ctrlnum 20306849
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><type>Thesis:Doctoral</type><title>Karakteristik Komposit Karbon-Karbon Berbasis Limbah Organik Hasil Proses Tekan Panas</title><creator>Agus Edy Pramono, author</creator><creator>Add author: Anne Zulfia Syahrial, promotor</creator><creator>Add author: Johny Wahyuadi M., co-promotor</creator><creator>Add author: Akhmad Herman Yuwono, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Derry Pantjadarma, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Subyakto, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Bambang Soegijono, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Muhammad Waziz Wildan, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2012</date><subject>Organic waste carbon -- Composites</subject><description>&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Rekayasa material komposit karbon-karbon dapat dibuat dari serbuk karbon limbah organik cangkang kelapa dan serbuk karbon limbah batubara, dengan matriks coal tar pitch sebagai bahan perekat yang adalah limbah residu dari proses gasifikasi batubara. Komposit karbon-karbon berbahan limbah belum banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia. Limbah organik tersedia sangat melimpah, oleh karena itu penelitian ini difokuskan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah limbah organik dari bahan tidak bernilai menjadi bahan yang berguna secara teknologi dan bernilai tinggi. Secara umum, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan ?karakteristik mekanik: ketahanan aus dan konduktivitas elektrik komposit karbon-karbon berbasis limbah organik karena pengaruh rasio komposisi, ukuran serbuk karbon dan temperatur tekan panas?. Proses fabrikasi dalam penelitian ini dimulai dengan karbonisasi cangkang kelapa dan penggilingan menjadi serbuk karbon, pencampuran dengan serbuk karbon batubara dalam rasio komposisi: karbon batubara 60%, 70% dan 80% berat, dicampur karbon cangkang kelapa 40%, 30% dan 20% berat, dengan ukuran serbuk mesh 100, 150, 200, dan 250. Berat campuran serbuk sebagai penguat komposit dicampur dengan matriks coal tar pitch dalam rasio berat 70%:30%. Campuran serbuk karbon dan coal tar pitch dipadatkan dan dipanaskan dalam cetakan dengan tekanan 778,75 bar dan temperatur 100&#xB0;C. Sampel pra bentuk tersebut diproses curing pirolisis pada temperatur 500&#xB0;C. Hasil pengujian karakteristik laju aus, kekuatan impak dan konduktivitas elektrik menunjukkan bahwa persentase berat kandungan karbon cangkang kelapa meningkat, laju aus turun, komposit makin keras. Ukuran serbuk semakin kecil, laju aus cenderung turun. Nilai laju aus terbaik (paling rendah) adalah 0,056 mm3/Nm, hal ini dihasilkan oleh komposit karbon-karbon dengan rasio komposisi karbon batubara 60% dan karbon cangkang kelapa 40%, pada ukuran serbuk mesh 200. Persentase berat kandungan serbuk karbon cangkang kelapa meningkat, kekuatan impak Charpy meningkat, komposit semakin tangguh. Ukuran serbuk karbon semakin kecil, kekuatan impak Charpy meningkat. Nilai kekuatan impak Charpy tertinggi adalah 0,95 kJ/m2, ini dihasilkan oleh komposit karbon-karbon dengan rasio komposisi karbon batubara 60% dan karbon cangkang kelapa 40%, pada ukuran serbuk mesh 200. Konduktivitas elektrik tertinggi adalah 3,4 S/m, ini dihasilkan oleh komposit dengan rasio komposisi serbuk karbon batubara 80% dan serbuk karbon cangkang kelapa 20%, pada ukuran serbuk karbon mesh 150. Persentase berat kandungan serbuk karbon batubara meningkat, konduktivitas elektrik cenderung meningkat. &lt;hr&gt; &lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; The engineering of carbon-carbon composite material can be made of carbon powder of coconut shell waste and carbon powder of coal waste, with coal tar pitch as an adhesive matrix material which is the residue waste from the coal gasification process. Carbon-carbon composites made of waste has not been developed in Indonesia. Organic wastes are very abundant, therefore, this research will focus to increase the added value of organic waste, from worthless materials into useful materials in technology and high value. In general, this study aims to determine "the mechanical characteristics: wear resistance and electrical conductivity of carbon-carbon composites based on organic waste due to the influence of