Pendidikan karakter bangsa sebagai salah satu upaya revitalisasi pancasila = national character education as a way to revitalize pancasila

Main Authors: Yusuf Maretanto, author, Add author: Fadjari Iriani Sophiaan, supervisor, Add author: Ricardi S. Adnan, supervisor, Add author: Joko Kusnanto Anggoro, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2011
Online Access:
ctrlnum 20341727
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Pendidikan karakter bangsa sebagai salah satu upaya revitalisasi pancasila = national character education as a way to revitalize pancasila</title><creator>Yusuf Maretanto, author</creator><creator>Add author: Fadjari Iriani Sophiaan, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Ricardi S. Adnan, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Joko Kusnanto Anggoro, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2011</date><subject/><description>[&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Pancasila, sebagai ideologi negara, berdasar kepada prinsip bhinneka tunggal ika. Kenyataan yang sekarang terjadi adalah adanya krisis multidimensi yang ditandai dengan lunturnya nilai-nilai Pancasila yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai luhur bangsa, dalam kahidupan sehari-hari kita, seperti meningkatnya kejahatan, korupsi, penyimpangan pajak, degradasi moral dan sehagainya. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya pengabaian pendidikan karakter. Meskipun dalam pendidikan formal terdapat proses pendidikan, akan tetapi itu hanya transfer pengetahuan saja, bukan transfer nilai. Lebih buruknya lagi, nilai-nilai ini tidak pernah diimplementasikan dalam keseharian kita. Situasi ini akan menjadi semakin gawat pada era globalisasi. Globalisasi ditandai dengan meningkatnya standar kehidupan investasi intemasional, kemajuan tekoologi dan ideologisasi global. Untuk itulah, Negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia harus mampu menyesuaikan dirinya dalam persaingan global. Dalam kasus ini, bisa saja terjadi berakhirya Pancasila, seperti yang dikatakan Daniel Bell (1962) dalam tesisnya tentang akhir ideologi dan juga bahwa globalisasi membawa efek negatif yang tidak sedikit jlka kita tidak mernillki karakter bangsa yang kuat untuk menangkalnya, seperti pemahaman multikultural, kejujuran, taat hukum, adil, empati, pantang menyerah, dll. Pada era global village ini, Indonesia harus lebih memperhatikan bidang pendidikan, bukan sekedar memenuhi hak warga Negara akan tetapi juga untuk membangun karakter seperti yang digariskan dalam UU No 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistero Pendidikan Nasional yang salah satu tujuannya adalah pembanganan? &lt;hr&gt; &lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Pancasila, our belief system, is based on five diversity in unity philosophic principles. At the present, multi dimension of Indonesia crises more or less relate to the lack of values - the values of Pancasila which is sourced from good and great values of this nation - in the daily life of Indonesia citizen, e.g the high crimes number, police corruption, tax office corruption, moral degradation and others. It is because character education was ignored. Eventhough there was education process in the formal school, it was only a transfer of knowledge, not a transfer values. The worst is it never implemented in the true life because what is thought is difference from what is done. This situation could be worst in this globalization era. Globalization is source of rising living standard reaping the gains from trade, international investment, technological progress and global ideologizing. For this purpose, developing countries should make adjustment to increased competition and special efforts to eliminate ineqnality. In this case, it could be the end of Pancasila, like Daniell Bell (1962) said in his paper about the end of ideology and also globalization brings us more negative effect if we don have any strong nation character such as multicultural values, honesty, obey the law, justice, empathy for others, spirit for struggle, etc, In this global village era, Indonesia need to invest more in education not just to fulfill its peoples basic rights but also to provide their character that's noticed in Law No 20/2003 about National Education System, which is one of its aim is building a nation character that true belief and sacrifice for God, respect for human rights, enforcement of rule of law and implementation of the new form of civic education to develop smart and good citizens. As a metter of fact, there is nothing wrong with Pancasila. Seeing that fact, we? ;Pancasila, our belief system, is based on five diversity in unity philosophic principles. At the present, multi dimension of Indonesia crises more or less relate to the lack of values - the values of Pancasila which is sourced from good and great values of this nation - in the daily life of Indonesia citizen, e.g the high crimes number, police corruption, tax office corruption, moral degradation and others. It is because character education was ignored. Eventhough there was education process in the formal school, it was only a transfer of knowledge, not a transfer values. The worst is it never implemented in the true life because what is thought is difference from what is done. This situation could be worst in this globalization era. Globalization is source of rising living standard reaping the gains from trade, international