Analisis penerapan kebijakan open access pada jaringan pipa distribusi gas bumi Indonesia = Analysis of the implementation of open access policies in Indonesia natural gas distribution pipelines / Windy Hapsari Oktafianti

Main Author: Windy Hapsari Oktafianti, author
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2015
Online Access: Hapsari Oktafianti.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Melimpahnya cadangan gas bumi Indonesia merupakan peluang bagi optimasi pemanfaatan gas bumi sebagai modal pembangunan bangsa dan peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat dari sektor energi. Namun peluang ini juga dihadapkan pada tantangan yang tidak mudah. Minimnya infrastruktur jaringan pipa, merupakan salah satu tantangan utama yang harus dapat dipecahkan dalam mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan gas bumi. Semakin tingginya harga minyak dunia saat ini pun menjadi dorongan kuat bagi peningkatan peranan gas bumi sebagai substitusi BBM yang dapat menjadi modal pembangunan keunggulan daya saing nasional dan ketahanan energi. Untuk mendorong pengembangan jaringan infrastruktur serta menciptakan iklim investasi dan persaingan usaha yang sehat dalam industri gas bumi nasional, pemerintah kemudian mengeluarkan kebijakan pemanfaatan bersama (open access) jaringan pipa transmisi dan distribusi gas bumi. Namun sejak ditetapkan hingga saat ini, open access jaringan pipa gas bumi baru dapat terlaksana pada jaringan pipa transmisi saja, sedangkan pada jaringan pipa distribusi, kebijakan ini belum dapat diterapkan. Belajar dari negara yang telah menerapkan kebijakan open access, ditemukan bahwa pelaksanaan kebijakan ini tidak dapat diterapkan dengan serta merta, tetapi memerlukan kondisi prasyarat yang harus dipenuhi terlebih dahulu. Kondisi Indonesia saat ini masih dalam proses pembangunan dan pemenuhan kondisi prasyarat tersebut. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> The abundance of natural gas reserves of Indonesia is an opportunity for optimization of the utilization of natural gas as the nation's capital construction and improvement of public welfare of the energy sector. However, these opportunities are also faced with challenges that are not easy. The lack of pipeline infrastructure, is one of the major challenges that must be solved in order to optimize the utilization of natural gas. Increasingly high oil prices is now also become a strong impetus for the enhancement of the role of natural gas as a fuel substitute that can be a capital construction of excellence national competitiveness and energi security. To encourage the development of network infrastructure and strengthening the investment climate and fair competition in the gas industri nationwide, the government issued a policy of open access to natural gas transmission and distribution pipelines. But since assigned, open access can only be implemented in the course of transmission pipelines, while in the distribution pipeline network, this policy can not be implemented. Learn from countries that have implemented open access policy, it was found that the implementation of open access policies can not be implemented immediately, but requires a prerequisite condition that must be met first. Indonesia's current condition is still in the process of development and the fulfillment of the conditions precedent, The abundance of natural gas reserves of Indonesia is an opportunity for optimization of the utilization of natural gas as the nation's capital construction and improvement of public welfare of the energy sector. However, these opportunities are also faced with challenges that are not easy. The lack of pipeline infrastructure, is one of the major challenges that must be solved in order to optimize the utilization of natural gas. Increasingly high oil prices is now also become a strong impetus for the enhancement of the role of natural gas as a fuel substitute that can be a capital construction of excellence national competitiveness and energi security. To encourage the development of network infrastructure and strengthening the investment climate and fair competition in the gas industri nationwide, the government issued a policy of open access to natural gas transmission and distribution pipelines. But since assigned, open access can only be implemented in the course of transmission pipelines, while in the distribution pipeline network, this policy can not be implemented. Learn from countries that have implemented open access policy, it was found that the implementation of open access policies can not be implemented immediately, but requires a prerequisite condition that must be met first. Indonesia's current condition is still in the process of development and the fulfillment of the conditions precedent]