Upaya hukum konsumen melalui pengadilan dalam memperoleh ganti rugi menurut undang-undang no. 8 tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen

Main Authors: Hendra Muchlis, author, Add author: Inosentius Samsul, supervisor, Add author: Edmon Makarim, examiner, Add author: Ratih Lestarini, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2008
Online Access: https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20269700
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Hampir setiap waktu masalah keluhan ataupun kerugian yang dialami oleh konsumen sering kali terjadi sebagai akibat dari pemakaian ataupun mengkonsumsi barang/ produk makanan dan minuman maupun menggunakan jasa dari pelaku usaha. Hal ini bisa terlihat melalui pemberitaan media elektronik maupun media massa. Terhadap permasalahan dan kerugian yang dialami oleh konsumen tersebut, sering kali pula konsumen sendiri belum dan/atau tidak mengerti serta memahami bagaimana upayanya dalam membela dan mempertahankan haknya yang dirugikan oleh pelaku usaha, meskipun saat ini telah ada Undang-Undang yang secara khusus mengatur tentang konsumen, yaitu UU No. 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen (selanjutnya disebut ?UUPK?). UUPK memberikan kesempatan dan pengaturan bagi konsumen untuk mengajukan tuntutannya dengan 4 (empat) jenis, yaitu : gugatan individual, gugatan class action, gugatan legal standing, dan gugatan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah dan/atau instansi terkait. Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk : mengetahui ketentuan dan mekanisme dalam melaksanakan perlindungan hak konsumen memperoleh ganti rugi dan memberikan gambaran tentang pelaksanaan dan kendala yang dihadapi oleh konsumen dalam upayanya menempuh proses penyelesaian sengketa dalam menggugat/menuntut ganti rugi kepada produsen atau pelaku usaha. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Data yang dibutuhkan dalam penulisan ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini di antaranya adalah penyelesaian sengketa konsumen menurut UUPK ada 3 (tiga) jalur penyelesaian, yakni penyelesaian sengketa secara musyawarah atau damai; penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan atau non litigasi melalui lembaga BPSK; dan penyelesaian sengketa melalui pengadilan atau litigasi. Adapun saran dari hasil penelitian ini adalah : bahwa tuntutan ganti rugi konsumen yang tidak memisahkan atau menggunakan sekaligus antara prinsip tanggung jawab berdasarkan KUH Perdata dengan prinsip tanggung jawab berdasarkan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen akan menimbulkan multi penafsiran di pihak pengadilan, sehingga lebih tepat konsumen dalam menuntut haknya menggunakan prinsip tanggung jawab yang disediakan dalam Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen dan perlunya suatu revisi dari pemerintah mengenai pelaksanaan putusan BPSK agar nantinya mempunyai kekuatan eksekutorial, seperti halnya yang dimiliki oleh Pengadilan Negeri. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Almost every time the issue of complaint or loss experienced by the consumers often happens as the result of the use or consumption on goods/products of foods and drinks as well as the use of services of businessmen. On the problem and loss experienced by those consumers, often the consumers themselves have not and/or don?t understand nor comprehend on what efforts in defending and maintaining their rights through suffering losses by businessmen, even though right now there have laws specifically regulating the consumers that is Laws No. 8 Year 1999 On Consumer?s Protection (from hereinafter shall be referred to as ?UUPK-Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen/Laws On Consumer?s Protection?). UUPK gives the opportunities and regulations on consumers to file claims in 4 (four) types they are: individual claim, class action claim, legal standing claim, and claim done by the Government and/or related institution. This research in general is aimed to find out the provisions and mechanisms in performing the consumer?s rights protection in getting their compensation and giving the picture on the implementations and obstacles faced by the consumers in the effort to get the dispute settlement in claming/demanding compensations to producer or businessmen. The research method used is normative juridical research. The data needed in this writing is secondary data obtained through library studies. The conclusions of this research, among other things, are consumers dispute settlement through UUPK through 3 (three) settlement lines, they are dispute settlement through amicable way; dispute settlement outside the court or non litigation through BPSK institution; and dispute settlement through court or litigation. As for the suggestions from the results of this research are that the claims on consumers? compensation not separating or using simultaneously between accountability principal based on Civil Code and accountability principal based on Laws of Consumers? Protection will result in multi interpretations from the court party, thus it is more appropriate for consumers in claiming their rights to use the responsibility principal provided in the Laws of Consumers? Protection and the need of a revision by the government on the implementation of BPSK decisions i, Almost every time the issue of complaint or loss experienced by the consumers often happens as the result of the use or consumption on goods/products of foods and drinks as well as the use of services of businessmen. On the problem and loss experienced by those consumers, often the consumers themselves have not and/or don’t understand nor comprehend on what efforts in defending and maintaining their rights through suffering losses by businessmen, even though right now there have laws specifically regulating the consumers that is Laws No. 8 Year 1999 On Consumer’s Protection (from hereinafter shall be referred to as “UUPK-Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen/Laws On Consumer’s Protection”). UUPK gives the opportunities and regulations on consumers to file claims in 4 (four) types they are: individual claim, class action claim, legal standing claim, and claim done by the Government and/or related institution. This research in general is aimed to find out the provisions and mechanisms in performing the consumer’s rights protection in getting their compensation and giving the picture on the implementations and obstacles faced by the consumers in the effort to get the dispute settlement in claming/demanding compensations to producer or businessmen. The research method used is normative juridical research. The data needed in this writing is secondary data obtained through library studies. The conclusions of this research, among other things, are consumers dispute settlement through UUPK through 3 (three) settlement lines, they are dispute settlement through amicable way; dispute settlement outside the court or non litigation through BPSK institution; and dispute settlement through court or litigation. As for the suggestions from the results of this research are that the claims on consumers’ compensation not separating or using simultaneously between accountability principal based on Civil Code and accountability principal based on Laws of Consumers’ Protection will result in multi interpretations from the court party, thus it is more appropriate for consumers in claiming their rights to use the responsibility principal provided in the Laws of Consumers’ Protection and the need of a revision by the government on the implementation of BPSK decisions i]