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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Kota Bekasi berfungsi sebagai penyangga kota Jakarta memiliki jumlah penduduk yang cenderung meningkat setiap tahunnya. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk setiap tahun mencapai 3,73 persen. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk menyebabkan jumlah timbulan sampah juga akan mcningkat. Untuk itu perlu diketahui kondisi sistem pcngelolaan sampah dan daya dukung wilayah kota Bekasi untuk dapat menentukan strategi dalam mengelola dan mengurangi timbulan sampah kota Bekasi_ Peningkatan jumlah timbulan sampah tersebut ddak diimbangi dengan sistem pengelolaan sampah yang sesuai, sehingga menimbulkan permasalahan dengan lingkungan. Dari pcrmasalahan tersebut maka dirumuskan tujuan penclitian ini, yaitu: 1) Mengetahui kondisi pengelolaan sampah kota Bekasi; 2) Mengevaluasi kondisi pengelolaan sampah kota Bekasi; dan 3) Merumuskan stratcgi pcngelolaan sampah sesuai dengan daya dukung wilayah kota Bekasi. Untuk menjawab tujuan pertama penelitian ini, digunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Tujuan kedua menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis komparasi Serta untuk memmuskan strategi dengan menggunakan metode SWOT. Kondisi pengelolaan sampah Kota Bekasi dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut: pengelola formal masalah persampahan adalah Dinas Kebersihan, Pertamanan, dan Pemakaman, dengan sistem teknik operasional pengelolaan sampah mulai dari pewadahan, pengumpulan, pemindahan, pengangkutan, dan pembuangan akhir, serta anggaran berasal dari APBD Kota Bekasi dan retribusi. Evaluasi pengclolaan sampah Kota Bekasi yang masih kurang adalah pada: penegakan hukum, sumber daya manusia (tenaga kerja), sistem pelayanan prasarana persampahan, penerimaan retlibusi, dan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat. Namun pengolahan sampah pada TPA Sumur Batu Kota Bekasi sudah baik. Daya dukung wilayah Kota Bekasi adalah daya dukung lingkungan yang berada di wilayah Kota Bekasi dan terdiri atas daya dukung fisik dan daya dukung sosial. Daya dukung fisik dalam penelitian ini lebih menekankan pada daya dukung Iahan, karena bcrkaitan dengan jumlah penduduk dan pernanfaatan Iahan di Kota Bekasi, sedangkan daya dukung sosial, menekankan pada pola konsumsi penduduk dan tingkat partisipasi penduduk yang akan dikaitkan dengan bidang persampahan. Strategi pengelolaan sampah yang sesuai dcngan daya dukmmg wilayah Kota Bekasi adalah: a) Peningkatan penegakan hukum atau peraturan dibidang persampahan; b) Membuat cluster pelayanan sampah untuk mempennudah pelayanan dan pemantauan; o) Penambahan jumlah tenaga keqia sesuai dengan kebutuhan; d) Peningkatan pcnerimaan retribusi; dan e) Mengubah tradisi masyarakat, membangun paradigma bahwa sampah memiliki potensi iebih dan memberikan ketrampilan kepada masyarakat dalam mengolah sampah. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> The Bekasi city had a function of as buffer zone of Jakarta city, having the number of inhabitants who tended to increase each year. The growth rate of the inhabitants every year reached 3.73 percent. The increase in the number of inhabitants resulted in the number of waste generation will also increase. So must be learnt the condition for the carrying capacity of the Bekasi city territory to be able to determine the strategy in managed and reduced waste generation of the Bekasi city. The increase of waste generation has not comparable with appropriate solid wastes management system, it resulted in environmentally problems. The objective of this research according to problems is: l) To observe Belcasi City solid wastes management condition; 2) Evaluate Bekasi City solid wastes management condition; and 3) To determine the strategic management of solid waste based on carrying capacity of Bekasi City. Observation method interview, and literature study used to solve first objective. To solve second objective by use of descriptive analysis method and comparing analysis. SWOT method used to determine the strategy. Description of Bekasi City solid wastes management condition as follow: Dinas Kebersihan, Pertamanan, dan Pemakaman as formal manager with operational .9/stem started in placing, collecting, transference, and final processing. Bekasi City solid wastes management financial based on Bekasi City APBD and retribution ke. Bekasi City solid wastes management condition still was received by the lack (less _#om standard), that is: law enforcement, human resources (man power), solid waste servicing system, retribution jee income, and the level of community's participation. However final solid wastes processing at Sumur Batu Bekasi City was received excess. Carrying capacity of Bekasi City consist of physical carrying capacity and social carrying capacity. The physical carrying capacity in this research more stressed on land carrying capacity, because of being linked with the number of inhabitants and the utilization of the land in the Bekasi City. Whereas the social carrying capacity, it stressed on the pattern of consumption of the inhabitants and the level of the inhabitant's participation that will be connected with wastes. The strategic management of solid waste based on carrying capacity of Belfast City is: a) Increasing in law enforcement or the regulation of solid wastes management; b) Make cluster the solid wastes services to facilitate the service and the monitoring; c) Increasing human resources (man power) based on requirement; th Increasing retribution fee income; and e) Changing the community is tradition, developed the paradigm that the waste had the potential more and gave skills to the community in processing the waste., The Bekasi city had a function of as buffer zone of Jakarta city, having the number of inhabitants who tended to increase each year. The growth rate of the inhabitants every year reached 3.73 percent. The increase in the number of inhabitants resulted in the number of waste generation will also increase. So must be learnt the condition for the carrying capacity of the Bekasi city territory to be able to determine the strategy in managed and reduced waste generation of the Bekasi city. The increase of waste generation has not comparable with appropriate solid wastes management system, it resulted in environmentally problems. The objective of this research according to problems is: l) To observe Belcasi City solid wastes management condition; 2) Evaluate Bekasi City solid wastes management condition; and 3) To determine the strategic management of solid waste based on carrying capacity of Bekasi City. Observation method interview, and literature study used to solve first objective. To solve second objective by use of descriptive analysis method and comparing analysis. SWOT method used to determine the strategy. Description of Bekasi City solid wastes management condition as follow: Dinas Kebersihan, Pertamanan, dan Pemakaman as formal manager with operational .9/stem started in placing, collecting, transference, and final processing. Bekasi City solid wastes management financial based on Bekasi City APBD and retribution ke. Bekasi City solid wastes management condition still was received by the lack (less _#om standard), that is: law enforcement, human resources (man power), solid waste servicing system, retribution jee income, and the level of community's participation. However final solid wastes processing at Sumur Batu Bekasi City was received excess. Carrying capacity of Bekasi City consist of physical carrying capacity and social carrying capacity. The physical carrying capacity in this research more stressed on land carrying capacity, because of being linked with the number of inhabitants and the utilization of the land in the Bekasi City. Whereas the social carrying capacity, it stressed on the pattern of consumption of the inhabitants and the level of the inhabitant's participation that will be connected with wastes. The strategic management of solid waste based on carrying capacity of Belfast City is: a) Increasing in law enforcement or the regulation of solid wastes management; b) Make cluster the solid wastes services to facilitate the service and the monitoring; c) Increasing human resources (man power) based on requirement; th Increasing retribution fee income; and e) Changing the community is tradition, developed the paradigm that the waste had the potential more and gave skills to the community in processing the waste.]