Retensi optimal untuk suatu reasuransi stop-loss = Optimal retention for a stop-loss reinsurance

Main Author: Sidabalok, Eka Hanna, author
Format: Bachelors
Terbitan: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia , 2012
Online Access: optimal.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Dalam menanggung risiko-risiko dari tertanggung (nasabah/pemegang polis), adakalanya tidak semua bagian risiko tersebut ditanggung sendiri oleh perusahaan asuransi, terutama untuk risiko-risiko yang besar. Perusahaan asuransi menggunakan jasa reasuransi untuk mengasuransikan kembali sebagian risiko yang ditanggungnya. Salah satu jenis reasuransi yang paling dikenal yaitu reasuransi stop-loss. Dalam praktik reasuransi stop-loss, perusahaan asuransi menentukan terlebih dahulu besar retensi yang ditahannya dan sisanya akan dibayarkan oleh perusahaan reasuransi. Retensi adalah batas maksimum dari uang pertanggungan yang dapat ditanggung oleh perusahaan asuransi atas suatu risiko tertentu. Penentuan retensi yang optimal sangat penting bagi perusahaan asuransi. Tiga kriteria penentuan retensi optimal untuk suatu reasuransi stop-loss yang akan dibahas di sini adalah retensi optimal untuk suatu modal tertentu, retensi optimal berdasarkan optimisasi Value at Risk (VaR), dan retensi optimal berdasarkan optimisasi Conditional Tail Expectation (CTE). Kriteria pertama didasarkan pada besar modal awal yang fixed. Adapun kedua kriteria lainnya didasarkan pada optimisasi ukuran risiko VaR dan CTE dari biaya total (total risiko) yang ditanggung oleh perusahaan asuransi. Jika solusi untuk kedua optimisasi VaR dan CTE ada, maka kedua optimisasi tersebut memberikan nilai retensi optimal yang sama. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> In covering the risks of the insured (policy holder), occasionally not all of the risks are insured by the insurer itself, especially for the large ones. To cover the top part of the risk, the insurer purchases reinsurance coverage from another company (called reinsurer). One of reinsurance designs is a stop-loss contract. In the stop-loss reinsurance practice, the insurer determines a retention limit to be retained and the reinsurer will pay for the remainder. The retention equals the maximum amount to be paid out for every single claim by the insurer. Determining an optimal level of retention is important for the insurer. Three criteria of determining the optimal retention for a stop-loss reinsurance which will be discussed here are the optimal retention for a fixed capital, the optimal retention based on VaR-optimization, and the optimal retention based on CTEoptimization. The first criterion is based on an initial fixed capital of the insurer. The two others are based on optimization of VaR and CTE risk measures of the total risks of the insurer. If optimal solutions exist, then both VaR- and CTEoptimization criteria yield the same optimal retentions.;In covering the risks of the insured (policy holder), occasionally not all of the risks are insured by the insurer itself, especially for the large ones. To cover the top part of the risk, the insurer purchases reinsurance coverage from another company (called reinsurer). One of reinsurance designs is a stop-loss contract. In the stop-loss reinsurance practice, the insurer determines a retention limit to be retained and the reinsurer will pay for the remainder. The retention equals the maximum amount to be paid out for every single claim by the insurer. Determining an optimal level of retention is important for the insurer. Three criteria of determining the optimal retention for a stop-loss reinsurance which will be discussed here are the optimal retention for a fixed capital, the optimal retention based on VaR-optimization, and the optimal retention based on CTEoptimization. The first criterion is based on an initial fixed capital of the insurer. The two others are based on optimization of VaR and CTE risk measures of the total risks of the insurer. If optimal solutions exist, then both VaR- and CTEoptimization criteria yield the same optimal retentions., In covering the risks of the insured (policy holder), occasionally not all of the risks are insured by the insurer itself, especially for the large ones. To cover the top part of the risk, the insurer purchases reinsurance coverage from another company (called reinsurer). One of reinsurance designs is a stop-loss contract. In the stop-loss reinsurance practice, the insurer determines a retention limit to be retained and the reinsurer will pay for the remainder. The retention equals the maximum amount to be paid out for every single claim by the insurer. Determining an optimal level of retention is important for the insurer. Three criteria of determining the optimal retention for a stop-loss reinsurance which will be discussed here are the optimal retention for a fixed capital, the optimal retention based on VaR-optimization, and the optimal retention based on CTEoptimization. The first criterion is based on an initial fixed capital of the insurer. The two others are based on optimization of VaR and CTE risk measures of the total risks of the insurer. If optimal solutions exist, then both VaR- and CTEoptimization criteria yield the same optimal retentions.]