Hubungan antara pola pemberian ASi dan MP-ASI dengan stunting pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan di Tangerang: Kajian kadar seng serum pada bayi stunting usia 6-12 bulan = Relationship between breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice and stunting in 6-12 months old infants in Tangerang: Zinc status in 6-12 months old stunted infants

Main Authors: Diana Sunardi, author, Add author: Tambunan, Victor, supervisor, Add author: Titis Prawitasari, supervisor, Add author: Soepardi Soedibyo, examiner, Add author: Saptawati Bardosono, examiner, Add author: Dwirini Retno Gunarti, examiner, Add author: Eva Suharthana, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2008
Online Access:
ctrlnum 20340086
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Hubungan antara pola pemberian ASi dan MP-ASI dengan stunting pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan di Tangerang: Kajian kadar seng serum pada bayi stunting usia 6-12 bulan = Relationship between breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice and stunting in 6-12 months old infants in Tangerang: Zinc status in 6-12 months old stunted infants</title><creator>Diana Sunardi, author</creator><creator>Add author: Tambunan, Victor, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Titis Prawitasari, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Soepardi Soedibyo, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Saptawati Bardosono, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Dwirini Retno Gunarti, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Eva Suharthana, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2008</date><subject>Breastfeeding.</subject><subject>Immunity.</subject><description>[&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Tujuan: Mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang anak dengan mengetahui hubungan antara pola pemberian ASI dan MP&#xB7;ASI dengan stunting pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan dan mengkatkan kadar seng serum bayi usia 6-12 bulan. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain nested case control. Subyek penelitian adalah bayi stunting dan tidak stunting. Hasil: Jumlah subyek 90 bayi usia 6-12 bulan, 30 kasus, 60 kontrol. Kelompok kasus diambil secara purposive, sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalab bayi tidak stunting dengan matching jenis kelamin dan usia dalam rasio satu banding dua yang diambil acak sederhana. Subyek terdiri atas 45 bayi perempuan dan 45 bayi Iaki-laki. Sebagian besar (73,3%) subyek berusu.9-12 bulan. Berat badan lahir &lt;-1 SD ditemukan pada 24,4% subyek dan panjang badan lahir &lt;-1 SD pada 15,9% subyek (n= 44). Responden, yaitu ibu subyek, sebagian besar (87,8%) berusia antara 17-'15 lahun dan 58,9"10 berpendidikan rendah. Hampir seluruh subyek (96,7%) mendapat asupan seng di bawah AKG 2004. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan BB lahir &lt;-1 SD merupakan faktor risiko yang bennakna (OR =1,51; P &lt; 0,001) Untuk stunting. Uji statistik menuujukkan pola pemberian ASI dan MP-ASI kalegori tidak baik meningkatkan risiko stunting (OR = 1,122; 95% CI 0,351-3,581), walaupun seeara statistik tidak bermakna. Dengan analisis tambahan didapatkan tidak dilanjutkanya ASI setelah mendapat MP-ASI merupakan faktor risiko bermakna Untuk stunting (p ~0,039; OR 5,8). Rerata kadar seng serum bayi stunting 12,4 &#xB1; 1,7 umoL, yaitu termasuk dalam rentang marjinaI (10,7-&lt;13 umol/L). Sebanyak 56,1% subyek stunting mempunyai kadar seng serum di bawah niIai normal (13 umol/L) dan 20% mempunyai kadar seng serum rendah &#xAB;10,7 umol/L). Uji kore1asi menunjukan tidak ada hubungan antara kadar seng serum dengan asupan seng dan panjang badan untuk usia. Kesimpulan: Pola pemberian ASI dan MP-ASI kategori tidak baik meningkatkan risiko stunting. Rerata kadar seng serum bayi stunting pada peneitian ini berada dalam rentang marjinal. &lt;hr&gt; &lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Method : A "nested" case-control design was used in this study. Subjects were stunted and nonstunted infants. Results : A total of90 subjects of 6-12 mo infants in Tangerang participated in this study (30 cases and 60 _Is). Purposive