Analisa yuridis tanggung jawab produk badan hukum-perseroan terbatas sebagai pelaku usaha terhadap pencantuman klausa baru menurut undang-undang nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen = Juridical analysis of the product liability of a legal entity, particularly a limited liability company producer for using standard clause under law number 8 year 1999 on consumer protection

Main Authors: Priska Bachtiar, author, Add author: Inosentius Samsul, supervisor, Add author: Rosa Agustina, examiner, Add author: Nurul Elmiyah, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2011
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Di dalam transaksi bisnis, produsen biasanya adalah pihak yang lebih kuat dimana konsumen adalah pihak yang lebih lemah. Hal ini dikarenakan kenyataan bahwa produsen memiliki pengetahuan dan kekuasaan lebih banyak atas produk yang diproduksinya dibandingkan konsumen. Atas dasar fakta tersebut, konsumen memerlukan perlindungan yang memadai. Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen mengatur bahwa produsen harus bertanggungjawab atas segala kerugian yang diderita konsumen sebagai akibat dari mengkonsumsi produk yang telah dibelinya dari produsen. Tanggung jawab itu dinamakan tanggung jawab produk (product liability). Thesis ini menyoroti perihal klausula baku yang biasanya digunakan oleh produsen yang merupakan badan hukum, khususnya perseroan terbatas dalam menjual produk-produknya. Secara spesifik, analisis terhadap permasalahan ini berhubungan dengan tanggung jawab produk dari perusahaan produsen tersebut, dalam kaitannya dengan pertanggungjawaban terbatas dari pemegang saham dan direksi, dan penggunaan klausula baku sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999. Bahanbahan untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui sumber kepustakaan, menggunakan metodologi penelitian hukum dengan tujuan menemukan hukum objektif pada awalnya, untuk kemudian diikuti dengan menemukan hukum subjektif dalam prosesnya. Hukum subjektif ini akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan hukum normatif. Sebagai tambahan, penelitian ini juga menggunakan analisis kualitatif karena tujuan akhir dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji kualitas dari substansi hukum normatif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab produk dari produsen?perseroan terbatas memiliki sifat terbatas sehingga konsumen harus cerdik dalam menjamin ganti kerugian yang bisa diperolehnya dari semua kerugian yang dideritanya sebagai akibat mengkonsumsi produk yang telah dibelinya dari produsen. Juga dapat disimpulkan bahwa peraturan-peraturan tentang klausula baku di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 masih perlu diperiksa dan ditinjau ulang, khususnya, yang berkaitan dengan prinsip misbruik van omstandigheden, dan korelasi antara pencantuman klausula baku tersebut dengan syaratsyarat sahnya perjanjian. Juga diperlukan pengamatan lebih jelas akan beberapa kondisi dalam pertanggungjawaban direksi perseroan terbatas, dalam artian kajian ulang akan seberapa kuat perlindungan hukum yang diberikan Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas terhadap hartanya mempengaruhi tanggung jawabnya terhadap pihak ketiga dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai direksi terhadap status perlindungan harta pemegang saham yang terbatas. <hr> <b>Abstract</b><br> In a business transaction, the producer is normally the stronger party while the consumer is the weaker one. This is due to the fact that the producer has more knowledge and power over his products compared to the consumer. For this reason, the consumer needs protection. Law Number 8 Year 1999 concerning Consumer Protection provides that a producer shall be liable to any damages suffered by a consumer as the result of consuming the product he has bought from the producer. That liability is called product liability. And the focus of this thesis is on the product liability of standard clauses by legal entity producer, particularly limited liability company in regards to its board of directors as a representative party. This thesis focuses on the standard clauses which are normally used by a limited liability company producer in selling its products. Specifically, the analysis relates to the product liability of such company producer, the extent of such liability vis-à-vis the limited liability of its shareholders and board of directors, and the use of standard clauses as provided in Law Number 8 Year 1999. Materials for this study are collected by means of literature technique, using normative law research methodology for purposes of finding the objective law first, and then, from the relevant legal issues found in that process, finding the subjective law. This subjective law is subsequently analyzed by using legal science approaches, namely statute approach and principle approach. In addition, a qualitative analysis is also made because the target of this study is to test the quality of the legal norm substance. The study reveals that the product liability is absorbed by the liability of the company which is limited in nature to the effect that the consumer needs to be smart enough to ensure that he would get the indemnity for any damages he has suffered from the product. It can also be concluded that the provisions on standard clauses in Law Number 8 Year 1999 need to be reviewed and revised, particularly, regarding