Analisa konstruksi jembatan cable stayed menggunakan metode Kantilever studi kasus Jembatan Suramadu = Analysis of cable stayed

Main Authors: Irpan Hidayat, author, Add author: Heru Purnomo, supervisor, Add author: Sjahril A. Rahim, supervisor, Add author: Josia Irwan Rastandi, examiner, Add author: Elly Tjahjono, examiner, Add author: Essy Arijoeni Basoenondo, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2011
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><>br> Tesis ini membahas mengenai perhitungan pembangunan secara bertahap berdasarkan ketergantungan waktu (time dependent) jembatan cable stayed dengan studi kasus Jembatan Suramadu. Adapun hasil yang akan diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu mengevaluasi perilaku struktur pada saat pelaksanaan bertahap menggunakan metode kantilever seperti besarnya gaya-gaya kabel, tegangan elemen struktur, dan lendutan gelagar yang terjadi pada setiap tahapan konstruksi. Teknik analisa yang digunakan yaitu forward assemblage analysis dan backward disassemblage analysis. Dimana untuk teknik menggunakan forward assemblage analysis pelat dimodelkan sebagai non komposit dan komposit serta menggunakan standar CEB-FIP dan ACI untuk mengetahui seberapa pengaruh nilai lendutan kedua standar tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terjadi penurunan besaran lendutan gelagar sebesar 19 % dan gaya kabel sebesar 22 % setelah 10 hari pengecoran pelat dilakukan (sudah terjadi efek struktur komposit), dari asumsi pelat dimodelkan sebagai beban luar menjadi pemodelan struktur komposit. Dengan menggunakan standar CEB-FIP dan ACI diperoleh hasil bahwa nilai lendutan pada awal penempatan pelat (sudah terjadi struktur yang komposit) lebih kecil jika menggunakan code ACI. Hal ini disebabkan karena efek ACI pada awal terjadi struktur yang komposit memberikan nilai efek kekuatan material yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan CEB-FIP. Sedangkan pada akhir-akhir pelaksanaan konstruksi nilai lendutan gelagar menggunakan CEB-FIP memperoleh hasil yang cenderung lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan ACI. Hasil perbandingan analisa antara forward assemblage analysis dan backward disassemblage analysis menggambarkan bahwa untuk nilai lendutan gelagar, terjadi perbedaan hasil rata-rata sebesar 3 % sedangkan untuk nilai gaya kabel terjadi variasi perbedaan antara 1 ? 4 % <hr> <b>Abstract</b><br> This thesis discuss the construction calculation in stages based on the dependence of time (time dependent) cable stayed bridge, using Suramadu Bridge as a case study. Results that will be obtained in this study are to evaluate the behavior of structures during the implementation stages by using cantilever method such as the cable forces, tension structural element, and girder deflection that occurs in each stage of construction. The analysis technique that used in this thesis are the forward assemblage analysis and backward disassemblage analysis. Where the forward assemblage analysis technique modeled the plate as a non-composite and composite form by using CEB-FIP and ACI standards to determine the influence of the deflection. The result showed that there are decreasing deflection around 19% and cable force by 22% after 10 days of casting plate done (already in composite structure), from the assumption, the plate is modeled as external loads into composite structures model. By using standard CEB-FIP and ACI showed the value of deflection in initial placement of the plate (in composite structure) is smaller when using the ACI code. This is because the effect of ACI in the early composite structure gives the material strength in a greater value than the CEB-FIP. In contrary, at the end of the construction stages, the girder deflection that using CEB-FIP gives smaller deflection compared to ACI. The comparison analysis between the forward assemblage analysis and disassemblage analysis illustrates that there was an average difference of 3 % while for the cable force variations the differences are between 1 ? 4 %.;This thesis discuss the construction calculation in stages based on the dependence of time (time dependent) cable stayed bridge, using Suramadu Bridge as a case study. Results that will be obtained in this study are to evaluate the behavior of structures during the implementation stages by using cantilever method such as the cable forces, tension structural element, and girder deflection that occurs in each stage of construction. The analysis technique that used in this thesis are the forward assemblage analysis and backward disassemblage analysis. Where the forward assemblage analysis technique modeled the plate as a non-composite and composite form by using CEB-FIP and ACI standards to determine the influence of the deflection. The result showed that there are decreasing deflection around 19% and cable force by 22% after 10 days of casting plate done (already in composite structure), from the assumption, the plate is modeled as external loads into composite structures model. By using standard CEB-FIP and ACI showed the value of deflection in initial placement of the plate (in composite structure) is smaller when using the ACI code. This is because the effect of ACI in the early composite structure gives the material strength in a greater value than the CEB-FIP. In contrary, at the end of the construction stages, the girder deflection that using CEB-FIP gives smaller deflection compared to ACI. The comparison analysis between the forward assemblage analysis and disassemblage analysis illustrates that there was an average difference of 3 % while for the cable force variations the differences are between 1 ? 4 %.;This thesis discuss the construction calculation in stages based on the dependence of time (time dependent) cable stayed bridge, using Suramadu Bridge as a case study. Results that will be obtained in this study are to evaluate the behavior of structures during the implementation stages by using cantilever method such as the cable forces, tension structural element, and girder deflection that occurs in each stage of construction. The analysis technique that used in this thesis are the forward assemblage analysis and backward disassemblage analysis. Where the forward assemblage analysis technique modeled the plate as a non-composite and composite form by using CEB-FIP and ACI standards to determine the influence of the deflection. The result showed that there are decreasing deflection around 19% and cable force by 22% after 10 days of casting plate done (already in composite structure), from the assumption, the plate is modeled as external loads into composite structures model. By using standard CEB-FIP and ACI showed the value of deflection in initial placement of the plate (in composite structure) is smaller when using the ACI code. This is because the effect of ACI in the early composite structure gives the material strength in a greater value than the CEB-FIP. In contrary, at the end of the construction stages, the girder deflection that using CEB-FIP gives smaller deflection compared to ACI. The comparison analysis between the forward assemblage analysis and disassemblage analysis illustrates that there was an average difference of 3 % while for the cable force variations the differences are between 1 ? 