Hubungan kualitas pelayanan antenatal dengan keteraturan ibu hamil dalam melakukan antenatal di empat puskesmas (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) Kota Bandar Lampung Propinsi Lampung Tahun 2007 = the correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care in four public health centers (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province 2007

Main Authors: Afriliyanti, author, Add author: Ella Nurlaella Hadi, supervisor, Add author: Mieke Savitri, examiner, Add author: Zarfiel Tafal, examiner, Add author: Priyono, examiner, Add author: Wayan Aryawati, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2008
Online Access:
ctrlnum 20339282
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Hubungan kualitas pelayanan antenatal dengan keteraturan ibu hamil dalam melakukan antenatal di empat puskesmas (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) Kota Bandar Lampung Propinsi Lampung Tahun 2007 = the correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care in four public health centers (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province 2007</title><creator>Afriliyanti, author</creator><creator>Add author: Ella Nurlaella Hadi, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Mieke Savitri, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Zarfiel Tafal, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Priyono, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Wayan Aryawati, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2008</date><subject>Mothers--Mortality--Indonesia.</subject><description>[Angka Kematian lbu (AKI) di Indonesia masih tinggi yaitu 262 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Risiko kematian ibu selama kebamilan dan persalinan dapat dilrurangi bila ibu hamil memeriksakan kehamilannya sedini mungkin dan tepat waktu yaitu I kali pada trimester !, I kali pada trimester 2 dan 2 kali pada trimester 3. Pemeriksaan kehamilan bertujuan untuk memeriksa keadaan ibu dan janin secara berkala, yang diikuti upaya koreksi terhadap penyimpangan yang ditemukan serta mendidik dan memotivasi ibu hamil untuk merawat diri dan mempersiapkan persalinannya. Berdasarkan data SDKI 2002=2003 diketahui jenis pelayanan terbanyak yang dilakukan petugas pada saat melakukan ANC adalah pemeriksaan abdomen dan masih sedikit yang memberikan info tentang tanda bahaya kehamilan dan persiapan menghadapi persalinan. Pelayanan antenatal pada dasarnya merupakan interaksi antara pengguna jasa (ibu hamil) dan penyelenggara pelayanan, sesuai dengan teori Andersen dan Green yang menunjukkan hasil dan manfaat pelayanan yang diterima akan mendorong atau melemahkan perubahan perilaku dalam penggunaan pelayanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas pelayanan antenatal dengan keteraturan ibu hamil dalam melakukan antenatal di empat puskesmas (Simpur, Korpri. Pasar Ambon dan Kedaton) Kota Bandar Lampung tahun 2007. Penelitian ini adalah penelition kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain studi Cross Sectional, dilalrukan pada bulan April 2008 pada 160 o!l!llg ibu yang mempunyai bayi S 6 bulan dan pemah memeriksakan kebamilannya selama bamil ke 4 puskesmas yang terpilib sebagai sampel. Variabel dependen adalah ketemtu!lUl ibu dalam melalrukan antenatal, variabel indapenden adalah kualitas pelayanan antenatal dan variabel kovariat umur, pendidikan, pengetahuan, paritas , pekeljaan, sikap, pengbasilon keluarga, dnkongan keluarga dan kebutuhan ibu untuk melalrukan antenatal. Hasil penelitian mendapaikan 65,0% responden melalrukan antenatal secara temtur, dimana sebanyak 59,4% responden menilai koelitas pelayonon antenatal yang diterimanya sudah baik. Hasil uji statistik menunjukken ada bubungan antara kualitas pelayonon antenatal dengan keteraturan ibu hamil dalam melakokan pemeriksaan antenatal setelah dikontrol oleh umur, pendidiken dan sikap terbadap polayanan antenatal, dim.ana ibu bamil yang menilai koelitas antenatal baik keteratu!lUl melalrukan pemeriksaan antenatal bampir 4 kali dibandingkan ibu hamil yang menilai kualitas antenatal buruk. Berdasarkan basil tersebut maka koelitas pelayanan anten?tal perlu ditingkaikan dengan eara memberikan pelatihan teknis tentang antenatal, pelatiban penggunaan buku KlA, pelatiban KIP&amp;K kepada petugas, disamping meningkatkan monitoring pelayanan antenatal sesuai SOP oleh Dinas Kesehatan ke Puskesmas. Selain itu pihak puskesmas harus memberikan pelayanan sesuai standar yang telah ditetapkan. &lt;hr&gt; Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is quite high around 262 per I00,000 live births. Mother's death risk during pregnancy and delivery can be reduced by providing antenatal care as early as possible and on schedule in which mothers should get antenatal care once in the first and second semester and twice