Implementasi putusan pidana bersyarat sebagai alternatif pengganti pidana penjara jangka pendek dalam sistem peradilan agama = Implementation of probation verdict as an alternative so substitute short imprisonment in the criminal justice system

Main Authors: Yayat Hidayat, author, Add author: Eva Achjani Zulfa, supervisor, Add author: Mardjono Reksodiputro, examiner, Add author: Surastini Fitriasih, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2012
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penggunaan pidana perampasan kemerdekaan telah banyak mendapat kritik tajam terutama bila dikaitkan dengan ekses negatif dari pidana tersebut. Pengaruh negatif semakin nyata apabila terhadap pelaku tindak pidana dikenakan pidana penjara pendek. Berbagai negara mulai mengkaji adanya alternatif lain untuk menghindari pidana penjara pendek. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat ditawarkan sebagai pengganti dijatuhkannya pidana penjara pendek adalah pidana bersyarat.. Di Indonesia sendiri pidana penjara jangka pendek yang dijatuhkan dapat dihindari terhadap pelaku tindak pidana, hal ini dikarenakan di dalam KUHP dikenal adanya pidana alternatif pengganti pidana perampasan kemerdekaan atau pidana penjara jangka pendek yaitu pidana bersyarat yang diatur dalam Pasal 14 a sampai 14f KUHP.Adapun tujuan dari penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan pidana bersyarat, pelaksanaan pengamatan, pengawasan dan pembimbingan terhadap terpidana bersyarat dan model atau jenis yang diharapkan dari pelaksanaan putusan pidana bersyarat.Berdasarkan tujuan penelitiannya, maka penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengandalkan data primer yang berupa wawancara. Wawancara yang dilakukan yaitu dengan wawancara mendalam yang dikelompokan dalam beberapa narasumber, yaitu Hakim pada Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi, Pengadilan Negeri Cibinong dan Pengadilan Negeri Bogor, Jaksa pada Kejaksaan Negeri Bekasi, Kejaksaan Negeri Cibinong dan Kejaksaan Negeri Bogor, Petugas Balai Pemasyarakatan Pada Balai Pemasyarakatan Bogor dan guru besar hukum pidana. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa pertimbangan-pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan pidana bersyarat terdiri dari terdakwa melakukan tindak pidana ringan, adanya perdamaian antara terdakwa dan korban, usia dan kondisi fisik terdakwa, adanya pertimbangan bahwa tindak pidana terjadi karena korban, terdakwa tidak tahu telah melakukan tindak pidana, terdakwa memiliki tanggung jawab dan tanggungan dan telah adanya pengembalian kerugian yang timbulkan dari perbuatan terdakwa baik seluruhnya maupun sebagian, tidak berjalannya putusan pidana bersyarat dengan baik pengamatan dan pengawasan oleh Hakim wasmat, pengawasan oleh Jaksa dan pembimbingan oleh Balai Pemasyarakatan, model diharapkan dari pidana bersyarat yaitu adanya koordinasi antara Hakim, Jaksa dan Balai Pemasyarakatan dalam pelaksanaan putusan pidana bersyarat. Disarankan kepada hakim dalam hal putusan pidana yang hukumannya di bawah 1 (satu) tahun lebih mengutmakan pidana bersyarat dari pada pidana penjara, dan dalam penjatuhan pidana bersyarat selain menetapkan syarat umum hakim juga diharapkan menetapkan syarat khusus terhadap terpidana bersyarat, kemudian disarankan adanya penyerahan terpidana bersyarat oleh Jaksa ke Balai Pemasyarakatan untuk dilakukan pembimbingan. <hr> <b>Abstract</b><br> The use of criminal liberty deprivation has get many sharp criticisms especially when associated with the negatives excesses of the criminal. Negative influence is more noticeable when the criminal offence charged short imprisonment. Many countries began to examine the existence other alternatives to avoid short imprisonment. One of the alternatives that can be offered as a replacement for the charge of short imprisonment is a probation. In Indonesia short imprisonment which charged can be avoid against the criminal offenders, as in the Criminal Code recognized the existence of alternative criminal from criminal liberty deprivation or short imprisonment which is probation regulated in the section 14 a to 14 f of the Criminal Code (KUHP). As for the purpose of the research is to find out the consideration of judges to charge probation, execution of observation, supervision and guidance to the convicted person and the model or type of execution of probation. Based on the purpose this research, this research will use the method of normative research. As for the approach use qualitative approach by relying on primary data which is interview. Interview conducted by interviewing in depth that are grouped within some sources, the Judge in Bekasi District Court, Cibinong District Court and Bogor District Court, State Attorney in Bekasi, State Prosecutor Cibinong and Bogor, State Correctional Officers In Correctional Hall Bogor and Professor of criminal law. The result of the research found that considerations of judges in charging probation consist of defendant do light crime act, the existence of peace between the defendant and the victim, the age and physical condition of the defendant, there is consideration that the crime occurred because the victim, the defendant did not know had committed a criminal offence, the defendant has a responsibility and a dependent and returning loss which impact from the act of the defendant in whole part or some part, the verdict of probation not going well in observation and supervision by the the judge supervisory and observer, observer by attorney and guidance by the Correctional Hall, the model which expected from probation is coordination between Judges, Attorneys and Correctional Hall in the execution of the verdict of probation. It is