4 %.;This thesis discuss the construction calculation in stages based on the dependence of time (time dependent) cable stayed bridge, using Suramadu Bridge as a case study. Results that will be obtained in this study are to evaluate the behavior of structures during the implementation stages by using cantilever method such as the cable forces, tension structural element, and girder deflection that occurs in each stage of construction. The analysis technique that used in this thesis are the forward assemblage analysis and backward disassemblage analysis. Where the forward assemblage analysis technique modeled the plate as a non-composite and composite form by using CEB-FIP and ACI standards to determine the influence of the deflection. The result showed that there are decreasing deflection around 19% and cable force by 22% after 10 days of casting plate done (already in composite structure), from the assumption, the plate is modeled as external loads into composite structures model. By using standard CEB-FIP and ACI showed the value of deflection in initial placement of the plate (in composite structure) is smaller when using the ACI code. This is because the effect of ACI in the early composite structure gives the material strength in a greater value than the CEB-FIP. In contrary, at the end of the construction stages, the girder deflection that using CEB-FIP gives smaller deflection compared to ACI. The comparison analysis between the forward assemblage analysis and disassemblage analysis illustrates that there was an average difference of 3 % while for the cable force variations the differences are between 1 ? 4 %.;This thesis discuss the construction calculation in stages based on the dependence of time (time dependent) cable stayed bridge, using Suramadu Bridge as a case study. Results that will be obtained in this study are to evaluate the behavior of structures during the implementation stages by using cantilever method such as the cable forces, tension structural element, and girder deflection that occurs in each stage of construction. The analysis technique that used in this thesis are the forward assemblage analysis and backward disassemblage analysis. Where the forward assemblage analysis technique modeled the plate as a non-composite and composite form by using CEB-FIP and ACI standards to determine the influence of the deflection. The result showed that there are decreasing deflection around 19% and cable force by 22% after 10 days of casting plate done (already in composite structure), from the assumption, the plate is modeled as external loads into composite structures model. By using standard CEB-FIP and ACI showed the value of deflection in initial placement of the plate (in composite structure) is smaller when using the ACI code. This is because the effect of ACI in the early composite structure gives the material strength in a greater value than the CEB-FIP. In contrary, at the end of the construction stages, the girder deflection that using CEB-FIP gives smaller deflection compared to ACI. The comparison analysis between the forward assemblage analysis and disassemblage analysis illustrates that there was an average difference of 3 % while for the cable force variations the differences are between 1 ? 4 %.;This thesis discuss the construction calculation in stages based on the dependence of time (time dependent) cable stayed bridge, using Suramadu Bridge as a case study. Results that will be obtained in this study are to evaluate the behavior of structures during the implementation stages by using cantilever method such as the cable forces, tension structural element, and girder deflection that occurs in each stage of construction. The analysis technique that used in this thesis are the forward assemblage analysis and backward disassemblage analysis. Where the forward assemblage analysis technique modeled the plate as a non-composite and composite form by using CEB-FIP and ACI standards to determine the influence of the deflection. The result showed that there are decreasing deflection around 19% and cable force by 22% after 10 days of casting plate done (already in composite structure), from the assumption, the plate is modeled as external loads into composite structures model. By using standard CEB-FIP and ACI showed the value of deflection in initial placement of the plate (in composite structure) is smaller when using the ACI code. This is because the effect of ACI in the early composite structure gives the material strength in a greater value than the CEB-FIP. In contrary, at the end of the construction stages, the girder deflection that using CEB-FIP gives smaller deflection compared to ACI. The comparison analysis between the forward assemblage analysis and disassemblage analysis illustrates that there was an average difference of 3 % while for the cable force variations the differences are between 1 ? 4 %., This thesis discuss the construction calculation in stages based on the dependence of time (time dependent) cable stayed bridge, using Suramadu Bridge as a case study. Results that will be obtained in this study are to evaluate the behavior of structures during the implementation stages by using cantilever method such as the cable forces, tension structural element, and girder deflection that occurs in each stage of construction. The analysis technique that used in this thesis are the forward assemblage analysis and backward disassemblage analysis. Where the forward assemblage analysis technique modeled the plate as a non-composite and composite form by using CEB-FIP and ACI standards to determine the influence of the deflection. The result showed that there are decreasing deflection around 19% and cable force by 22% after 10 days of casting plate done (already in composite structure), from the assumption, the plate is modeled as external loads into composite structures model. By using standard CEB-FIP and ACI showed the value of deflection in initial placement of the plate (in composite structure) is smaller when using the ACI code. This is because the effect of ACI in the early composite structure gives the material strength in a greater value than the CEB-FIP. In contrary, at the end of the construction stages, the girder deflection that using CEB-FIP gives smaller deflection compared to ACI. The comparison analysis between the forward assemblage analysis and disassemblage analysis illustrates that there was an average difference of 3 % while for the cable force variations the differences are between 1 ? 4 %.]