in the last one. The purpose of the examinations during pregnancy is a) to monitor mothers and their fetal conditions regularly followed by interventions needed to correct the abnormality, b) to educate and motivate the mother for taking care of her self and c) to prepare for their delivery. Based on (SDKI) in 2002-2003, most of the health services provided by health workers during antenatal care is abdominal examination. However they provide mothers with less information about the danger signs of pregnancy and delivery preparedness. Basieally antenatal care is an interaction between costumers (pregnant women) and health workers. According to Anderson and Green, the result and the benefit received by costumers will either encourage or weaken them to change their behaviors to get services. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women?s regularity to attend antenatal care in four public health centers (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province 2007. This quantitative research used cross-sectional study conducted on April 2008. The samples were 160 mothres having babies below 6 months and never attended the antenatal care in four public health centers afore mentioned above. The dependent variable is the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care while the independent variable is the quality of antenatal care. The co-variant variables are age, education, knowledge. parity, work, attitude, llunily's income, fiunily's suppert and mother's need to attend antenatal care. The result of this research showed that 65 % respondents attended the antenatal care regularly in which 59.4 % respondents said that the quality of antenatal care was goed. The statistics test showed that there was correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care after controHed by age, education and attitude. Pregnant women attending regular antenatal care programs assumed that the quality of antenatal care was good while those atteoding irregular ones didn't Based on the results above, the writer suggests that quality of antenatal care should be hnproved by giving technical trainings on antenatal, use of mother and children's hook, inter-personal communication &amp; counseling and also monitoring antenatal care based on standerdized operational guidelines by the health office to public health centers. Heallh centers should also provide standerdized hsaith services., Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is quite high around 262 per I00,000 live births. Mother's death risk during pregnancy and delivery can be reduced by providing antenatal care as early as possible and on schedule in which mothers should get antenatal care once in the first and second semester and twice in the last one. The purpose of the examinations during pregnancy is a) to monitor mothers and their fetal conditions regularly followed by interventions needed to correct the abnormality, b) to educate and motivate the mother for taking care of her self and c) to prepare for their delivery. Based on (SDKI) in 2002-2003, most of the health services provided by health workers during antenatal care is abdominal examination. However they provide mothers with less information about the danger signs of pregnancy and delivery preparedness. Basieally antenatal care is an interaction between costumers (pregnant women) and health workers. According to Anderson and Green, the result and the benefit received by costumers will either encourage or weaken them to change their behaviors to get services. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women&#x2019;s regularity to attend antenatal care in four public health centers (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province 2007. This quantitative research used cross-sectional study conducted on April 2008. The samples were 160 mothres having babies below 6 months and never attended the antenatal care in four public health centers afore mentioned above. The dependent variable is the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care while the independent variable is the quality of antenatal care. The co-variant variables are age, education, knowledge. parity, work, attitude, llunily's income, fiunily's suppert and mother's need to attend antenatal care. The result of this research showed that 65 % respondents attended the antenatal care regularly in which 59.4 % respondents said that the quality of antenatal care was goed. The statistics test showed that there was correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care after controHed by age, education and attitude. Pregnant women attending regular antenatal care programs assumed that the quality of antenatal care was good while those atteoding irregular ones didn't Based on the results above, the writer suggests that quality of antenatal care should be hnproved by giving technical trainings on antenatal, use of mother and children's hook, inter-personal communication &amp; counseling and also monitoring antenatal care based on standerdized operational guidelines by the health office to public health centers. Heallh centers should also provide standerdized hsaith services.]</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>20339282</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Afriliyanti, author
