Tinjauan hukum perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat - Sarawak dan kaitannya dengan kerjasama ASEAN free trade area = Implication of asean free trade area on border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak border region

Main Author: Fatma Muthia Kinanti, author
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia , 2015
Online Access: http://lib.ui.ac.id/file?file=digital/2016-3/20415088-T44318-Fatma Muthia Kinanti.pdf
ctrlnum 20415088
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><title>Tinjauan hukum perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat - Sarawak dan kaitannya dengan kerjasama ASEAN free trade area = Implication of asean free trade area on border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak border region</title><creator>Fatma Muthia Kinanti, author</creator><type>Thesis:Masters</type><place/><publisher>Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia</publisher><date>2015</date><description>[Masyarakat di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat &#x2013; Sarawak telah lama melakukan kegiatan perdagangan lintas batas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari yang kemudian diformalkan dalam bentuk perjanjian bilateral Border Trade Agreement tahun 1970. Pergeseran paradigma ekonomi di wilayah ini menyebabkan berubahnya kepentingan perdagangan lintas batas dari semula bersifat tradisional, hingga kini lebih mirip dengan perdagangan internasional. Sayangnya, potensi ini tidak diakomodasi dengan peraturan hukum yang baik serta sarana dan prasarana yang mapan. Alhasil, kegiatan ekonomi di wilayah perbatasan ini tidak berjalan dengan baik. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 memberikan mandat untuk mendorong liberalisasi perdagangan dengan tujuan meningkatkan perdagangan intra-ASEAN. Perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan merupakan salah satu kegiatan utama dari konsep free flow of good dalam perdagangan bebas. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan untuk memberikan analisa terkait implikasi penerapan AFTA dengan bentuk perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan saat ini dan kebijakan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah dalam usaha peningkatan perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat &#x2013; Sarawak. Ditemukan bahwa liberalisasi perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan akan mendorong integrasi ekonomi regional ASEAN. Pemerintah Indonesia telah berlaku aktif dalam peningkatan perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat &#x2013; Sarawak dengan ikut serta dalam kerjasama subregional ASEAN dan mengimplementasikkannya ke dalam peraturan nasional.;Communities in the border region of West Kalimantan - Sarawak has long been conducting border trade to meet their daily needs which are then formalized in the form of Border Trade Agreement in 1970. The shifting economic paradigm in this region led to changes in the interest of border trade from a traditional trade to a more formal international trade. Unfortunately, this potential is not accommodated with legal regulations as well as established infrastructures and facilities. As a result, economic activity in the border region is not going well. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 provides a mandate to promote trade liberalization with the aim of increasing intra-ASEAN trade. Border trade is one of the main activities of the free flow of good concept in free trade. This study will be conducted to provide analysis related to the implications of the of AFTA to border trade in this border region, and policies of the central government and local governments in the efforts to increase border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak. It was found that the liberalization of border trade will encourage regional economic integration of ASEAN. The Government of Indonesia has been active in the improvement of border trade in border areas of West Kalimantan - Sarawak by participate in the ASEAN sub-regional cooperation and implement it into national legislation., Communities in the border region of West Kalimantan - Sarawak has long been conducting border trade to meet their daily needs which are then formalized in the form of Border Trade Agreement in 1970. The shifting economic paradigm in this region led to changes in the interest of border trade from a traditional trade to a more formal international trade. Unfortunately, this potential is not accommodated with legal regulations as well as established infrastructures and facilities. As a result, economic activity in the border region is not going well. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 provides a mandate to promote trade liberalization with the aim of increasing intra-ASEAN trade. Border trade is one of the main activities of the free flow of good concept in free trade. This study will be conducted to provide analysis related to the implications of the of AFTA to border trade in this border region, and policies of the central government and local governments in the efforts to increase border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak. It was found that the liberalization of border trade will encourage regional economic integration of ASEAN. The Government of Indonesia has been active in the improvement of border trade in border areas of West Kalimantan - Sarawak by participate in the ASEAN sub-regional cooperation and implement it into national legislation.]</description><subject>Trade</subject><identifier>20415088</identifier><source>http://lib.ui.ac.id/file?file=digital/2016-3/20415088-T44318-Fatma Muthia Kinanti.pdf</source><recordID>20415088</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Fatma Muthia Kinanti, author
