Pembentukan Karakter Dalam Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Bagi Siswa Dalam Perspektif Ketahanan Individu(Studi Kasus Siswa Kelas XI SMAN 2 Tangerang Selatan) = Character Building in Civic Education for Students in Self-Resilience Perspective (Case Study on Student Year XI High School 2 South Tangerang)

Main Author: Marlisa Endah Nur Habsari, author
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2014
Online Access: Endah Nur Habsari.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Pendidikan kewarganegaraan (Civic Education) menurut Cogan & Derricott (1998) harus diajarkan secara sadar melalui sekolah, karena demokrasi tidak muncul secara alamiah. Oleh karena itu, untuk membangun dan mempertahankan lembaga demokrasi, sekolah harus mendidik generasi muda (young citizen) prinsip-prinsip dan praktik demokrasi (Bahmuller & Patrick, 1999). Berdasarkan pendapat-pendapat tersebut dapat dipahami pendidikan kewarganegaraan (civic education) mempunyai peranan penting untuk mempersiapkan warganegara untuk mendukung dan mengembangkan sistem politik yang demokratis. Tesis ini bertujuan melacak faktor determinan pembentuk karakter siswa dan mengevaluasi pelajaran pendidikan kewarganegaraan (PKN) ketercapaian tujuan kurikulum untuk membentuk karakter siswa dan ketahanan individu di SMAN 2 Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumen untuk memahami konteks riil di lapangan. Informan yang diteliti adalah delapan (8) siswa kelas XI, guru PKN, wakil kepala sekolah, dan guru BK. Hasil studi lapangan menunjukkan bahwa baik siswa dan guru menyadari pentingnya pelajaran PKN untuk memberi pemahaman bagaimana karakter warga negara yang baik dan mendorong kesadaran sikap akan ketahanan individu. Tes dan ujian sekolah sebagai tolok ukur pengetahuan siswa terhadap substansi PKN menunjukkan rata-rata hasil positif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa analisis teoritis yang didukung dengan studi lapangan di SMAN 2 Tangerang Selatan menunjukkan bahwa PKN ini mampu memberikan pengetahuan siswa tentang karakter ideal warga negara serta mendorong pemahaman siswa memiliki ketahanan individu melalui cara pandang dan sikap terhadap negara dan ATHG yang dihadapi Indonesia. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> According to Cogan & Derricott (1998), Citizenship or Civic Education must be intentionally taught through school because democracy does not emerge naturally. Therefore, to build and sustain democratic institutions, schools should educate young people (young citizens) the principles and practices of democracy (Bahmuller & Patrick, 1999). Based on these opinions, it can be emphasized that citizenship or civic education has an important role to prepare citizens to support and develop a democratic political system. This thesis aims to track the determinant factors of students? character formation and to evaluate civic education lesson (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan/PKN) outcome in accordance to curriculum objectives that attempt to build character and self-resilience of the students at SMAN 2 Tangerang Selatan. The methodology of this thesis is using a qualitative approach with a case study its research method. Data retrieval techniques using in-depth interviews, observation, and documents study to understand the real context in the field. Informants of this research comprised eight (8) students of class XI, PKN teachers, vice-principals, and Education Counselling (Bimbingan Konseling/BK) teachers. The results of field studies revealed that both students and teachers aware of the importance of PKN lesson that gives an understanding on how should the character of good citizens and encouraging an awareness to the attitudes of self-resilience. Tests and exams are indicators to measure level of students' comprehension on PKN materials and the result showed a positive correlation between test results and students? knowledge on character and self-resilience. It can be concluded that the theoretical analysis supported by a case study in SMAN 2 Tangerang, indicates PKN as being able to provide students with knowledge to the ideal character of the citizens and to encourage student comprehension on a self-resilience perspective and attitude towards the state and ATHG facing Indonesia, According to Cogan & Derricott (1998), Citizenship or Civic Education must be intentionally taught through school because democracy does not emerge naturally. Therefore, to build and sustain democratic institutions, schools should educate young people (young citizens) the principles and practices of democracy (Bahmuller & Patrick, 1999). Based on these opinions, it can be emphasized that citizenship or civic education has an important role to prepare citizens to support and develop a democratic political system. This thesis aims to track the determinant factors of students’ character formation and to evaluate civic education lesson (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan/PKN) outcome in accordance to curriculum objectives that attempt to build character and self-resilience of the students at SMAN 2 Tangerang Selatan. The methodology of this thesis is using a qualitative approach with a case study its research method. Data retrieval techniques using in-depth interviews, observation, and documents study to understand the real context in the field. Informants of this research comprised eight (8) students of class XI, PKN teachers, vice-principals, and Education Counselling (Bimbingan Konseling/BK) teachers. The results of field studies revealed that both students and teachers aware of the importance of PKN lesson that gives an understanding on how should the character of good citizens and encouraging an awareness to the attitudes of self-resilience. Tests and exams are indicators to measure level of students' comprehension on PKN materials and the result showed a positive correlation between test results and students’ knowledge on character and self-resilience. It can be concluded that the theoretical analysis supported by a case study in SMAN 2 Tangerang, indicates PKN as being able to provide students with knowledge to the ideal character of the citizens and to encourage student comprehension on a self-resilience perspective and attitude towards the state and ATHG facing Indonesia]