Add author: Ella Nurlaella Hadi, supervisor
Add author: Mieke Savitri, examiner
Add author: Zarfiel Tafal, examiner
Add author: Priyono, examiner
Add author: Wayan Aryawati, examiner
title Hubungan kualitas pelayanan antenatal dengan keteraturan ibu hamil dalam melakukan antenatal di empat puskesmas (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) Kota Bandar Lampung Propinsi Lampung Tahun 2007 = the correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care in four public health centers (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province 2007
publishDate 2008
topic Mothers--Mortality--Indonesia
contents [Angka Kematian lbu (AKI) di Indonesia masih tinggi yaitu 262 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Risiko kematian ibu selama kebamilan dan persalinan dapat dilrurangi bila ibu hamil memeriksakan kehamilannya sedini mungkin dan tepat waktu yaitu I kali pada trimester !, I kali pada trimester 2 dan 2 kali pada trimester 3. Pemeriksaan kehamilan bertujuan untuk memeriksa keadaan ibu dan janin secara berkala, yang diikuti upaya koreksi terhadap penyimpangan yang ditemukan serta mendidik dan memotivasi ibu hamil untuk merawat diri dan mempersiapkan persalinannya. Berdasarkan data SDKI 2002=2003 diketahui jenis pelayanan terbanyak yang dilakukan petugas pada saat melakukan ANC adalah pemeriksaan abdomen dan masih sedikit yang memberikan info tentang tanda bahaya kehamilan dan persiapan menghadapi persalinan. Pelayanan antenatal pada dasarnya merupakan interaksi antara pengguna jasa (ibu hamil) dan penyelenggara pelayanan, sesuai dengan teori Andersen dan Green yang menunjukkan hasil dan manfaat pelayanan yang diterima akan mendorong atau melemahkan perubahan perilaku dalam penggunaan pelayanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas pelayanan antenatal dengan keteraturan ibu hamil dalam melakukan antenatal di empat puskesmas (Simpur, Korpri. Pasar Ambon dan Kedaton) Kota Bandar Lampung tahun 2007. Penelitian ini adalah penelition kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain studi Cross Sectional, dilalrukan pada bulan April 2008 pada 160 o!l!llg ibu yang mempunyai bayi S 6 bulan dan pemah memeriksakan kebamilannya selama bamil ke 4 puskesmas yang terpilib sebagai sampel. Variabel dependen adalah ketemtu!lUl ibu dalam melalrukan antenatal, variabel indapenden adalah kualitas pelayanan antenatal dan variabel kovariat umur, pendidikan, pengetahuan, paritas , pekeljaan, sikap, pengbasilon keluarga, dnkongan keluarga dan kebutuhan ibu untuk melalrukan antenatal. Hasil penelitian mendapaikan 65,0% responden melalrukan antenatal secara temtur, dimana sebanyak 59,4% responden menilai koelitas pelayonon antenatal yang diterimanya sudah baik. Hasil uji statistik menunjukken ada bubungan antara kualitas pelayonon antenatal dengan keteraturan ibu hamil dalam melakokan pemeriksaan antenatal setelah dikontrol oleh umur, pendidiken dan sikap terbadap polayanan antenatal, dim.ana ibu bamil yang menilai koelitas antenatal baik keteratu!lUl melalrukan pemeriksaan antenatal bampir 4 kali dibandingkan ibu hamil yang menilai kualitas antenatal buruk. Berdasarkan basil tersebut maka koelitas pelayanan anten?tal perlu ditingkaikan dengan eara memberikan pelatihan teknis tentang antenatal, pelatiban penggunaan buku KlA, pelatiban KIP&K kepada petugas, disamping meningkatkan monitoring pelayanan antenatal sesuai SOP oleh Dinas Kesehatan ke Puskesmas. Selain itu pihak puskesmas harus memberikan pelayanan sesuai standar yang telah ditetapkan. <hr> Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is quite high around 262 per I00,000 live births. Mother's death risk during pregnancy and delivery can be reduced by providing antenatal care as early as possible and on schedule in which mothers should get antenatal care once in the first and second semester and twice in the last one. The purpose of the examinations during pregnancy is a) to monitor mothers and their fetal conditions regularly followed by interventions needed to correct the abnormality, b) to educate and motivate the mother for taking care of her self and c) to prepare for their delivery. Based on (SDKI) in 2002-2003, most of the health services provided by health workers during antenatal care is abdominal examination. However they provide mothers with less information about the danger signs of pregnancy and delivery preparedness. Basieally antenatal care is an interaction between costumers (pregnant women) and health workers. According to Anderson and Green, the result and the benefit received by costumers will either encourage or weaken them to change their behaviors to get services. