Pendidikan inklusif sekolah dasar bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus dalam perspektif ketahanan keluarga studi kasus keluarga dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus di SDSN Lebak Bulus 02 Jakarta Selatan = Elementary school inclusive education for children with special needs in the perspective of family resilience case study families with children with special needs in SDSN 02 Lebak Bulus South Jakarta

Main Author: Syarif Hidayatullah, author
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2015
Online Access: Hidayatullah.pdf
ctrlnum 20415015
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><title>Pendidikan inklusif sekolah dasar bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus dalam perspektif ketahanan keluarga studi kasus keluarga dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus di SDSN Lebak Bulus 02 Jakarta Selatan = Elementary school inclusive education for children with special needs in the perspective of family resilience case study families with children with special needs in SDSN 02 Lebak Bulus South Jakarta</title><creator>Syarif Hidayatullah, author</creator><type>Thesis:Masters</type><place/><publisher/><date>2015</date><description>[&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Kehadiran anak berkebutuhan khusus di tengah-tengah keluarga, telah membawa dampak kepada perubahan sikap, karakter, dan kondisi didalam keluarga. Ada keluarga yang dapat menerima karunia yang diberikan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, ada juga keluarga yang belum bisa menerima kehadiran mereka di tengah-tengah keluarga. Penelitian kualitatif ini mencoba untuk mengetahui bagaimana suatu keluarga dapat menerima kehadiran anak berkebutuhan khusus didalam keluarga, dan membangun ketahanan keluarga. Melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada informan kunci dan informan pendukung, diketahui bahwa keluarga yang memiliki anak berkebutuhan khusus, dukungan ketahanan keluarga penting sebagai modal dasar anak memasuki interaksi sosial yang lebih majemuk dan dinamika yang lebih komplek dengan tingkat tantangan dan hambatan yang lebih luas. Peran orang tua terhadap anak baik di rumah, di masyarakat maupun di lingkungan sekolah dalam memotivasi, membimbing dan menguatkan mental dan emosional menjadi suatu hal yang mutlak dilakukan demi meraih masa depan yang lebih baik. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebersamaan/kebersatuan keluarga (suami, istri, dan anak) diperlukan dalam menghadapi permasalahan dan mencari penanggulangannya. Ketahanan keluarga yang ada pada keluarga-keluarga anak berkebutuhan khusus tersebut memang masing-masing memiliki tingkatan kemantapan yang berbeda. Semakin besarnya keluarga menjalankan fungsi, peran dan tugasnya dalam mendukung, memenuhi kebutuhan dasar anaknya (pendidikan inklusif), maka pencapaian keberhasilan akan mudah di raih. Selain itu peranan lingkungan sosial masyarakat dan lingkungan sekolah ternyata memberikan dukungan yang positif terhadap keragaman dan saling menghargai perbedaan. &lt;hr&gt; &lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; The presence of children with special needs in the midst of the family, has an impact to change the attitude, character, and conditions within the family, there are families who can receive the gift given by God Almighty, there are also families who can not accept their presence in the middle family. Qualitative research is trying to determine how a family can accept the presence of children with special needs in the family, and build family resilience. Through observation and in-depth interviews with key informants and informant support, it is known that families who have children with special needs, build family resilience is the main factor to be prepared in the face of growth and development, social interaction, and to participate in inclusive education. Before, during follow and so on in the learning process, the support of family support is important as the capital of a child enters the social interaction that is more diverse and more complex dynamics at the level of the challenges and barriers to broader. Role of parents of children both at home, in the community and in the school environment to motivate, guide and strengthen the mental and emotional be an absolute thing done to achieve a better future. Conclusions from the study showed that togetherness / oneness family (husband, wife, and children) is required in dealing with problems and seek to overcome. Resilience families that exist in families of children with special needs are indeed each have different levels of stability. The growing family functioning, role and duties in favor, meet their basic needs (IE), the achievement of success will be easily in reach. Besides the role of the social environment and school environment turns giving positive support to diversity and mutual respect for differences., The presence of children with special needs in the midst of the family, has an impact to change the attitude, character, and conditions within the family, there are families who can receive the gift given by God Almighty, there are also families who can not accept their presence in the middle family. Qualitative research is trying to determine how a family can accept the presence of children with special needs in the family, and build family resilience. Through observation and in-depth interviews with key informants and informant support, it is known that families who have children with special needs, build family resilience is the main factor to be prepared in the face of growth and development, social interaction, and to participate in inclusive education. Before, during follow and so on in the learning process, the support of family support is important as the capital of a child enters the social interaction that is more diverse and more complex dynamics at the level of the challenges and barriers to broader. Role of parents of children both at home, in the community and in the school environment to motivate, guide and strengthen the mental and emotional be an absolute thing done to achieve a better future. Conclusions from the study showed that togetherness / oneness family (husband, wife, and children) is required in dealing with problems and seek to overcome. Resilience families that exist in families of children with special needs are indeed each have different levels of stability. The growing family functioning, role and duties in favor, meet their basic needs (IE), the achievement of success will be easily in reach. Besides the role of the social environment and school environment turns giving positive support to diversity and mutual respect for differences.]</description><subject>Disabilities -- Children</subject><subject>Inclusive education</subject><identifier>20415015</identifier><source> Hidayatullah.pdf</source><recordID>20415015</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Syarif Hidayatullah, author