investment, technological progress and global ideologizing. For this purpose, developing countries should make adjustment to increased competition and special efforts to eliminate ineqnality. In this case, it could be the end of Pancasila, like Daniell Bell (1962) said in his paper about the end of ideology and also globalization brings us more negative effect if we don have any strong nation character such as multicultural values, honesty, obey the law, justice, empathy for others, spirit for struggle, etc, In this global village era, Indonesia need to invest more in education not just to fulfill its peoples basic rights but also to provide their character that's noticed in Law No 20/2003 about National Education System, which is one of its aim is building a nation character that true belief and sacrifice for God, respect for human rights, enforcement of rule of law and implementation of the new form of civic education to develop smart and good citizens. As a metter of fact, there is nothing wrong with Pancasila. Seeing that fact, we? , Pancasila, our belief system, is based on five diversity in unity philosophic principles. At the present, multi dimension of Indonesia crises more or less relate to the lack of values - the values of Pancasila which is sourced from good and great values of this nation - in the daily life of Indonesia citizen, e.g the high crimes number, police corruption, tax office corruption, moral degradation and others. It is because character education was ignored. Eventhough there was education process in the formal school, it was only a transfer of knowledge, not a transfer values. The worst is it never implemented in the true life because what is thought is difference from what is done. This situation could be worst in this globalization era. Globalization is source of rising living standard reaping the gains from trade, international investment, technological progress and global ideologizing. For this purpose, developing countries should make adjustment to increased competition and special efforts to eliminate ineqnality. In this case, it could be the end of Pancasila, like Daniell Bell (1962) said in his paper about the end of ideology and also globalization brings us more negative effect if we don have any strong nation character such as multicultural values, honesty, obey the law, justice, empathy for others, spirit for struggle, etc, In this global village era, Indonesia need to invest more in education not just to fulfill its peoples basic rights but also to provide their character that's noticed in Law No 20/2003 about National Education System, which is one of its aim is building a nation character that true belief and sacrifice for God, respect for human rights, enforcement of rule of law and implementation of the new form of civic education to develop smart and good citizens. As a metter of fact, there is nothing wrong with Pancasila. Seeing that fact, we&#x2026; ]</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>20341727</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Yusuf Maretanto, author
Add author: Fadjari Iriani Sophiaan, supervisor
Add author: Ricardi S. Adnan, supervisor
Add author: Joko Kusnanto Anggoro, examiner
title Pendidikan karakter bangsa sebagai salah satu upaya revitalisasi pancasila = national character education as a way to revitalize pancasila
publishDate 2011
contents [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Pancasila, sebagai ideologi negara, berdasar kepada prinsip bhinneka tunggal ika. Kenyataan yang sekarang terjadi adalah adanya krisis multidimensi yang ditandai dengan lunturnya nilai-nilai Pancasila yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai luhur bangsa, dalam kahidupan sehari-hari kita, seperti meningkatnya kejahatan, korupsi, penyimpangan pajak, degradasi moral dan sehagainya. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya pengabaian pendidikan karakter. Meskipun dalam pendidikan formal terdapat proses pendidikan, akan tetapi itu hanya transfer pengetahuan saja, bukan transfer nilai. Lebih buruknya lagi, nilai-nilai ini tidak pernah diimplementasikan dalam keseharian kita. Situasi ini akan menjadi semakin gawat pada era globalisasi. Globalisasi ditandai dengan meningkatnya standar kehidupan investasi intemasional, kemajuan tekoologi dan ideologisasi global. Untuk itulah, Negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia harus mampu menyesuaikan dirinya dalam persaingan global. Dalam kasus ini, bisa saja terjadi berakhirya Pancasila, seperti yang dikatakan Daniel Bell (1962) dalam tesisnya tentang akhir ideologi dan juga bahwa globalisasi membawa efek negatif yang tidak sedikit jlka kita tidak mernillki karakter bangsa yang kuat untuk menangkalnya, seperti pemahaman multikultural, kejujuran, taat hukum, adil, empati, pantang menyerah, dll. Pada era global village ini, Indonesia harus lebih memperhatikan bidang pendidikan, bukan sekedar memenuhi hak warga Negara akan tetapi juga untuk membangun karakter seperti yang digariskan dalam UU No 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistero Pendidikan Nasional yang salah satu tujuannya adalah pembanganan? <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Pancasila, our belief system, is based on five diversity in unity philosophic principles. At the present, multi dimension of Indonesia crises more or less relate to the lack of values - the values of Pancasila which is sourced from good and great