Proporsi abnormalitas sitologi anus dan hubungannya dengan Coitarche, kekerapan hubungan seksual Anal Receptive dan infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus pada laki-laki yang berhubungan seksual dengan laki-laki = Proportion of anal cytology abnormality and the corellation between Coitarche frequency of Anal Receptive intercourse and Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection in men who have sex with men

Main Authors: Imelda Riana Permata Sari Putri Wihadi, author, Add author: Sandra Widaty, supervisor, Add author: Sirait, Sondang Aemilia Panjaitan, supervisor, Add author: Lisnawati, supervisor, Add author: Kusmarinah Bramono, examiner, Add author: Wresti Indriatmi, examiner, Add author: Lili Legiawati, examiner
Format: Bachelors
Terbitan: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2015
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