sampling was used to obtain cases, while simple random sampling was used among matched controls (by gender and age). Gender were equally distributed in both groups. Mostof1he subjects (733%) were between 9-12 mo. Birth weight &lt;-1 SD were found in 24.4% and length (n = 44) &lt;-I SO in 15.9% subjects. Respondents, the subjects'mothers; mostly (87.8%) were between 17-35 yr and 58.9% were low educated.. Almost all (96.7%) subjects had zinc intake below Indonesian RDA 2004. This study demonstrated that birth weight &lt;-1 SD was a significance risk factor (p&lt;0.001; OR = 7.57) fur stunting. Statistical analysis showed that inappropriate breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice increased 1he risk fur stunting (OR= 1.122; 95% Cl 0351-3587), although statistically not significant. Further analysis showed that not continuing breastfeeding was a significant risk further for stunting (OR = 5.8 and p = 0.039). Mean serum zinc levels of 1he stunted subjects was 12.4 &#xB1; 1.7 umol/L (marginal levels 10.7-&lt;13 pmollL). Serum zinc levels of 56.7% stunted subjects were under be normal levels (13 umol/L) and 20% hail low serum zinc levels &lt;10.7 umol/L). Serum zinc levels did not show relationship with zinc in lake and height for age Z-score. Conclusion : inappropriate feeding practice increased 1he risk for stunting. Mean serum zinc levels of stunted subjects in this study were in marginal range. ;Method : A "nested" case-control design was used in this study. Subjects were stunted and nonstunted infants. Results : A total of90 subjects of 6-12 mo infants in Tangerang participated in this study (30 cases and 60 _Is). Purposive sampling was used to obtain cases, while simple random sampling was used among matched controls (by gender and age). Gender were equally distributed in both groups. Mostof1he subjects (733%) were between 9-12 mo. Birth weight &lt;-1 SD were found in 24.4% and length (n = 44) &lt;-I SO in 15.9% subjects. Respondents, the subjects'mothers; mostly (87.8%) were between 17-35 yr and 58.9% were low educated.. Almost all (96.7%) subjects had zinc intake below Indonesian RDA 2004. This study demonstrated that birth weight &lt;-1 SD was a significance risk factor (p&lt;0.001; OR = 7.57) fur stunting. Statistical analysis showed that inappropriate breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice increased 1he risk fur stunting (OR= 1.122; 95% Cl 0351-3587), although statistically not significant. Further analysis showed that not continuing breastfeeding was a significant risk further for stunting (OR = 5.8 and p = 0.039). Mean serum zinc levels of 1he stunted subjects was 12.4 &#xB1; 1.7 umol/L (marginal levels 10.7-&lt;13 pmollL). Serum zinc levels of 56.7% stunted subjects were under be normal levels (13 umol/L) and 20% hail low serum zinc levels &lt;10.7 umol/L). Serum zinc levels did not show relationship with zinc in lake and height for age Z-score. Conclusion : inappropriate feeding practice increased 1he risk for stunting. Mean serum zinc levels of stunted subjects in this study were in marginal range. , Method : A "nested" case-control design was used in this study. Subjects were stunted and nonstunted infants. Results : A total of90 subjects of 6-12 mo infants in Tangerang participated in this study (30 cases and 60 _Is). Purposive sampling was used to obtain cases, while simple random sampling was used among matched controls (by gender and age). Gender were equally distributed in both groups. Mostof1he subjects (733%) were between 9-12 mo. Birth weight &lt;-1 SD were found in 24.4% and length (n = 44) &lt;-I SO in 15.9% subjects. Respondents, the subjects'mothers; mostly (87.8%) were between 17-35 yr and 58.9% were low educated.. Almost all (96.7%) subjects had zinc intake below Indonesian RDA 2004. This study demonstrated that birth weight &lt;-1 SD was a significance risk factor (p&lt;0.001; OR = 7.57) fur stunting. Statistical analysis showed that inappropriate breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice increased 1he risk fur stunting (OR= 1.122; 95% Cl 0351-3587), although statistically not significant. Further analysis showed that not continuing breastfeeding was a significant risk further for stunting (OR = 5.8 and p = 