composition ratio, the size of the carbon powder and the temperature of hot press". Fabrication process in this study was started with the carbonization of coconut shell carbon and grinding into powder, mixing it with coal carbon powder in the ratio of the composition of: coal carbon 60%, 70% and 80% by weight, mixed with coconut shell carbon 40%, 30% and 20% by weight, with a size of 100, 150, 200, and 250 mesh powder. Weight of the mixture as composite powder was mixed with a matrix of the coal tar pitch in a weight ratio 70%: 30%. The Mixture of carbon powder and coal tar pitch were compressed and heated in a mold with a pressure of 778.75 bars and a temperature of 100&#xB0;C. Samples were processed in the curing temperature pyrolysis at 500&#xB0;C. Test results of the characteristics of wear rate, impact strength and electrical conductivity showed that the percentage by weight of coconut shell carbon content increased, the rate of wear decreased, the harder the composite. The smaller the powder size, the wear rate tends to decreased. Value of wear rate of the best (lowest) was 0.056 mm3/Nm, it was produced by carbon-carbon composites with carbon composition ratio of 60% coal and coconut shell carbon 40%, on a 200 mesh size powder. The weight percentage content of coconut shell carbon powder increased, the Charpy impact strength increased, the composites were increasingly tough. The smaller the size of the carbon powder, Charpy impact strength increased. Charpy impact strength of the highest value was 0.95 kJ/m2, it was produced by carbon-carbon composites with carbon composition ratio of 60% coal and coconut shell carbon 40%, on a 200 mesh size powder. The highest electrical conductivity was 3.4 S/m, it was produced by the composite with the composition ratio of 80% coal carbon powder and coconut shell carbon powder 20%, the size of 150 mesh carbon powder. Weight percentage of carbon content of coal increased, the electrical conductivity tends to increased.&lt;/i&gt;</description><identifier>https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20306849</identifier><recordID>20306849</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Doctoral
author Agus Edy Pramono, author
Add author: Anne Zulfia Syahrial, promotor
Add author: Johny Wahyuadi M., co-promotor
Add author: Akhmad Herman Yuwono, examiner
Add author: Derry Pantjadarma, examiner
Add author: Subyakto, examiner
Add author: Bambang Soegijono, examiner
Add author: Muhammad Waziz Wildan, examiner
title Karakteristik Komposit Karbon-Karbon Berbasis Limbah Organik Hasil Proses Tekan Panas
publishDate 2012
topic Organic waste carbon -- Composites
url https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20306849
contents <b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Rekayasa material komposit karbon-karbon dapat dibuat dari serbuk karbon limbah organik cangkang kelapa dan serbuk karbon limbah batubara, dengan matriks coal tar pitch sebagai bahan perekat yang adalah limbah residu dari proses gasifikasi batubara. Komposit karbon-karbon berbahan limbah belum banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia. Limbah organik tersedia sangat melimpah, oleh karena itu penelitian ini difokuskan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah limbah organik dari bahan tidak bernilai menjadi bahan yang berguna secara teknologi dan bernilai tinggi. Secara umum, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan ?karakteristik mekanik: ketahanan aus dan konduktivitas elektrik komposit karbon-karbon berbasis limbah organik karena pengaruh rasio komposisi, ukuran serbuk karbon dan temperatur tekan panas?. Proses fabrikasi dalam penelitian ini dimulai dengan karbonisasi cangkang kelapa dan penggilingan menjadi serbuk karbon, pencampuran dengan serbuk karbon batubara dalam rasio komposisi: karbon batubara 60%, 70% dan 80% berat, dicampur karbon cangkang kelapa 40%, 30% dan 20% berat, dengan ukuran serbuk mesh 100, 150, 200, dan 250. Berat campuran serbuk sebagai penguat komposit dicampur dengan matriks coal tar pitch dalam rasio berat 70%:30%. Campuran serbuk karbon dan coal tar pitch dipadatkan dan dipanaskan dalam cetakan dengan tekanan 778,75 bar dan temperatur 100°C. Sampel pra bentuk tersebut diproses curing pirolisis pada temperatur 500°C. Hasil pengujian karakteristik laju