Analisis peran social media untuk membangkitkan engagement dalam membeli kembali suatu merek studi kasus social media campaign terhadap existing customers nissan = Analysis of social media role for generating an engagement towards customers desire to repurchase a brand case study social media campaign towards existing customers nissan / Daniel Fidelis Ganoto

Main Author: Daniel Fidelis Ganoto, author
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2013
Online Access: Daniel Fidelis Ganoto.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • <b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Social Media yang merupakan bagian dari Intergrated Marketing Communication (IMC) merupakan salah satu alternatif aktifitas marketing pada saat ini. Perkembangan social media yang sangat pesat, membuatnya saat ini sudah menjadi trend dan efektif karena mudah diukur serta budget yang relatif kecil dibandingkan print media (tradisional). Hal ini dikarenakan perkembangan teknologi dan juga tingkat edukasi dari konsumen di dalam membeli produk otomotif sudah sangat baik dan kritis. Untuk itu perlu adanya pengembangan komunikasi dalam dua arah yaitu antara produsen dan konsumen yang mana hal ini mampu membangkitkan engagement dalam membeli kembali suatu produk. Ada beberapa faktor yang menentukan di dalam menerapkan social media (twitter dan facebook) agar konsumen repurchase produk Nissan yaitu Product/ Message, Source-AISAS, Ad Execution-WOM, Brand Attitudes, dan Attitudes towards the Advertisement. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Social media is part of the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is an alternative marketing activities at this time. The development of social media very rapidly, making it now has become a trend and effective as easily measured as well as the budget is relatively small compared to the print media (traditional). This is because the development of technology and also the level of education of consumers to purchase of automotive products has been excellent and critical. For that we need the development of the two-way communication between producers and consumers in which it is able to generate engagement to repurchase a product. There are several factors that determine in applying social media (twitter and facebook) so that consumers repurchase the Nissan products which are Product / Message, Source- AISAS, Ad-WOM Execution, Brand Attitudes, and Attitudes towards the Advertisement.