0.039). Mean serum zinc levels of 1he stunted subjects was 12.4 &#xB1; 1.7 umol/L (marginal levels 10.7-&lt;13 pmollL). Serum zinc levels of 56.7% stunted subjects were under be normal levels (13 umol/L) and 20% hail low serum zinc levels &lt;10.7 umol/L). Serum zinc levels did not show relationship with zinc in lake and height for age Z-score. Conclusion : inappropriate feeding practice increased 1he risk for stunting. Mean serum zinc levels of stunted subjects in this study were in marginal range. ]</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>20340086</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Diana Sunardi, author
Add author: Tambunan, Victor, supervisor
Add author: Titis Prawitasari, supervisor
Add author: Soepardi Soedibyo, examiner
Add author: Saptawati Bardosono, examiner
Add author: Dwirini Retno Gunarti, examiner
Add author: Eva Suharthana, examiner
title Hubungan antara pola pemberian ASi dan MP-ASI dengan stunting pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan di Tangerang: Kajian kadar seng serum pada bayi stunting usia 6-12 bulan = Relationship between breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice and stunting in 6-12 months old infants in Tangerang: Zinc status in 6-12 months old stunted infants
publishDate 2008
topic Breastfeeding
contents [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Tujuan: Mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang anak dengan mengetahui hubungan antara pola pemberian ASI dan MP·ASI dengan stunting pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan dan mengkatkan kadar seng serum bayi usia 6-12 bulan. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain nested case control. Subyek penelitian adalah bayi stunting dan tidak stunting. Hasil: Jumlah subyek 90 bayi usia 6-12 bulan, 30 kasus, 60 kontrol. Kelompok kasus diambil secara purposive, sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalab bayi tidak stunting dengan matching jenis kelamin dan usia dalam rasio satu banding dua yang diambil acak sederhana. Subyek terdiri atas 45 bayi perempuan dan 45 bayi Iaki-laki. Sebagian besar (73,3%) subyek berusu.9-12 bulan. Berat badan lahir <-1 SD ditemukan pada 24,4% subyek dan panjang badan lahir <-1 SD pada 15,9% subyek (n= 44). Responden, yaitu ibu subyek, sebagian besar (87,8%) berusia antara 17-'15 lahun dan 58,9"10 berpendidikan rendah. Hampir seluruh subyek (96,7%) mendapat asupan seng di bawah AKG 2004. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan BB lahir <-1 SD merupakan faktor risiko yang bennakna (OR =1,51; P < 0,001) Untuk stunting. Uji statistik menuujukkan pola pemberian ASI dan MP-ASI kalegori tidak baik meningkatkan risiko stunting (OR = 1,122; 95% CI 0,351-3,581), walaupun seeara statistik tidak bermakna. Dengan analisis tambahan didapatkan tidak dilanjutkanya ASI setelah mendapat MP-ASI merupakan faktor risiko bermakna Untuk stunting (p ~0,039; OR 5,8). Rerata kadar seng serum bayi stunting 12,4 ± 1,7 umoL, yaitu termasuk dalam rentang marjinaI (10,7-<13 umol/L). Sebanyak 56,1% subyek stunting mempunyai kadar seng serum di bawah niIai normal (13 umol/L) dan 20% mempunyai kadar seng serum rendah «10,7 umol/L). Uji kore1asi menunjukan tidak ada hubungan antara kadar seng serum dengan asupan seng dan panjang badan untuk usia. Kesimpulan: Pola pemberian ASI dan MP-ASI kategori tidak baik meningkatkan risiko stunting. Rerata kadar seng serum bayi stunting pada peneitian ini berada dalam rentang marjinal. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Method : A "nested" case-control design was used in this study. Subjects were stunted and nonstunted infants. Results : A total of90 subjects of 6-12 mo infants in Tangerang participated in this study (30 cases and 60 _Is). Purposive sampling was used to obtain cases, while simple random sampling was used among matched controls (by gender and age). Gender were equally distributed in both groups. Mostof1he subjects (733%) were between 9-12 mo. Birth weight <-1 SD were found in 24.4% and length (n = 44) <-I SO in 15.9% subjects. Respondents, the subjects'mothers; mostly (87.8%) were between 17-35 yr and 58.9% were low educated.. Almost all (96.7%) subjects had zinc intake below Indonesian RDA 2004. This study