Thomsonista antonkozloui Nearns and Nascimento 2019, sp. nov

Main Authors: Nearns, Eugenio H., Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.
Format: info publication-taxonomictreatment eJournal
Terbitan: , 2019
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • Thomsonista antonkozloui Nearns and Nascimento, sp. nov. (Figures 5 a–e) Description. Male. Length 14.50 mm (measured from vertex to elytral apices), width 5.15 mm (measured across humeri). Integument dark brown. Pubescence mostly ochraceous, feebly whitish on two oblique, slightly distinct bands about middle of elytra, and irregular patches on distal elytral half; golden inside mesotibial sulcus and apex of tibiae (depending on angle of light source). Head. Frons finely, sparsely punctate; pubescence abundant, not obscuring integument. Vertex impunc- tate; pubescence as on frons. Tempora impunctate; pubescence slightly sparser than on frons, especially toward ventral side, interspersed with a few long, erect dark setae behind lower eye lobe. Median groove distinct from clypeus to prothoracic margin. Antennal tubercles with blunt projection at inner apex; pubescence slightly sparser than on frons. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.35 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.80 times length of scape; narrowest area connecting upper and lower eye lobes 4 ommatidia wide. Genae finely, sparsely punctate (punctures finer than on frons); pubescence notably sparser than on frons. Submentum with pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, sparse dark setae. Antennae 2.1 times elytral length; reaching elytral apex at basal quarter of antennomere VII; scape with distinct grooves ventrally at basal third; scape, pedicel, antennomeres III–XI with long, erect dark setae ventrally, gradually shorter, sparser toward distal segment; antennomeres ringed basally with light yellowish-brown pubescence, wider toward distal segments; antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.55; II = 0.15; IV = 0.76; V = 0.59; VI = 0.53; VII = 0.50; VIII = 0.48; IX = 0.84; X = 0.47; XI = 0.49. Thorax. Pronotum impunctate, with five gibbosities, one transverse, placed at each side of distal half, one transverse, distinctly narrower, almost fused with former, placed at each side of basal half, one subcircular, subfused with former, placed at center of basal half; basal plate separated from area of gibbosities by distinct, transverse sulcus; distal plate separated from area of gibbosities by distinct, transverse, moderately sinuous sulcus (less deep than basal sulcus, especially centrally); pubescence moderately abundant, not obscuring integument. Sides of prothorax smooth before lateral tubercle, somewhat vermiculate after lateral tubercle; pubescence as on pronotum. Ventral side of meso- and metathorax with moderately abundant pubescence, not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, sparse setae on metasternum. Scutellum rounded at apex, centrally depressed in basal half; pubescence abundant, not obscuring integument. Elytra. With shallow, oblique, wide sulcus from near humerus to near suture in basal quarter; coarsely, abundantly, moderately deeply punctate in basal third, gradually finer, smoother, sparser toward apex; pubescence not obscuring integument; humeri slightly projected forward, rounded from area close to prothorax to lateral tubercle. Legs. Inner side of basal half of pro- and mesofemora with erect, sparse setae. Tibiae with moderately long, erect setae, gradually more abundant toward apex. Metatarsomere I 0.65 times II–III together; metatarsomere V (excluding tarsal claws) 0.65 times I–III together. Abdomen. Ventrites with pubescence abundant, not obscuring integument; ventrite V with long, erect, dark setae in distal third, with apex truncate. Female. Unknown. Type material. Holotype (Fig. 5 a–e) male from COLOMBIA, Risaralda: Termales de San Vicente (2560 m; 04o51′18′′ N / 75o31′46′′ W), 21-23.III.2015, Sinyaev, M. Marquéz and J. Machado col. (MZSP). Etymology. The new species is named in honor of Anton Olegovich Kozlov (Moscow, Russia), who donated the holotype. The epithet is a noun in the genitive case.
  • Published as part of Nearns, Eugenio H. & Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L., 2019, A new genus and seven new species of Onciderini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from Central and South America, pp. 1-16 in Insecta Mundi 688 on pages 13-15, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3670443