aus, kekuatan impak dan konduktivitas elektrik menunjukkan bahwa persentase berat kandungan karbon cangkang kelapa meningkat, laju aus turun, komposit makin keras. Ukuran serbuk semakin kecil, laju aus cenderung turun. Nilai laju aus terbaik (paling rendah) adalah 0,056 mm3/Nm, hal ini dihasilkan oleh komposit karbon-karbon dengan rasio komposisi karbon batubara 60% dan karbon cangkang kelapa 40%, pada ukuran serbuk mesh 200. Persentase berat kandungan serbuk karbon cangkang kelapa meningkat, kekuatan impak Charpy meningkat, komposit semakin tangguh. Ukuran serbuk karbon semakin kecil, kekuatan impak Charpy meningkat. Nilai kekuatan impak Charpy tertinggi adalah 0,95 kJ/m2, ini dihasilkan oleh komposit karbon-karbon dengan rasio komposisi karbon batubara 60% dan karbon cangkang kelapa 40%, pada ukuran serbuk mesh 200. Konduktivitas elektrik tertinggi adalah 3,4 S/m, ini dihasilkan oleh komposit dengan rasio komposisi serbuk karbon batubara 80% dan serbuk karbon cangkang kelapa 20%, pada ukuran serbuk karbon mesh 150. Persentase berat kandungan serbuk karbon batubara meningkat, konduktivitas elektrik cenderung meningkat. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> The engineering of carbon-carbon composite material can be made of carbon powder of coconut shell waste and carbon powder of coal waste, with coal tar pitch as an adhesive matrix material which is the residue waste from the coal gasification process. Carbon-carbon composites made of waste has not been developed in Indonesia. Organic wastes are very abundant, therefore, this research will focus to increase the added value of organic waste, from worthless materials into useful materials in technology and high value. In general, this study aims to determine "the mechanical characteristics: wear resistance and electrical conductivity of carbon-carbon composites based on organic waste due to the influence of composition ratio, the size of the carbon powder and the temperature of hot press". Fabrication process in this study was started with the carbonization of coconut shell carbon and grinding into powder, mixing it with coal carbon powder in the ratio of the composition of: coal carbon 60%, 70% and 80% by weight, mixed with coconut shell carbon 40%, 30% and 20% by weight, with a size of 100, 150, 200, and 250 mesh powder. Weight of the mixture as composite powder was mixed with a matrix of the coal tar pitch in a weight ratio 70%: 30%. The Mixture of carbon powder and coal tar pitch were compressed and heated in a mold with a pressure of 778.75 bars and a temperature of 100°C. Samples were processed in the curing temperature pyrolysis at 500°C. Test results of the characteristics of wear rate, impact strength and electrical conductivity showed that the percentage by weight of coconut shell carbon content increased, the rate of wear decreased, the harder the composite. The smaller the powder size, the wear rate tends to decreased. Value of wear rate of the best (lowest) was 0.056 mm3/Nm, it was produced by carbon-carbon composites with carbon composition ratio of 60% coal and coconut shell carbon 40%, on a 200 mesh size powder. The weight percentage content of coconut shell carbon powder increased, the Charpy impact strength increased, the composites were increasingly tough. The smaller the size of the carbon powder, Charpy impact strength increased. Charpy impact strength of the highest value was 0.95 kJ/m2, it was produced by carbon-carbon composites with carbon composition ratio of 60% coal and coconut shell carbon 40%, on a 200 mesh size powder. The highest electrical conductivity was 3.4 S/m, it was produced by the composite with the composition ratio of 80% coal carbon powder and coconut shell carbon powder 20%, the size of 150 mesh carbon powder. Weight percentage of carbon content of coal increased, the electrical conductivity tends to increased.</i>
id IOS18064.20306849
institution Universitas Indonesia
institution_id 51
institution_type library:university
library Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia
library_id 492
collection Repository Skripsi (open) Universitas Indonesia
repository_id 18064
province JAWA BARAT
repoId IOS18064
first_indexed 2022-12-13T08:52:14Z
last_indexed 2022-12-13T08:52:14Z
recordtype dc
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score 17.203505