title Tinjauan hukum perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat - Sarawak dan kaitannya dengan kerjasama ASEAN free trade area = Implication of asean free trade area on border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak border region
publisher Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia
publishDate 2015
topic Trade
url http://lib.ui.ac.id/file?file=digital/2016-3/20415088-T44318-Fatma Muthia Kinanti.pdf
contents [Masyarakat di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat – Sarawak telah lama melakukan kegiatan perdagangan lintas batas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari yang kemudian diformalkan dalam bentuk perjanjian bilateral Border Trade Agreement tahun 1970. Pergeseran paradigma ekonomi di wilayah ini menyebabkan berubahnya kepentingan perdagangan lintas batas dari semula bersifat tradisional, hingga kini lebih mirip dengan perdagangan internasional. Sayangnya, potensi ini tidak diakomodasi dengan peraturan hukum yang baik serta sarana dan prasarana yang mapan. Alhasil, kegiatan ekonomi di wilayah perbatasan ini tidak berjalan dengan baik. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 memberikan mandat untuk mendorong liberalisasi perdagangan dengan tujuan meningkatkan perdagangan intra-ASEAN. Perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan merupakan salah satu kegiatan utama dari konsep free flow of good dalam perdagangan bebas. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan untuk memberikan analisa terkait implikasi penerapan AFTA dengan bentuk perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan saat ini dan kebijakan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah dalam usaha peningkatan perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat – Sarawak. Ditemukan bahwa liberalisasi perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan akan mendorong integrasi ekonomi regional ASEAN. Pemerintah Indonesia telah berlaku aktif dalam peningkatan perdagangan lintas batas di wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat – Sarawak dengan ikut serta dalam kerjasama subregional ASEAN dan mengimplementasikkannya ke dalam peraturan nasional.;Communities in the border region of West Kalimantan - Sarawak has long been conducting border trade to meet their daily needs which are then formalized in the form of Border Trade Agreement in 1970. The shifting economic paradigm in this region led to changes in the interest of border trade from a traditional trade to a more formal international trade. Unfortunately, this potential is not accommodated with legal regulations as well as established infrastructures and facilities. As a result, economic activity in the border region is not going well. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 provides a mandate to promote trade liberalization with the aim of increasing intra-ASEAN trade. Border trade is one of the main activities of the free flow of good concept in free trade. This study will be conducted to provide analysis related to the implications of the of AFTA to border trade in this border region, and policies of the central government and local governments in the efforts to increase border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak. It was found that the liberalization of border trade will encourage regional economic integration of ASEAN. The Government of Indonesia has been active in the improvement of border trade in border areas of West Kalimantan - Sarawak by participate in the ASEAN sub-regional cooperation and implement it into national legislation., Communities in the border region of West Kalimantan - Sarawak has long been conducting border trade to meet their daily needs which are then formalized in the form of Border Trade Agreement in 1970. The shifting economic paradigm in this region led to changes in the interest of border trade from a traditional trade to a more formal international trade. Unfortunately, this potential is not accommodated with legal regulations as well as established infrastructures and facilities. As a result, economic activity in the border region is not going well. ASEAN Economic Community 2015 provides a mandate to promote trade liberalization with the aim of increasing intra-ASEAN trade. Border trade is one of the main activities of the free flow of good concept in free trade. This study will be conducted to provide analysis related to the implications of the of AFTA to border trade in this border region, and policies of the central government and local governments in the efforts to increase border trade in West Kalimantan - Sarawak. It was found that the liberalization of border trade will encourage regional economic integration of ASEAN. The Government of Indonesia has been active in the improvement of border trade in border areas of West Kalimantan - Sarawak by participate in the ASEAN sub-regional cooperation and implement it into national legislation.]
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