demonstrated that birth weight <-1 SD was a significance risk factor (p<0.001; OR = 7.57) fur stunting. Statistical analysis showed that inappropriate breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice increased 1he risk fur stunting (OR= 1.122; 95% Cl 0351-3587), although statistically not significant. Further analysis showed that not continuing breastfeeding was a significant risk further for stunting (OR = 5.8 and p = 0.039). Mean serum zinc levels of 1he stunted subjects was 12.4 ± 1.7 umol/L (marginal levels 10.7-<13 pmollL). Serum zinc levels of 56.7% stunted subjects were under be normal levels (13 umol/L) and 20% hail low serum zinc levels <10.7 umol/L). Serum zinc levels did not show relationship with zinc in lake and height for age Z-score. Conclusion : inappropriate feeding practice increased 1he risk for stunting. Mean serum zinc levels of stunted subjects in this study were in marginal range. ;Method : A "nested" case-control design was used in this study. Subjects were stunted and nonstunted infants. Results : A total of90 subjects of 6-12 mo infants in Tangerang participated in this study (30 cases and 60 _Is). Purposive sampling was used to obtain cases, while simple random sampling was used among matched controls (by gender and age). Gender were equally distributed in both groups. Mostof1he subjects (733%) were between 9-12 mo. Birth weight <-1 SD were found in 24.4% and length (n = 44) <-I SO in 15.9% subjects. Respondents, the subjects'mothers; mostly (87.8%) were between 17-35 yr and 58.9% were low educated.. Almost all (96.7%) subjects had zinc intake below Indonesian RDA 2004. This study demonstrated that birth weight <-1 SD was a significance risk factor (p<0.001; OR = 7.57) fur stunting. Statistical analysis showed that inappropriate breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice increased 1he risk fur stunting (OR= 1.122; 95% Cl 0351-3587), although statistically not significant. Further analysis showed that not continuing breastfeeding was a significant risk further for stunting (OR = 5.8 and p = 0.039). Mean serum zinc levels of 1he stunted subjects was 12.4 ± 1.7 umol/L (marginal levels 10.7-<13 pmollL). Serum zinc levels of 56.7% stunted subjects were under be normal levels (13 umol/L) and 20% hail low serum zinc levels <10.7 umol/L). Serum zinc levels did not show relationship with zinc in lake and height for age Z-score. Conclusion : inappropriate feeding practice increased 1he risk for stunting. Mean serum zinc levels of stunted subjects in this study were in marginal range. , Method : A "nested" case-control design was used in this study. Subjects were stunted and nonstunted infants. Results : A total of90 subjects of 6-12 mo infants in Tangerang participated in this study (30 cases and 60 _Is). Purposive sampling was used to obtain cases, while simple random sampling was used among matched controls (by gender and age). Gender were equally distributed in both groups. Mostof1he subjects (733%) were between 9-12 mo. Birth weight <-1 SD were found in 24.4% and length (n = 44) <-I SO in 15.9% subjects. Respondents, the subjects'mothers; mostly (87.8%) were between 17-35 yr and 58.9% were low educated.. Almost all (96.7%) subjects had zinc intake below Indonesian RDA 2004. This study demonstrated that birth weight <-1 SD was a significance risk factor (p<0.001; OR = 7.57) fur stunting. Statistical analysis showed that inappropriate breastfeeding and complementary feeding practice increased 1he risk fur stunting (OR= 1.122; 95% Cl 0351-3587), although statistically not significant. Further analysis showed that not continuing breastfeeding was a significant risk further for stunting (OR = 5.8 and p = 0.039). Mean serum zinc levels of 1he stunted subjects was 12.4 ± 1.7 umol/L (marginal levels 10.7-<13 pmollL). Serum zinc levels of 56.7% stunted subjects were under be normal levels (13 umol/L) and 20% hail low serum zinc levels <10.7 umol/L). Serum zinc levels did not show relationship with zinc in lake and height for age Z-score. Conclusion : inappropriate feeding practice increased 1he risk for stunting. Mean serum zinc levels of stunted subjects in this study were in marginal range. ]
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