values of this nation - in the daily life of Indonesia citizen, e.g the high crimes number, police corruption, tax office corruption, moral degradation and others. It is because character education was ignored. Eventhough there was education process in the formal school, it was only a transfer of knowledge, not a transfer values. The worst is it never implemented in the true life because what is thought is difference from what is done. This situation could be worst in this globalization era. Globalization is source of rising living standard reaping the gains from trade, international investment, technological progress and global ideologizing. For this purpose, developing countries should make adjustment to increased competition and special efforts to eliminate ineqnality. In this case, it could be the end of Pancasila, like Daniell Bell (1962) said in his paper about the end of ideology and also globalization brings us more negative effect if we don have any strong nation character such as multicultural values, honesty, obey the law, justice, empathy for others, spirit for struggle, etc, In this global village era, Indonesia need to invest more in education not just to fulfill its peoples basic rights but also to provide their character that's noticed in Law No 20/2003 about National Education System, which is one of its aim is building a nation character that true belief and sacrifice for God, respect for human rights, enforcement of rule of law and implementation of the new form of civic education to develop smart and good citizens. As a metter of fact, there is nothing wrong with Pancasila. Seeing that fact, we? ;Pancasila, our belief system, is based on five diversity in unity philosophic principles. At the present, multi dimension of Indonesia crises more or less relate to the lack of values - the values of Pancasila which is sourced from good and great values of this nation - in the daily life of Indonesia citizen, e.g the high crimes number, police corruption, tax office corruption, moral degradation and others. It is because character education was ignored. Eventhough there was education process in the formal school, it was only a transfer of knowledge, not a transfer values. The worst is it never implemented in the true life because what is thought is difference from what is done. This situation could be worst in this globalization era. Globalization is source of rising living standard reaping the gains from trade, international investment, technological progress and global ideologizing. For this purpose, developing countries should make adjustment to increased competition and special efforts to eliminate ineqnality. In this case, it could be the end of Pancasila, like Daniell Bell (1962) said in his paper about the end of ideology and also globalization brings us more negative effect if we don have any strong nation character such as multicultural values, honesty, obey the law, justice, empathy for others, spirit for struggle, etc, In this global village era, Indonesia need to invest more in education not just to fulfill its peoples basic rights but also to provide their character that's noticed in Law No 20/2003 about National Education System, which is one of its aim is building a nation character that true belief and sacrifice for God, respect for human rights, enforcement of rule of law and implementation of the new form of civic education to develop smart and good citizens. As a metter of fact, there is nothing wrong with Pancasila. Seeing that fact, we? , Pancasila, our belief system, is based on five diversity in unity philosophic principles. At the present, multi dimension of Indonesia crises more or less relate to the lack of values - the values of Pancasila which is sourced from good and great values of this nation - in the daily life of Indonesia citizen, e.g the high crimes number, police corruption, tax office corruption, moral degradation and others. It is because character education was ignored. Eventhough there was education process in the formal school, it was only a transfer of knowledge, not a transfer values. The worst is it never implemented in the true life because what is thought is difference from what is done. This situation could be worst in this globalization era. Globalization is source of rising living standard reaping the gains from trade, international investment, technological progress and global ideologizing. For this purpose, developing countries should make adjustment to increased competition and special efforts to eliminate ineqnality. In this case, it could be the end of Pancasila, like Daniell Bell (1962) said in his paper about the end of ideology and also globalization brings us more negative effect if we don have any strong nation character such as multicultural values, honesty, obey the law, justice, empathy for others, spirit for struggle, etc, In this global village era, Indonesia need to invest more in education not just to fulfill its peoples basic rights but also to provide their character that's noticed in Law No 20/2003 about National Education System, which is one of its aim is building a nation character that true belief and sacrifice for God, respect for human rights, enforcement of rule of law and implementation of the new form of civic education to develop smart and good citizens. As a metter of fact, there is nothing wrong with Pancasila. Seeing that fact, we... ]
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