suggested to the Judge in that case the verdict of the criminal punishment under one year more prioriting probation than imprisonment, and in addition to charge probation beside apply general terms of Judges also expected to apply special terms to convicted of probation, then suggested submission convicted of probation by Attorney to Correctional Hall to give them guidance.;The use of criminal liberty deprivation has get many sharp criticisms especially when associated with the negatives excesses of the criminal. Negative influence is more noticeable when the criminal offence charged short imprisonment. Many countries began to examine the existence other alternatives to avoid short imprisonment. One of the alternatives that can be offered as a replacement for the charge of short imprisonment is a probation. In Indonesia short imprisonment which charged can be avoid against the criminal offenders, as in the Criminal Code recognized the existence of alternative criminal from criminal liberty deprivation or short imprisonment which is probation regulated in the section 14 a to 14 f of the Criminal Code (KUHP). As for the purpose of the research is to find out the consideration of judges to charge probation, execution of observation, supervision and guidance to the convicted person and the model or type of execution of probation. Based on the purpose this research, this research will use the method of normative research. As for the approach use qualitative approach by relying on primary data which is interview. Interview conducted by interviewing in depth that are grouped within some sources, the Judge in Bekasi District Court, Cibinong District Court and Bogor District Court, State Attorney in Bekasi, State Prosecutor Cibinong and Bogor, State Correctional Officers In Correctional Hall Bogor and Professor of criminal law. The result of the research found that considerations of judges in charging probation consist of defendant do light crime act, the existence of peace between the defendant and the victim, the age and physical condition of the defendant, there is consideration that the crime occurred because the victim, the defendant did not know had committed a criminal offence, the defendant has a responsibility and a dependent and returning loss which impact from the act of the defendant in whole part or some part, the verdict of probation not going well in observation and supervision by the the judge supervisory and observer, observer by attorney and guidance by the Correctional Hall, the model which expected from probation is coordination between Judges, Attorneys and Correctional Hall in the execution of the verdict of probation. It is suggested to the Judge in that case the verdict of the criminal punishment under one year more prioriting probation than imprisonment, and in addition to charge probation beside apply general terms of Judges also expected to apply special terms to convicted of probation, then suggested submission convicted of probation by Attorney to Correctional Hall to give them guidance., The use of criminal liberty deprivation has get many sharp criticisms especially when associated with the negatives excesses of the criminal. Negative influence is more noticeable when the criminal offence charged short imprisonment. Many countries began to examine the existence other alternatives to avoid short imprisonment. One of the alternatives that can be offered as a replacement for the charge of short imprisonment is a probation. In Indonesia short imprisonment which charged can be avoid against the criminal offenders, as in the Criminal Code recognized the existence of alternative criminal from criminal liberty deprivation or short imprisonment which is probation regulated in the section 14 a to 14 f of the Criminal Code (KUHP). As for the purpose of the research is to find out the consideration of judges to charge probation, execution of observation, supervision and guidance to the convicted person and the model or type of execution of probation. Based on the purpose this research, this research will use the method of normative research. As for the approach use qualitative approach by relying on primary data which is interview. Interview conducted by interviewing in depth that are grouped within some sources, the Judge in Bekasi District Court, Cibinong District Court and Bogor District Court, State Attorney in Bekasi, State Prosecutor Cibinong and Bogor, State Correctional Officers In Correctional Hall Bogor and Professor of criminal law. The result of the research found that considerations of judges in charging probation consist of defendant do light crime act, the existence of peace between the defendant and the victim, the age and physical condition of the defendant, there is consideration that the crime occurred because the victim, the defendant did not know had committed a criminal offence, the defendant has a responsibility and a dependent and returning loss which impact from the act of the defendant in whole part or some part, the verdict of probation not going well in observation and supervision by the the judge supervisory and observer, observer by attorney and guidance by the Correctional Hall, the model which expected from probation is coordination between Judges, Attorneys and Correctional Hall in the execution of the verdict of probation. It is suggested to the Judge in that case the verdict of the criminal punishment under one year more prioriting probation than imprisonment, and in addition to charge probation beside apply general terms of Judges also expected to apply special terms to convicted of probation, then suggested submission convicted of probation by Attorney to Correctional Hall to give them guidance.]