Published as part of &#x1EF8;, Svatopluk B&#xED;l, 2008, A revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) kheiliana Obenberger, 1931 species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), pp. 44-56 in Zootaxa 1816 on pages 47-48, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.182919</description><identifier></identifier><identifier>10.5281/zenodo.6228697</identifier><identifier></identifier><relation>info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/url/</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.182919</relation><relation>url:</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.182920</relation><relation>doi:10.5281/zenodo.6228696</relation><relation>url:</relation><rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</rights><rights></rights><source>A revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) kheiliana Obenberger, 1931 species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), pp. 44-56 in Zootaxa 1816 47-48</source><subject>Biodiversity</subject><subject>Taxonomy</subject><subject>Animalia</subject><subject>Arthropoda</subject><subject>Insecta</subject><subject>Coleoptera</subject><subject>Buprestidae</subject><subject>Anthaxia</subject><subject>Anthaxia dauensis</subject><title>Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dauensis Obenberger 1924</title><type>Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other</type><type>Other:publication-taxonomictreatment</type><recordID>6228697</recordID></dc>
format Other:info:eu-repo/semantics/other
author Ỹ, Svatopluk Bíl
title Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dauensis Obenberger 1924
publishDate 2008
topic Biodiversity
Anthaxia dauensis
contents Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dauensis Obenberger, 1924 (Figs. 7, 13) Anthaxia dauensis Obenberger, 1924: 106. Anthaxia daouensis: Obenberger, 1928: 231 (unjustified emmendation); 1930: 540. Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) dauensis: Bílý, 1997: 19, 63, 157. Type locality: Ethiopia [“Abessynia”], Dire Daoua [Diré Dawa, Ahmar Mts.]. Type specimen examined. Syntype (Ψ, NMPC) labelled: “Dire Daoua, Abessyn. [h] // TYPUS [p] [red label] // A. daouensis [sic!] m. Type [h], Det. Dr. Obenberger [p]”. Additional specimens examined. SOMALIA: Berbera (1 Ψ, NMPC); Benadir, Mogadiscio 70 km, ex larva Acacia sp., ix. 1987, R. Mourglia leg. (2 ɗɗ, NMPC). Diagnosis. Small to medium-sized, robust, moderately convex, dark bronze, sometimes with green lustre; dorsal surface asetose, frons with short, rather dense, white pubescence, ventral surface with very short, sparse, white pubescence, metepisterna with dense, white pubescence. Head large, frons convex, eyes large, not projecting beyond outline of head; antennae short, hardly reaching midlength of lateral pronotal margins. Pronotum convex, 1.8–1.9 times as wide as long, somewhat wider than elytra with small, shallow lateroposterior depressions; lateral margins nearly regularly rounded, anterior margin strongly bisinuate; scutellum pentagonal, as wide as long. Elytra short, 1.7–1.8 times as long as wide, uneven with wide, transverse depression at anterior 1 / 3 and deep, lateral, longitudinal depression at posterior 1 / 2; elytra subparallel at anterior 2 / 3, strongly acumined at posterior 1 / 3, somewhat caudiform apically with very fine lateral serration. Ventral surface mat, punctato-ocellate, anal ventrite apically narrowly truncate (ɗ) or finely emarginate (Ψ); inner margin of male metatibiae with postmedial, obtuse tooth (Fig. 7); aedeagus without dorsal field of bristles (Fig. 13). Length: 5.5–6.2 mm; width: 2.2–2.4 mm. Bionomy. Two specimens from Somalia were reared from Acacia sp. (Mimosaceae). Distribution. Ethiopia, Somalia. Comments. This species was most probably described from a single female and is the only species of the group without the dorsal field of bristles on the parameres. Nevertheless, the shape of the male genitalia (Fig. 13), the form of male metatibiae (Fig. 7), the pronotal and elytral sculpture as well as the form of anal ventrite and general body-shape enable the attribution of this species to A. kheiliana species-group.
Published as part of Ỹ, Svatopluk Bíl, 2008, A revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) kheiliana Obenberger, 1931 species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), pp. 44-56 in Zootaxa 1816 on pages 47-48, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.182919
id IOS16997.6228697
institution ZAIN Publications
institution_id 7213
institution_type library:special
library Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
library_id 5267
collection Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
repository_id 16997
subject_area Multidisciplinary
city Stockholm
shared_to_ipusnas_str 1
repoId IOS16997
first_indexed 2022-06-06T03:54:00Z
last_indexed 2022-06-06T03:54:00Z
recordtype dc
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score 17.608942