Studi kualitatif terhadap rendahnya cakupan ASI Eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kereng Pangi Kecamatan Katingan Hilir Kabupaten Katingan Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah tahun 2012 = Qualitative study of low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in the work area health center Kereng Pangi sub downstream Katingan Province Central Kalimantan in 2012
Main Author: | Yarina Kriselly, author |
Format: | Bachelors |
Terbitan: |
, 2012
Subjects: | |
Online Access: | Kriselly.pdf |
Daftar Isi:
- [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penyebab rendahnya cakupan ASI eksklusif dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di Puskesmas Kereng Pangi Kecamatan Katingan Hilir Kabupaten Katingan dengan sampel orang tua bayi yang berumur 6-2 tahun. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Mei tahun 2012 dengan metode kualitatif. Data utama penelitian ini adalah data primer dilengkapi dengan data sekunder. Data sekunder di ambil dari profil Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten, profil Puskesmas Kereng Pangi dan laporan gizi. Data primer didapatkan dengan melakukan Indepth Interview (wawancara mendalam) kepada ibu balita, suami/keluarga, Kepala Puskesmas Kereng Pangi, Petugas Gizi, petugas promkes, Bidan dan Koordinator KIA di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kereng Pangi serta melakukan Focus Group Discusion (diskusi kelompok terarah) terhadap ibu yang tidak memberikan ASI secara eksklusif di wilayah Puskesmas Kereng Pangi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan tentang ASI Eksklusif masih kurang, budaya memberikan makanan dan minuman selain ASI kepada bayi yang baru lahir masih sangat tinggi, penyuluhan tentang ASI Eksklusif belum dilakukan oleh petugas kesehatan, dukungan keluarga terutama suami masih belum ada kepada ibu yang menyusui. Disarankan untuk lebih meningkatkan sosialisasi dan penyuluhan tentang ASI eksklusif secara rutin, meningkatkan pengawasan, dan membuat kebijakan tertulis di Puskesmas. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> The study was conducted to determine the causes of low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding and the factors that influence the health center Kereng Pangi Sub Katingan Downstream Katingan sample of parents with infants aged 6-2 years, and was conducted in March-May 2012 with qualitative methods. The data used are secondary data and primary. Secondary data was taken from the District Health profiles and health centers Kereng Pangi. Primary data obtained by conducting indepth interviews (interviews) to the mother of a infant, a husband / family, Kereng Pangi Head Health Center, Nutrition Officer, Midwife and Coordinator of MCH health centers in the region of Kereng Pangi and conduct Focus Group Discusion (focus groups) to mothers who are not breastfed exclusively at the health center Kereng Pangi. The results showed that knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding is still lacking, providing food and drink culture in addition to breast-feed their newborns are still very high, counseling on exclusive breastfeeding have not been carried out by health workers, family support, especially her husband was has not there for breastfeeding mothers still there for nursing mothers. It is recommended to further enhance the socialization and counseling on exclusive breastfeeding regularly, improved control, and create a written policy on PHC, The study was conducted to determine the causes of low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding and the factors that influence the health center Kereng Pangi Sub Katingan Downstream Katingan sample of parents with infants aged 6-2 years, and was conducted in March-May 2012 with qualitative methods. The data used are secondary data and primary. Secondary data was taken from the District Health profiles and health centers Kereng Pangi. Primary data obtained by conducting indepth interviews (interviews) to the mother of a infant, a husband / family, Kereng Pangi Head Health Center, Nutrition Officer, Midwife and Coordinator of MCH health centers in the region of Kereng Pangi and conduct Focus Group Discusion (focus groups) to mothers who are not breastfed exclusively at the health center Kereng Pangi. The results showed that knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding is still lacking, providing food and drink culture in addition to breast-feed their newborns are still very high, counseling on exclusive breastfeeding have not been carried out by health workers, family support, especially her husband was has not there for breastfeeding mothers still there for nursing mothers. It is recommended to further enhance the socialization and counseling on exclusive breastfeeding regularly, improved control, and create a written policy on PHC]