Figure 2 from: Wang HM, Wang Z, Liu F, Wu CX, Zhang SF, Kong XB, Decock C, Lu Q, Zhang Z (2019) Differential patterns of ophiostomatoid fungal communities associated with three sympatric Tomicus species infesting pines in south-western China, with a description of four new species. MycoKeys 50: 93-133.

Main Authors: HuiMin, Wang, Wang, Zheng, Liu, Fu, Wu, Cheng Xu, Zhang, Su Fang, Kong, Xiang Bo, Decock, Cony, Lu, Quan, Zhang, Zhen
Format: info Image eJournal
Terbitan: , 2019
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Figure 2 Phylograms obtained from ML analysis of LSU sequences, showing fungal associates with pines infected by Tomicusyunnanensis, T.minor and T.brevipilosus in Yunnan Province, China. Novel sequences obtained in this study are printed in bold type. Bootstrap values ≥ 70% for ML and MP are indicated above branches. Bootstrap values < 70% are indicated by the symbol *. Strains representing ex-type sequences are marked with 'T'; ML, maximum likelihood; MP, maximum parsimony and the final alignment of 743 positions, including gaps.