title Pendidikan inklusif sekolah dasar bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus dalam perspektif ketahanan keluarga studi kasus keluarga dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus di SDSN Lebak Bulus 02 Jakarta Selatan = Elementary school inclusive education for children with special needs in the perspective of family resilience case study families with children with special needs in SDSN 02 Lebak Bulus South Jakarta
publishDate 2015
topic Disabilities -- Children
Inclusive education
url Hidayatullah.pdf
contents [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Kehadiran anak berkebutuhan khusus di tengah-tengah keluarga, telah membawa dampak kepada perubahan sikap, karakter, dan kondisi didalam keluarga. Ada keluarga yang dapat menerima karunia yang diberikan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, ada juga keluarga yang belum bisa menerima kehadiran mereka di tengah-tengah keluarga. Penelitian kualitatif ini mencoba untuk mengetahui bagaimana suatu keluarga dapat menerima kehadiran anak berkebutuhan khusus didalam keluarga, dan membangun ketahanan keluarga. Melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada informan kunci dan informan pendukung, diketahui bahwa keluarga yang memiliki anak berkebutuhan khusus, dukungan ketahanan keluarga penting sebagai modal dasar anak memasuki interaksi sosial yang lebih majemuk dan dinamika yang lebih komplek dengan tingkat tantangan dan hambatan yang lebih luas. Peran orang tua terhadap anak baik di rumah, di masyarakat maupun di lingkungan sekolah dalam memotivasi, membimbing dan menguatkan mental dan emosional menjadi suatu hal yang mutlak dilakukan demi meraih masa depan yang lebih baik. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebersamaan/kebersatuan keluarga (suami, istri, dan anak) diperlukan dalam menghadapi permasalahan dan mencari penanggulangannya. Ketahanan keluarga yang ada pada keluarga-keluarga anak berkebutuhan khusus tersebut memang masing-masing memiliki tingkatan kemantapan yang berbeda. Semakin besarnya keluarga menjalankan fungsi, peran dan tugasnya dalam mendukung, memenuhi kebutuhan dasar anaknya (pendidikan inklusif), maka pencapaian keberhasilan akan mudah di raih. Selain itu peranan lingkungan sosial masyarakat dan lingkungan sekolah ternyata memberikan dukungan yang positif terhadap keragaman dan saling menghargai perbedaan. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> The presence of children with special needs in the midst of the family, has an impact to change the attitude, character, and conditions within the family, there are families who can receive the gift given by God Almighty, there are also families who can not accept their presence in the middle family. Qualitative research is trying to determine how a family can accept the presence of children with special needs in the family, and build family resilience. Through observation and in-depth interviews with key informants and informant support, it is known that families who have children with special needs, build family resilience is the main factor to be prepared in the face of growth and development, social interaction, and to participate in inclusive education. Before, during follow and so on in the learning process, the support of family support is important as the capital of a child enters the social interaction that is more diverse and more complex dynamics at the level of the challenges and barriers to broader. Role of parents of children both at home, in the community and in the school environment to motivate, guide and strengthen the mental and emotional be an absolute thing done to achieve a better future. Conclusions from the study showed that togetherness / oneness family (husband, wife, and children) is required in dealing with problems and seek to overcome. Resilience families that exist in families of children with special needs are indeed each have different levels of stability. The growing family functioning, role and duties in favor, meet their basic needs (IE), the achievement of success will be easily in reach. Besides the role of the social environment and school environment turns giving positive support to diversity and mutual respect for differences., The presence of children with special needs in the midst of the family, has an impact to change the attitude, character, and conditions within the family, there are families who can receive the gift given by God Almighty, there are also families who can not accept their presence in the middle family. Qualitative research is trying to determine how a family can accept the presence of children with special needs in the family, and build family resilience. Through observation and in-depth interviews with key informants and informant support, it is known that families who have children with special needs, build family resilience is the main factor to be prepared in the face of growth and development, social interaction, and to participate in inclusive education. Before, during follow and so on in the learning process, the support of family support is important as the capital of a child enters the social interaction that is more diverse and more complex dynamics at the level of the challenges and barriers to broader. Role of parents of children both at home, in the community and in the school environment to motivate, guide and strengthen the mental and emotional be an absolute thing done to achieve a better future. Conclusions from the study showed that togetherness / oneness family (husband, wife, and children) is required in dealing with problems and seek to overcome. Resilience families that exist in families of children with special needs are indeed each have different levels of stability. The growing family functioning, role and duties in favor, meet their basic needs (IE), the achievement of success will be easily in reach. Besides the role of the social environment and school environment turns giving positive support to diversity and mutual respect for differences.]
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