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women?s regularity to attend antenatal care in four public health centers (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province 2007. This quantitative research used cross-sectional study conducted on April 2008. The samples were 160 mothres having babies below 6 months and never attended the antenatal care in four public health centers afore mentioned above. The dependent variable is the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care while the independent variable is the quality of antenatal care. The co-variant variables are age, education, knowledge. parity, work, attitude, llunily's income, fiunily's suppert and mother's need to attend antenatal care. The result of this research showed that 65 % respondents attended the antenatal care regularly in which 59.4 % respondents said that the quality of antenatal care was goed. The statistics test showed that there was correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care after controHed by age, education and attitude. Pregnant women attending regular antenatal care programs assumed that the quality of antenatal care was good while those atteoding irregular ones didn't Based on the results above, the writer suggests that quality of antenatal care should be hnproved by giving technical trainings on antenatal, use of mother and children's hook, inter-personal communication & counseling and also monitoring antenatal care based on standerdized operational guidelines by the health office to public health centers. Heallh centers should also provide standerdized hsaith services., Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is quite high around 262 per I00,000 live births. Mother's death risk during pregnancy and delivery can be reduced by providing antenatal care as early as possible and on schedule in which mothers should get antenatal care once in the first and second semester and twice in the last one. The purpose of the examinations during pregnancy is a) to monitor mothers and their fetal conditions regularly followed by interventions needed to correct the abnormality, b) to educate and motivate the mother for taking care of her self and c) to prepare for their delivery. Based on (SDKI) in 2002-2003, most of the health services provided by health workers during antenatal care is abdominal examination. However they provide mothers with less information about the danger signs of pregnancy and delivery preparedness. Basieally antenatal care is an interaction between costumers (pregnant women) and health workers. According to Anderson and Green, the result and the benefit received by costumers will either encourage or weaken them to change their behaviors to get services. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women’s regularity to attend antenatal care in four public health centers (Simpur, Korpri, Pasar Ambon, Kedaton) in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province 2007. This quantitative research used cross-sectional study conducted on April 2008. The samples were 160 mothres having babies below 6 months and never attended the antenatal care in four public health centers afore mentioned above. The dependent variable is the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care while the independent variable is the quality of antenatal care. The co-variant variables are age, education, knowledge. parity, work, attitude, llunily's income, fiunily's suppert and mother's need to attend antenatal care. The result of this research showed that 65 % respondents attended the antenatal care regularly in which 59.4 % respondents said that the quality of antenatal care was goed. The statistics test showed that there was correlation between the quality of antenatal care and the pregnant women's regularity to attend antenatal care after controHed by age, education and attitude. Pregnant women attending regular antenatal care programs assumed that the quality of antenatal care was good while those atteoding irregular ones didn't Based on the results above, the writer suggests that quality of antenatal care should be hnproved by giving technical trainings on antenatal, use of mother and children's hook, inter-personal communication & counseling and also monitoring antenatal care based on standerdized operational guidelines by the health office to public health centers. Heallh centers should also provide standerdized hsaith services.]
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