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  • [Perkembangan teknologi telah membuat adanya pergeseran kekuatan kepada pelanggan atau pasar. Pelanggan menjadi faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan. Informasi yang semakin mudah diperoleh, membuat daya tawar pelanggan semakin tinggi dan pelanggan selalu ingin mendapat yang diinginkan dengan mudah, murah, berkualitas dan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Perubahan struktural ini mengharuskan sebuah perusahaan untuk mengembangkan sebuah strategi e-Bisnis yang inovatif, dengan memusatkan perhatian kepada pasar. Perubahan struktural ini juga membutuhkan proses perubahan secara besarbesaran. Pada waktu yang sama, perusahaan harus membangun sebuah infrastruktur e-Bisnis yang berorientasi pada perbaikan layanan secara kontinu dan inovatif. PT. V menyikapi perubahan struktural ini dengan membangun suatu sistem e-Bisnis untuk layanan persewaan VCD. Dengan sistem yang dibangun ini, yaitu sewa VCD dengan sistem antar dan SMS, pelanggan dapat melakukan sendiri proses peminjaman, pengembalian, melihat film terbaru, dan lain-lain dengan hanya mengirim SMS, tanpa perlu datang ke tempat persewaan. Untuk itu pelanggan akan menghemat waktu, uang, serta lebih efektif dan efisien. Penggunaan SMS sebagai fasilitas dalam e-Bisnis mempunyai berbagai keuntungan, seperti menghilangkan permasalahan jarak dan waktu, menghilangkan faktor kesalahan akibat adanya proses manual. Pemanfaatan e-Bisnis ini pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat menambah pangsa pasar dan dapat mengubah proses bisnis perusahaan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan.;Technological growth has made a strong friction to the market. Customer becomes an important factor which must be paid attention to. Information which is easy to get increases customer's bargaining power. Customer always wants to get what they desire easily, cheaper, and of good quality. This structural change obliges a company to develop an e-Business strategy which is innovative, by focusing on the market. This structural change also requires a change in the business process on a large scale. At the same time, company has to develop an e-Business infrastructure that is oriented toward continous service improvement dan innovation. PT. V faces this structural change by developing an e-Business system for a VCD rental service. Using the system, which administers VCD rental with delivery system and SMS facility, customers can, by themselves, loan VCDs, return loaned VCDs, browse newest films, and perform other activities, just by sendingSMS, without having to visit the rental place. For this reason, the customers will save time and money, become more efficient and effective. The use of SMS as a facility in e-Business has various advantages suchas omitting problems with location and time for doing business, andomitting the errors of manual processing.In the end, e-Business is expected to raise market share and to adapt the company's business process according to customer's needs., Technological growth has made a strong friction to the market. Customer becomes an important factor which must be paid attention to. Information which is easy to get increases customer's bargaining power. Customer always wants to get what they desire easily, cheaper, and of good quality. This structural change obliges a company to develop an e-Business strategy which is innovative, by focusing on the market. This structural change also requires a change in the business process on a large scale. At the same time, company has to develop an e-Business infrastructure that is oriented toward continous service improvement dan innovation. PT. V faces this structural change by developing an e-Business system for a VCD rental service. Using the system, which administers VCD rental with delivery system and SMS facility, customers can, by themselves, loan VCDs, return loaned VCDs, browse newest films, and perform other activities, just by sendingSMS, without having to visit the rental place. For this reason, the customers will save time and money, become more efficient and effective. The use of SMS as a facility in e-Business has various advantages suchas omitting problems with location and time for doing business, andomitting the errors of manual processing.In the end, e-Business is expected to raise market share and to adapt the company's business process according to customer's needs.]