Faktor sustainability yang berhubungan dengan implementasi community mental health nursing (CMHN) di Jakarta Selatan dan Barat = Sustainability factor related with the implementation of the community mental health nursing (CMHN) in South and West Jakarta

Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia , 2014
Online Access: http://lib.ui.ac.id/file?file=digital/2015-9/20390099-T42410-Neng esti Winahayu.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • [Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor sustainability yang berhubungan dengan implementasi CMHN di Jakarta Selatan dan Barat. Metode penelitian menggunakan cross sectional dengan memberikan kuesioner pada perawat CMHN dan analisis data menggunakan korelasi pearson. Wawancara dilakukan pada stakeholder untuk mendapatkan persepsi stakeholder tentang faktor sustainability CMHN. Kemampuan perawat dalam implementasi CMHN 45,86%. Persepsi perawat terhadap faktor sustainability CMHN 67,49%. Hasil penelitian ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara faktor sustainability dengan implementasi CMHN. Analisis wawancara dengan stakeholder terhadap 8 faktor sustainability CMHN didapatkan tema yaitu pandangan positif stakeholder terhadap CMHN (asuhan keperawatan ke pasien, terdeteksinya kasus baru, mengurangi stigma) dan upaya untuk keberlangsungan CMHN (peningkatan wawasan, perencanaan anggaran, sosialisasi). Hasil penelitian ini direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa masyarakat di wilayah lain, The aim of the study was to determine the sustainability factor related with the implementation of CMHN in South and West Jakarta. The method of the study was using cross sectional study by the questionnaire to the nurse of CMHN and data analysis using pearson correlation. Interviews conducted on stakeholder to get stakeholder perception about the sustainability factor of CMHN. The ability of nurse in the implementation of CMHN is 45,86%. The nurse perception toward sustainability factor of CMHN is 67,49%. The result of study shows the significant relationship between the sustainability factor with the implementation of CMHN. The result of analysis interviews with the stakeholder about 8 sustainability factors is obtained into several themes: the positive opinion of stakeholder toward the CMHN (the existence of nursing care to the patients, detecting of new case, and reducing stigma) and the effort for the sustainability of CMHN (increasing the perception, budget planning, and socialization). The result of the study is recomended to improve the community mental health nursing service in other region.]