misbruik van omstandigheden and the effect of the use of such standard clauses on the conditions for validity of a contract. As to the liability of the board of directors, it also needs to be reviewed in order to know how effective the legal protection granted to it by Law Number 40 Year 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company affects its liability to third parties and the limited liability of the shareholders of the company.;In a business transaction, the producer is normally the stronger party while the consumer is the weaker one. This is due to the fact that the producer has more knowledge and power over his products compared to the consumer. For this reason, the consumer needs protection. Law Number 8 Year 1999 concerning Consumer Protection provides that a producer shall be liable to any damages suffered by a consumer as the result of consuming the product he has bought from the producer. That liability is called product liability. And the focus of this thesis is on the product liability of standard clauses by legal entity producer, particularly limited liability company in regards to its board of directors as a representative party. This thesis focuses on the standard clauses which are normally used by a limited liability company producer in selling its products. Specifically, the analysis relates to the product liability of such company producer, the extent of such liability vis-à-vis the limited liability of its shareholders and board of directors, and the use of standard clauses as provided in Law Number 8 Year 1999. Materials for this study are collected by means of literature technique, using normative law research methodology for purposes of finding the objective law first, and then, from the relevant legal issues found in that process, finding the subjective law. This subjective law is subsequently analyzed by using legal science approaches, namely statute approach and principle approach. In addition, a qualitative analysis is also made because the target of this study is to test the quality of the legal norm substance. The study reveals that the product liability is absorbed by the liability of the company which is limited in nature to the effect that the consumer needs to be smart enough to ensure that he would get the indemnity for any damages he has suffered from the product. It can also be concluded that the provisions on standard clauses in Law Number 8 Year 1999 need to be reviewed and revised, particularly, regarding misbruik van omstandigheden and the effect of the use of such standard clauses on the conditions for validity of a contract. As to the liability of the board of directors, it also needs to be reviewed in order to know how effective the legal protection granted to it by Law Number 40 Year 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company affects its liability to third parties and the limited liability of the shareholders of the company., In a business transaction, the producer is normally the stronger party while the consumer is the weaker one. This is due to the fact that the producer has more knowledge and power over his products compared to the consumer. For this reason, the consumer needs protection. Law Number 8 Year 1999 concerning Consumer Protection provides that a producer shall be liable to any damages suffered by a consumer as the result of consuming the product he has bought from the producer. That liability is called product liability. And the focus of this thesis is on the product liability of standard clauses by legal entity producer, particularly limited liability company in regards to its board of directors as a representative party. This thesis focuses on the standard clauses which are normally used by a limited liability company producer in selling its products. Specifically, the analysis relates to the product liability of such company producer, the extent of such liability vis-à-vis the limited liability of its shareholders and board of directors, and the use of standard clauses as provided in Law Number 8 Year 1999. Materials for this study are collected by means of literature technique, using normative law research methodology for purposes of finding the objective law first, and then, from the relevant legal issues found in that process, finding the subjective law. This subjective law is subsequently analyzed by using legal science approaches, namely statute approach and principle approach. In addition, a qualitative analysis is also made because the target of this study is to test the quality of the legal norm substance. The study reveals that the product liability is absorbed by the liability of the company which is limited in nature to the effect that the consumer needs to be smart enough to ensure that he would get the indemnity for any damages he has suffered from the product. It can also be concluded that the provisions on standard clauses in Law Number 8 Year 1999 need to be reviewed and revised, particularly, regarding misbruik van omstandigheden and the effect of the use of such standard clauses on the conditions for validity of a contract. As to the liability of the board of directors, it also needs to be reviewed in order to know how effective the legal protection granted to it by Law Number 40 Year 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company affects its liability to third parties and the limited liability of the shareholders of the company.]